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Star Wars rajongói oldal!

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2006-04-15 21:16:34

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2006-08-28 12:16:50

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...



Revised Third Draft

Last Revision
JANUARY 4, 1982

Special Edition Scenes


A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the main
title. War drums echo through the heavens as a rollup 
slowly crawls into infinity.

Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt.

Little does Luke know that the GALACTIC EMPIRE has secretly begun construction on a new armored space station even more powerful than the first dreaded Death Star.

When completed, this ultimate weapon will spell certain doom for the small band of Rebels struggling to restore freedom to the galaxy...

PAN DOWN to reveal a monstrous half-completed Death Star, its
massive superstructure curling away from the completed section
like the arms of a giant octopus. Beyond, in benevolent contrast,
floats the small, green moon of ENDOR.

An Imperial Star Destroyer moves overhead toward the massive
armored space station, followed by two zipping TIE fighters. A
small Imperial shuttle rockets from the main bay of the ship and
hustles toward the Death Star.


The shuttle captain makes contact with the Death Star.

SHUTTLE CAPTAIN: Command station, this is ST 321. Code
Clearance Blue. We're starting our approach. Deactivate 
the security shield.

DEATH STAR CONTROLLER: (filtered VO) The security deflector 
shield will be deactivated when we have confirmation of your 
code transmission. Stand by... You are clear to proceed.

SHUTTLE CAPTAIN: We're starting our approach.


Operators move about among the control panels. A SHIELD OPERATOR
hits switches beside a large screen, on which is a display of the
Death Star, the moon Endor, and a bright web delineating the
invisible deflector shield.

A control officer rushes over to the shield operator.

OFFICER: Inform the commander that Lord Vader's
shuttle has arrived.

OPERATOR: Yes, sir.

The control officer moves to a view port and watches as the
Imperial shuttle lands in the massive docking bay. A squad of
Imperial stormtroopers moves into formation before the craft.


technocrat, strides through the assembled troops to the base of
the shuttle ramp. The troops snap to attention; many are uneasy
about the new arrival. But the Death Star commander stands
arrogantly tall.

The exit hatch of the shuttle opens with a WHOOSH, revealing only
this black void appears DARTH VADER, LORD OF THE SITH. Vader
looks over the assemblage as he walks down the ramp.

JERJERROD: Lord Vader, this is an unexpected pleasure.
We're honored by your presence.

VADER: You may dispense with the pleasantries,
Commander. I'm here to put you back on schedule.

The commander turns ashen and begins to shake.

JERJERROD: I assure you, Lord Vader, my men are working
as fast as they can.

VADER: Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate 

JERJERROD: I tell you, this station will be operational
as planned.

VADER: The Emperor does not share your optimistic 
appraisal of the situation.

JERJERROD: But he asks the impossible. I need more men.

VADER: Then perhaps you can tell him when he arrives.

JERJERROD: (aghast) The Emperor's coming here?

VADER: That is correct, Commander. And he is most
displeased with your apparent lack of progress.

JERJERROD: We shall double our efforts.

VADER: I hope so, Commander, for your sake. The
Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.


A lonely, windswept road meanders through the desolate Tatooine
terrain. We HEAR a familiar BEEPING and a distinctive reply
before catching sight of ARTOO-DETOO and SEE-THREEPIO, making
their way along the road toward the ominous palace of Jabba the

THREEPIO: Of course I'm worried. And you should be, too. 
Lando Calrissian and poor Chewbacca never returned from 
this awful place.

Artoo whistles timidly.

THREEPIO: Don't be so sure. If I told you half the things 
I've heard about this Jabba the Hutt, You'd probably 

The two droids fearfully approach the massive gate to the palace.

THREEPIO: Artoo, are you sure this is the right place?
I better knock, I suppose.


Threepio looks around for some kind of signaling device, then
timidly knocks on the iron door.

THREEPIO: (instantly) There doesn't seem to be anyone 
there. Let's go back and tell Master Luke.

A small hatch in the middle of the door opens and a spidery
mechanical arm, with a large electronic eyeball on the end, pops
out and inspects the two droids.

STRANGE VOICE: Tee chuta hhat yudd!

THREEPIO: Goodness gracious me!

Threepio points to Artoo, then to himself.

THREEPIO: Artoo Detoowha bo Seethreepiowha ey toota odd
mischka Jabba du Hutt.

The eye looks from one robot to the other, there is a laugh then
the eye zips back into the door. The hatch slams shut. Artoo
beeps his concern.

THREEPIO:  I don't think they're going to let us in,
Artoo. We'd better go.

Artoo beeps his reluctance as Threepio turns to leave. Suddenly
the massive door starts to rise with a horrific metallic SCREECH.
The robots turn back and face an endless black cavity. The droids
look at one another, afraid to enter.

Artoo starts forward into the gloom. Threepio rushes after his
stubby companion. The door lowers noisily behind them.

THREEPIO: Artoo, wait. Oh, dear! Artoo. Artoo, I really
don't think we should rush into all this.

Artoo continues down the corridor, with Threepio following.

THREEPIO: Oh, Artoo!  Artoo, wait for me!


The door slams shut with a loud crash that echoes throughout the
dark passageway. The frightened robots are met by two giant,
green GAMORREAN GUARDS, who fall in behind them. Threepio glances
quickly back at the two lumbering brutes, then back to Artoo. One
guard grunts an order. Artoo beeps nervously.

THREEPIO: Just you deliver Master Luke's message and
get us out of here. Oh my! Oh! Oh, no.

Walking toward them out of the darkness is BIB FORTUNA, a
humanlike alien with long tentacles protruding from his skull.

BIB: Die Wanna Wanga!

THREEPIO: Oh, my! Die Wanna Wauaga. We -- we bring a
message to your master, Jabba the Hutt.

Artoo lets out a series of quick beeps.

THREEPIO: (cont) ...and a gift. (thinks a moment, then 
to Artoo) Gift, what gift?

Bib shakes his head negatively.

BIB: Nee Jabba no badda. Me chaade su goodie.

Bib holds out his hand toward Artoo and the tiny droid backs up a
bit, letting out a protesting array of squeaks. Threepio turns to
the strange-looking alien.

THREEPIO: He says that our instructions are to give it
only to Jabba himself.

Bib thinks about this for a moment.

THREEPIO: I'm terribly sorry. I'm afraid he's ever so
stubborn about these sort of things.

Bib gestures for the droids to follow.

BIB: Nudd Chaa.

The droids follow the tall, tentacled alien into the darkness,
trailed by the two guards.

THREEPIO: Artoo, I have a bad feeling about this.


The throne room is filled with the vilest, most grotesque
CREATURES ever conceived in the universe. Artoo and Threepio seem
very small as they pause in the doorway to the dimly lit chamber.
Light shafts partially illuminate the drunken courtiers as Bib
Fortuna crosses the room to the platform upon which rests the
leader of this nauseating crowd: JABBA THE HUTT. The monarch of
the galactic underworld is a repulsive blob of bloated fat with a
maniacal grin. Chained to the horrible creature is the beautiful
alien female dancer named OOLA. At the foot of the dais sits an
obnoxious birdlike creature, SALACIOUS CRUMB. Bib whispers
something in the slobbering degenerate's ear. Jabba laughs
horribly, at the two terrified droids before him. Threepio bows

THREEPIO: Good morning.

JABBA: Bo Shuda!

The robots jump forward to stand before the repulsive, loose-
skinned villain.

THREEPIO: The message, Artoo, the message.

Artoo whistles, and a beam of light projects from his domed head,
creating a HOLOGRAM of LUKE on the floor. The image grows to over
ten feet tall, and the young Jedi towers over the space

LUKE: Greetings, Exalted One. Allow me to introduce
myself. I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and friend 
to Captain Solo. I know that you are powerful, mighty 
Jabba, and that your anger with Solo must be equally 
powerful. I seek anaudience with Your Greatness to 
bargain for Solo's life. (Jabba's crowd laughs) With 
your wisdom, I'm sure that we can work out an 
arrangement which will be mutually beneficial and 
enable us to avoid any unpleasant confrontation. As a 
token of my goodwill, I present to you a gift: these 
two droids.

Threepio is startled by this announcement.

THREEPIO: What did he say?

LUKE: (cont) ...Both are hardworking and will serve you

THREEPIO: This can't be! Artoo, you're playing the
wrong message.

Luke's hologram disappears.

Jabba laughs while Bib speaks to him in Huttese.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) There will be no bargain.

THREEPIO: We're doomed.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) I will not give up my 
favorite decoration. I like Captain Solo where he is.

Jabba laughs hideously and looks toward an alcove beside the
throne. Hanging high, flat against the wall, exactly as we saw
him last, is a carbonized HAN SOLO.

THREEPIO: Artoo, look! Captain Solo. And he's still
frozen in carbonite.


One of Jabba's Gamorrean guards marches Artoo and Threepio down a
dank, shadowy passageway lined with holding cells. The cries of
unspeakable creatures bounce off the cold stone walls.
Occasionally a repulsive arm or tentacle grabs through the bars
at the hapless droids. Artoo beeps pitifully.

THREEPIO:  What could possibly have come over Master
Luke. Is it something I did? He never expressed any 
unhappiness with my work. Oh! Oh! Hold it! Ohh!

A large tentacle wraps around Threepio's neck. He manages to
break free, and they move on to a door at the end of the


The door slides open, revealing a room filled with steam and
noisy machinery. The guard motions them into the boiler room,
where they are met by a tall, thin humanlike robot named EV-9D9
(EVE-NINEDENINE). Behind the robot can be seen a torture rack
pulling the legs off a screaming baby work droid. A second
power droid is upside down.  As smoking branding irons are
pressed into his feet, the stubby robot lets out an agonized
electronic scream. Artoo and Threepio cringe as the guard grunts
to EV-9D9.

NINEDENINE: Ah, good. New acquisitions. You are a
protocol droid, are you not?

THREEPIO: I am See-Threepio, human-cy...

NINEDENINE: Yes or no will do.

THREEPIO: Oh. Well, yes.

NINEDENINE: How many languages do you speak?

THREEPIO: I am fluent in over six million forms of
communication, and can readily...

NINEDENINE: Splendid! We have been without an interpreter
since our master got angry with our last protocol droid 
and disintegrated him.

THREEPIO: Disintegrated?

NINEDENINE: (to a Gamorrean guard) Guard! This protocol 
droid might be useful. Fit him with a restraining bolt 
and take him back to His Excellency's main audience

The guard shoves Threepio toward the door.

THREEPIO: (disappearing) Artoo, don't leave me! Ohhh!

Artoo lets out a plaintive cry as the door closes. Then he beeps

NINEDENINE: You're a feisty little one, but you'll soon
learn some respect. I have need for you on the master's 
Sail Barge. And I think you'll fit in nicely.

The poor work droid in the background lets out another tortured
electronic scream.


The court of Jabba the Hutt is in the midst of a drunken, raucous
party. Sloppy, smelly monsters cheer and make rude noises as Oola
and a fat, six-breasted female dancer perform in front of Jabba's
throne. Jabba's alien band plays a wildly rhythmic tune on reeds,
drums, and other exotic instruments. The Hutt rocks and swings in
time with the music and toys with Oola's leash. The song comes to a
close and the audience applauds.

JABBA: Ah! Do that again!

BAND MEMBERS: One, two, three! Go, daddy, go! One, two,

The music swells. Oola and the fat female dancer perform as the alien
band rocks. Jabba leers at the dancers and with a lustful gleam in
his eye beckons Oola to come and sit with him. She stops dancing and
backs away, shaking her head. Jabba gets angry and points to a spot
next to him. Oola continues to protest and pull back against the tout

JABBA: Da Eitha!

The lovely alien shakes her head again and screams.

OOLA: Na Chuba negatorie Na! Na! Natoota...

Jabba is furious and pulls her toward him, tugging on the chain.

JABBA: Boscka!

He pushes a button and, before the dancer can flee, a trap door
in the floor springs open and swallows her up. As the door snaps
shut, a muffled growl is followed by a hideous scream. Jabba and
his monstrous friends laugh hysterically and several revelers
hurry over to watch her fate through a grate. Oola tumbles down a
chute and sprawls on the floor of the Rancor cage.

Threepio cringes and glances wistfully at the carbonite form of
Han Solo, but is immediately distracted by a gunshot offscreen.
An unnatural quiet sweeps the boisterous gathering. On the far
side of the room, the crush of debauchers moves aside to allow
the approach of two guards followed by BOUSHH, an oddly cloaked
bounty hunter, leading his captive, Han Solo's copilot, CHEWBACCA

Bib takes his place next to his disgusting master, and whispers
into his ear, pointing at Chewbacca and the bounty hunter. Jabba
listens intently, then the bounty hunter bows before the gangster
and speaks a greeting in a strange, electronically processed
tongue (Ubese).

BOUSHH: (in Ubese subtitled) I have come for the 
bounty on this Wookiee.

THREEPIO: Oh, no! Chewbacca!

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) At last we have the 
mighty Chewbacca.

Jabba lets out a loud, long, blood-curdling laugh and turns to
Threepio, waving him closer. The reluctant droid obeys.

THREEPIO: Oh, uh, yes, uh, I am here, Your
Worshipfulness. Uh... yes!

Jabba continues speaking, as Threepio nervously translates.
Boushh listens, studying the dangerous creatures around the room.
He notices BOBA FETT standing near the door.

THREEPIO: Oh. The illustrious Jabba bids you welcome
and will gladly pay you the reward of twenty-five 

BOUSHH: (in Ubese subtitled) I want fifty thousand. 
No less.

Jabba immediately flies into a rage, knocking the golden droid
off the raised throne into a clattering heap on the floor. Boushh
adjusts his weapon as Jabba raves in Huttese and Threepio
struggles back onto the throne. The disheveled droid tries to
compose himself.

THREEPIO: Uh, oh... but what, what did I say? (to 
Boushh) Uh, the mighty Jabba asks why he must pay
fifty thousand.

The bounty hunter holds up a small silver ball in his hand.
Threepio looks at it, then looks at Jabba, then back to the
bounty hunter. The droid is very nervous and Jabba is getting
very impatient.

THREEPIO: Because he's holding a thermal detonator.

The guards instantly back away, as do most of the other monsters
in the room. Jabba stares at the silver ball, which begins to
glow in the bounty hunter's hand. The room has fallen into a
tense hush. Jabba stares at the bounty hunter malevolently until
a sly grin creeps across his vast mouth and he begins to laugh.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) This bounty hunter is 
my kind of scum. Fearless and inventive.

Jabba continues.

THREEPIO: Jabba offers the sum of thirty-five. And I
suggest you take it.

Bib and the other monsters study the bounty hunter and wait for
his reaction. Boushh releases a switch on the thermal detonator
and it goes dead.

BOUSHH: Zeebuss.

THREEPIO: He agrees!

The raucous crowd of monsters erupts in a symphony of cheers and
applause as the party returns to its full noisy pitch. Chewbacca
growls. As he is led away we spot LANDO CALRISSIAN, disguised as
a skiff guard in a partial face mask. The band starts up and
dancing girls take the center of the floor, to the hoots of the
loudly appreciative creatures.

Boushh leans against a column with gunfighter cool and surveys
the scene, his gaze stopping only when it connects with a glare
from across the room. Boba Fett is watching him. Boushh shifts
slightly, cradling his weapon lovingly. Boba Fett shifts with
equally ominous arrogance.


Gamorrean guards lead Chewie down the same hallway we saw before.
When a tentacle reaches out at the Wookiee, Chewie's ferocious
ROAR echoes against the walls and the tentacle snaps back into
its cell in terror. It takes all the guards to hurl Chewie
roughly into a cell, slamming the door behind him. Chewie lets
out a pathetic howl and bangs on the iron door.


The palace is sitting in the light of the double sunset. On the
road in front, a large toadlike creature flicks its tongue out
for a desert rodent and burps in satisfaction.


Silence. The room is deserted, only the awful debris of the alien
celebration giving mute witness to the activity here before.
Several drunk creatures lie unconscious around the room, snoring

A shadowy figure moves stealthily among the columns at the
perimeter of the room and is revealed to be Boushh, the bounty
hunter. He picks his way carefully through the snoring, drunken

Han Solo, the frozen space pirate, hangs spotlighted on the wall,
his coffin-like case suspended by a force field. The bounty
hunter deactivates the force field by flipping a control switch
to one side of the coffin. The heavy case slowly lowers to the
floor of the alcove.

Boushh steps up to the case, studying Han, then turns to the
controls on the side of the coffin. He activates a series of
switches and, after one last, hesitant look at Han, slides the
decarbonization lever. The case begins to emit a sound as the
hard shell covering the contours of Han's face begins to melt
away. The bounty hunter watches as Han's body is freed of its
metallic coat and his forearms and hands, previously raised in
reflexive protest, drop slackly to his side. His face muscles
relax from their mask of horror. He appears quite dead.

Boushh's ugly helmet leans close to Han's face listening for the
breath of life. Nothing. He waits. Han's eyes pop open with a
start and he begins coughing. The bounty hunter steadies the
staggering newborn.

BOUSHH: Just relax for a moment. You're free of the

Han touches his face with his hand and moans.

BOUSHH: Shhh. You have hibernation sickness.

HAN: I can't see.

BOUSHH: Your eyesight will return in time.

HAN: Where am I?

BOUSHH: Jabba's palace.

HAN: Who are you?

The bounty hunter reaches up and lifts the helmet from his head,
revealing the beautiful face of PRINCESS LEIA.

LEIA: Someone who loves you.

HAN: Leia!

LEIA: I gotta get you out of here.

As Leia helps her weakened lover to stand up, the relative quiet
is pierced by an obscene HUTTESE CACKLE from the other side of
the alcove.

HAN: What's that? I know that laugh.

The curtain on the far side of the alcove opens, revealing Jabba
the Hutt, surrounded by Bib and other aliens. He laughs again,
and his gross cronies join in a cacophony of alien glee.

HAN: Hey, Jabba. Look, Jabba, I was just on my way
to pay you back, but I got a little sidetracked. 
It's not my fault.

Jabba laughs.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) It's too late for 
that, Solo. You may have been a good smuggler, but 
now you're Bantha fodder.

HAN: Look...

JABBA: (cont Huttese subtitled) Take him away!

The guards grab Han and start to lead him away.

HAN: Jabba... I'll pay you triple! You're throwing
away a fortune here. Don't be a fool!

Han is dragged off, as Lando quickly moves forward and attempts
to lead Leia away.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) Bring her to me.

Jabba chuckles as Lando and a second guard drag the beautiful
young princess toward him. Threepio peeks from behind a monster
and quickly turns away in disgust.

LEIA: We have powerful friends. You're gonna regret

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) I'm sure.

Inexorably her lovely face moves to within a few inches of
Jabba's ugly blob of a head, and Leia turns away in disgust.

LEIA: Ugh!

THREEPIO: Ohhh, I can't bear to watch.


The heavy metal door of the dungeon whines and slowly creaks
open. A guard throws the blinded star captain into the dark cell
and the door slams shut behind him, leaving only a thin sliver of
light from a crack in the door. Han is trying to collect himself
when suddenly a growl is heard from the far side of the cell. He
jumps back against the cell door and listens.

HAN: Chewie? Chewie, is that you?

The shadowy figure lets out a crazy yell and races toward Han,
lifting him off the ground with a big hug that carries them into
the light, revealing Chewie.

HAN: Ah! Chew--Chewie!

The giant Wookiee barks with glee.

HAN: Wait. I can't see, pal. What's goin' on?

Chewie barks an excited blue streak.

HAN: Luke? Luke's crazy. He can't even take care
of himself, much less rescue anybody.

Chewie barks a reply.

HAN: A ...Jedi Knight? I--I'm out of it for a
little while, everybody gets delusions of

Chewie growls insistently. He holds Han to his chest and pets his

HAN: I'm all right, pal. I'm all right.


Noisily, the main gate lifts to flood the blackness with blinding
LIGHT and reveal the silhouetted figure of LUKE SKYWALKER. He is
clad in a robe similar to Ben's and wears neither pistol nor
laser sword. Luke strides purposefully into the hallway. Two
giant guards move to block Luke's path. Luke halts.

Luke raises his hand and points at the puzzled guards, who
immediately lower their spears and fall back. The young Jedi
lowers his hand and moves on down the hallway.

Bib Fortuna appears out of the gloom. He speaks to Luke as they
approach each other, but Luke doesn't stop and Bib must reverse
his direction and hurry alongside the young Jedi in order to carry
on the conversation. Several other guards fall in behind them in
the darkness.

LUKE: I must speak with Jabba.

Bib answers in Huttese, shaking his head in denial. Luke stops
and stares at Bib; he raises his hand slightly.

LUKE: You will take me to Jabba now!

Bib turns in hypnotic response to Luke's command, and Luke
follows him into the gloom.

LUKE: You serve your master well.

Bib responds.

LUKE: And you will be rewarded.


Jabba is asleep on his throne, with Leia lying in front of him.
Salacious sits by Jabba's tail, watching it wriggle. Leia is now
dressed in the skimpy costume of a dancing girl; a chain runs
from a manacle/necklace at her throat to her new master, Jabba
the Hutt. Threepio stands behind Jabba as Bib comes up to the
gangster slug.

THREEPIO: At last! Master Luke's come to rescue me.

BIB: Master.

Jabba awakens with a start and Bib continues, in Huttese.

BIB: ...Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) I told you not to admit him.

LUKE: I must be allowed to speak.

BIB: (in Huttese subtitled) He must be allowed to speak.

Jabba, furious, clobbers Bib and shoves him away.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) You weak-minded fool! He's 
using an old Jedi mind trick.

Luke stares hard at Jabba.

LUKE: You will bring Captain Solo and the Wookiee
to me.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) Your mind powers will not 
work on me, boy.

LUKE: Nevertheless, I'm taking Captain Solo and his
friends. You can either profit by this... or be 
destroyed! It's your choice. But I warn you not to 
underestimate my powers.

Jabba's laugh is mean and loud. Threepio attempts to warn Luke
about the pit.

THREEPIO: Master Luke, you're standing on...

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) There will be no 
bargain, young Jedi. I shall enjoy watching you die.

Luke reaches out, and a pistol jumps out of a guard's holster and
flies into Luke's hand. The bewildered guard grabs for it as
Jabba raises his hand.

JABBA: Bascka!

The floor suddenly drops away, sending Luke and the hapless guard
into the pit. The pistol goes off, blasting a hole in the
ceiling. Jabba laughs and his courtiers join in. Leia starts
forward but is restrained by a human guard-- Lando, recognizable
behind his mask. She looks at him and he shakes his head "no."


Luke and the guard have dropped twenty-five feet from a chute
into the dungeonlike cage. Luke gets to his feet as the guard
yells hysterically for help. A crowd gathers up around the edge
of the pit as the door in the side of the pit starts to RUMBLE
open. The guard screams in panic. Luke looks calmly around for a
means of escape.

THREEPIO: Oh, no! The Rancor!

At the side of the pit, an iron door rumbles upward and a giant,
fanged RANCOR emerges. The guard runs to the side of the pit and
tries futilely to scramble to the top. The hideous beast closes
in on him.

The Rancor moves past Luke, and as the guard continues to
scramble, the Rancor picks him up and pops him into its slavering
jaws. A few screams, and the guard is swallowed with a gulp. The
audience cheers and laughs at the guard's fate.

The monster turns and starts for Luke. The young Jedi dashes away
just ahead of the monster's swipe at him, and picks up the long
arm bone of an earlier victim. The monster grabs Luke and brings
him up to his salivating mouth. At the last moment, Luke wedges
the bone in the monster's mouth and is dropped to the floor. The
monster bellows in rage and flails about, hitting the side of the
pit, causing an avalanche.

The monster crushes the bone in its jaws and sees Luke, who
squeezes into a crevice in the pit wall. Luke looks past the
monster to the holding cave beyond. On the far side of the
holding cave is a utility door--if only he can get to it. The
Rancor spots Luke and reaches into the crevice for him. Luke
grabs a large rock and raises it, smashing it down on the
Rancor's finger.


The Rancor lets out a loud howl as Luke makes a run for the
holding cave. He reaches the door and pushes a button to open it.
When he succeeds, he sees a heavy barred gate between him and
safety. Beyond the gate two guards look up from their dinner.
Luke turns to see the monster heading for him, and pulls with all
his might on the gate. The guards move to the gate and start
poking at the young Jedi with spears, laughing.

Luke crouches (against the wall) as the monster starts to reach
for him. Suddenly he notices a main door control panel halfway up
the wall. As the Rancor moves in for the kill, Luke picks up a
skull from the cave floor and hurls it at the panel. The giant
overhead door comes crashing down on the beast's head, squashing
it like a sledgehammer on an egg.

A startled gasp is heard from the stunned court. There's
consternation at this turn of events. Heads look to Jabba, who is
actually turning red with anger. Leia cannot suppress her joy.
Jabba utters harsh commands to his guards and they hurry off.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) Bring me Solo and the 
Wookiee. They will all suffer for this outrage.


The Rancor KEEPERS have come into the cage and are examining
their dead beast. One of them breaks down and weeps. The other
glares menacingly at Luke, who is unworried. Several guards rush
into the holding tunnel and take Luke away.


The crowd of creepy courtiers parts as Han and Chewie are brought
into the throne room, and other guards drag Luke up the steps.

LUKE: Han!

HAN: Luke!

LUKE: Are you all right?

HAN: Fine. Together again, huh?

LUKE: Wouldn't miss it.

HAN: How are we doing?

LUKE: The same as always.

HAN: That bad, huh? Where's Leia?

Luke looks to Leia.

LEIA: I'm here.

Threepio is standing behind the grotesque gangster as he strokes
Leia like a pet cat. Several of the guards, including Lando,
bring Luke from the other side of the room. Boba is standing
behind Jabba.

Threepio steps forward and translates for the captives.

THREEPIO: Oh, dear. His High Exaltedness, the great
Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be 
terminated immediately.

HAN: Good, I hate long waits.

THREEPIO: You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea
and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of 
the all-powerful Sarlacc.

HAN: (to Luke) Doesn't sound so bad.

THREEPIO: In his belly, you will find a new definition
of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over 
a thousand years.

HAN: On second thought, let's pass on that, huh?

Chewie barks his agreement.

LUKE: You should have bargained, Jabba. That's the
last mistake you'll ever make.

Jabba cackles evilly at this.

As the guards drag the prisoners from the throne room, a loud
cheer rises from the crowd. Leia and Chewie exchange concerned
looks, but Luke Skywalker, Jedi warrior, cannot suppress a smile.


A herd of wild banthas treks across Tatooine's dunes.

Jabba's huge sail barge moves above the desert surface accompanied 
by two smaller skiffs.


Jabba's entire retinue is with him, drinking, eating, and
having a good time.


The sail barge and skiffs continue their journey.


Jabba the Hutt rides like a sultan in the massive antigravity
ship. Leia is watching her friends in the one of the skiffs.


The skiff glides close, revealing Luke, Han, and Chewie -- all 
in bonds -- surrounded by guards, one of whom is Lando in 

HAN: I think my eyes are getting better. Instead
of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur.

LUKE: There's nothing to see. I used to live here,
you know.

HAN: You're gonna die here, you know. Convenient.

LUKE: Just stick close to Chewie and Lando. I've
taken care of everything.

HAN: Oh... great!


The chain attached to Leia's neck is pulled tight and Jabba
tugs the scantily clad princess to him.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) Soon you will learn 
to appreciate me.

Threepio wanders among the Sail Barge aliens, bumping into a
smaller droid serving drinks, spilling them all over the place.
The stubby droid lets out an angry series of beeps and whistles.

THREEPIO: Oh, I'm terribly sor... Artoo! What are you
doing here?

Artoo beeps a quick reply.

THREEPIO: Well, I can see you're serving drinks, but
this place is dangerous. They're going to execute 
Master Luke and, if we're not careful, us too!

Artoo whistles a singsong response.

THREEPIO: Hmm.  I wish I had your confidence.


The convoy moves up over a huge sand pit. The Sail Barge stops to
one side of the depression, as does the escort skiff. But the
prisoner's skiff moves out directly over the center and hovers.
At the bottom of the deep cone of sand is a repulsive, mucous-
lined hole with a huge beak protruding from it, surrounded by
thousands of needle-sharp teeth and tentacles. This is the SARLACC.
A plank is extended from the edge of the prisoner's skiff. Guards
release Luke's bonds and shove him out onto the plank above the
Sarlacc's mouth.


Jabba and Leia are now by the rail, watching. Threepio leans
forward and the slobbering villain mumbles something to him. As
Threepio steps up to a comlink, Jabba raises his arm and the
motley array of intergalactic pirates fall silent. Threepio's
voice is amplified across loudspeakers.

THREEPIO: Victims of the almighty Sarlacc: His
Excellency hopes that you will die honorably. But 
should any of you wish to beg for mercy, the great 
Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas.


Han steps forward arrogantly and begins to speak.

HAN: Threepio, you tell that slimy piece of...
worm-ridden filth he'll get no such pleasure from 
us. Right?

Chewie growls his agreement.

LUKE: Jabba! This is your last chance. Free us or

Lando moves unobtrusively along the skiff as Luke shoots a quick
look of conspiracy to him.


The assembled monsters rock with mocking laughter as Artoo zips
unnoticed up the ramp to the upper deck. Jabba's laughter 
subsides as he speaks into the comlink.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) Move him into 

Jabba makes a thumbs-down gesture. Leia looks worried.


Artoo appears from below and zips over to the rail facing the
pit. Below, in the skiff, Luke is prodded by a guard to the edge
of the plank over the gaping Sarlacc. Luke looks up at Artoo,
then gives a jaunty salute: the signal the little droid has been
waiting for. A flap opens in Artoo's domed head.

JABBA: (in Huttese subtitled) Put him in.


Luke is prodded and jumps off the plank to the cheers of the
bloodthirsty spectators. But, before anyone can even perceive
what is happening, he spins around and grabs the end of the plank
by his fingertips. The plank bends wildly from his weight and
catapults him skyward. In midair he does a complete flip and
drops down on the end of the plank in the same spot he just
vacated, but facing the skiff. He casually extends an open palm
and -- his lightsaber, which Artoo has sent arcing toward him,
drops into his hand.

With samurai speed, Luke ignites it and attacks the guard who
prodded him off the plank, sending the hapless monster screaming
overboard. The other guards swarm toward Luke. He wades into
them, lightsaber flashing. Lando struggles with another guard at
the back of the skiff.


A bewildered guard lands in the soft, sandy slope of the pit, and
begins sliding. He claws desperately as a Sarlacc tentacle grabs
him and pulls him screaming into the viscous mouth.


Jabba watches this and explodes in rage. He barks commands, and
the guards around him rush off to do his bidding. The scuzzy
creatures watching the action from the window are in an uproar.


Luke knocks another guard off the skiff and into the waiting
mouth of the Sarlacc. He starts to untie Chewie's bonds.

LUKE: Easy, Chewie.

At that moment, the deck gunmen on the barge unleash a series of
blasts from a big cannon on the upper deck. Lando is tossed from
the deck of the rocking skiff. He manages to grab a rope, and
dangles desperately above the Sarlacc pit.

LANDO: Whoa! Whoa! Help!


With two swift strides, the dangerous Boba Fett ignites his
rocket pack, leaps into the air, and flies from the barge down to
the skiff.


Boba lands on the skiff and starts to aim his laser gun at Luke,
who has freed Han and Chewie from their bonds. But before Boba
can fire, the young Jedi spins on him, lightsaber sweeping, and
hacks the bounty hunter's gun in half.

Immediately, the skiff takes another direct hit from the barge's
deck gun. Shards of skiff deck fly. Chewie and Han are thrown
against the rail.

HAN: Chewie, you okay? Where is he?

The Wookiee is wounded and he howls in pain.

HAN: I'm okay, pal.

For a moment, Luke is distracted, and in that moment, Boba fires
a cable out of his armored sleeve. Instantly, Luke is wrapped in
a strong cable, his arms pinned against his side, his sword arm
free only from the wrist down.  Luke bends his wrist so the lightsaber
points straight up to reach the wire lasso and cuts through. Luke
shrugs away the cable and stands free.

Another blast from the Barge's deck gun hits near Boba and he is
knocked unconscious to the deck, next to where Lando is hanging.

LANDO: Han! Chewie?

HAN: Lando!

Luke is a little shaken but remains standing as a fusillade
brackets him. The second skiff, loaded with guards firing their
weapons, moves in on Luke fast. Luke leaps toward the incoming
second skiff. The young Jedi leaps into the middle of the second
skiff and begins decimating the guards from their midst.

Chewie, wounded, tries to lift himself as he barks directions to
Han, guiding him toward a spear which has been dropped by one of
the guards. Han searches the deck as Chewie barks directions;
finally he grabs hold of the spear.

Boba Fett, badly shaken, rises from the deck. He looks over at
the other skiff, where Luke is whipping a mass of guards. Boba
raises his arm, and aims his lethal appendage.

Chewie barks desperately at Han.

HAN: Boba Fett?! Boba Fett?! Where?

The space pirate turns around blindly, and the long spear in his
hand whacks squarely in the middle of Boba's rocket pack.

The impact of the swing causes the rocket pack to ignite. Boba
blasts off, flying over the second skiff like a missile, smashing
against the side of the huge Sail Barge and sliding away into the
pit. He screams as his armored body makes its last flight past
Lando and directly into the mucous mouth of the Sarlacc. The
Sarlacc burps. Chewie growls a weak congratulations to Han.


Leia turns from the spectacle outside, leaps onto Jabba's throne,
and throws the chain that enslaves her over his head around his
bulbous neck. Then she dives off the other side of the throne,
pulling the chain violently in her grasp. Jabba's flaccid neck
contracts beneath the tightening chain. His huge eyes bulge from
their sockets and his scum-coated tongue flops out. The Exalted
Hutt's huge tail spasms through its death throes and then slams
down into final stillness. Leia struggles to free herself of her


Luke continues to destroy the aliens on the guards' skiff, as Han
extends his spear downward to Lando, who is still dangling
precariously from a rope on the prisoner's skiff.

HAN: Lando, grab it!

LANDO: Lower it!

HAN: I'm trying!

A major hit from the barge deck gun knocks the skiff on its side.
Han and almost everything else on board slides overboard. The
rope breaks, and Lando falls to the side of the Sarlacc pit.
Luckily, Han's foot catches on the skiff railing and he dangles
above Lando and the pit. The wounded Wookiee holds onto the skiff
for dear life as another hit from the deck gun rocks the skiff

HAN: Whoa! Whoa! Grab me, Chewie! I'm slipping.

Chewie grabs hold of Han's feet, holding him upside down, as Han
extends the spear toward Lando, who is clutching to the side of
the pit.

HAN: Grab it! L--Lando. Grab!

Luke finishes off the last guard on the second skiff. He sees the
deck gun blasting away at his helpless companions. Luke leaps
from the skiff, across a chasm of air, to the sheer metallic side
of the Sail Barge. Barely able to get a fingerhold, he begins a
painful climb up the hull, when suddenly an ax smashes through a
window an inch from his head. With Jedi agility, Luke grasps the
wrist holding the ax and yanks the helpless guard through the broken
window and into the deadly pit.

The injured Chewie is reaching over the rail for the dangling
Han, who is in turn blindly reaching down toward the desperate
Lando. The Baron has stopped his slippage down the sandy slope of
the Sarlacc pit by lying very still. Every time he tries to reach
for Han, the loose sand moves him closer to his final reward.

HAN: Grab it! Almost... You almost got it!

Another blast hits the front of the tilted skiff, causing Lando
to let go of the spear.

LANDO: Hold it! Whoa!

Again Han extends the spear toward Lando.

HAN: Gently now. All... all right. Now easy, easy.
Hold me, Chewie.

Lando screams. One of the Sarlacc's tentacles has wrapped tightly
around his ankle, dragging him down the side of the pit.

HAN: Chewie! Chewie, give me the gun. Don't move,

LANDO: No, wait! I thought you were blind!

HAN: It's all right. Trust me. Don't move.

LANDO: All right! A little higher! Just a little

Han adjusts his aim as Lando lowers his head, and the fuzzy-eyed
pirate fires at the tentacle. Direct hit. The tentacle releases
Lando, and Chewie starts to pull them on board the skiff.

HAN: Chewie, Pull us up! Come on! Okay... up,
Chewie, up!


The deck gunners have Chewie and the desperate dangling human
chain in their gun sights when something up on deck commands
their attention: Luke, standing before them like a pirate king,
ignites his lightsaber. The deck gunners have barely reached for
their pistols before the young Jedi has demolished them.
Immediately, Luke turns to see two more gunners (who have been
uncovering a giant gun at the end of the barge) racing for him,
firing their laser pistols.


Leia is struggling against her chains in desperation as Artoo
zips through the tumult of confused monsters to the rescue; the
stubby little droid extends a small laser gun and blasts the
chain apart.

LEIA: Come on. We gotta get out of here.

Artoo and Leia race for the exit, passing Threepio, who is
kicking and screaming as Salacious Crumb, the reptilian monkey-
monster picks out one of the golden droid's eyes.

THREEPIO: Not my eyes! Artoo, help! Quickly, Artoo. Oh!
Ohhh! You beast!

Artoo zips over and zaps Salacious, sending him skyward with a
scream, crashing into the rafters as Artoo, Leia, and Threepio
(with his eye dangling from a wire) hurry off.


Luke is warding off laser blasts with his lightsaber, surrounded
by guards and fighting like a demon. Leia emerges onto the deck
as Luke turns to face another guard.

LUKE: (to Leia) Get the gun! Point it at the deck!

Leia turns toward the barge cannon, climbs on the platform, and
swivels the gun around.

LUKE: Point it at the deck!

A laser blast hits Luke's mechanical hand and he bends over in
pain, but manages to swing his lightsaber upward and take out the
last of the guards. He looks at the wounded hand, which reveals
the mechanism. He flexes the hand; it still works.

Near the rail of the upper deck, Artoo and Threepio steady
themselves as Threepio gets ready to jump. Artoo beeps wildly.

THREEPIO: Artoo, where are we going? I couldn't
possibly jump.

Artoo butts the golden droid over the edge and steps off himself,
tumbling toward the sand.

Luke runs along the empty deck toward Leia and the barge gun,
which she has brought around to point down at the deck.

LUKE: Come on!

Luke has hold on one of the rigging ropes from the mast. He
gathers Leia in his other arm and kicks the trigger of the deck
gun. The gun explodes into the deck as Luke and Leia swing out
toward the skiff.


Han leans panting against the rail as Chewie helps Lando onto the
deck. Luke and Leia land on the skiff with flair.

LUKE: Let's go! And don't forget the droids.

LANDO: We're on our way.

The Sail Barge is exploding in stages in the distance. Half of
the huge craft is on fire.


Threepio's legs stick straight up from the dune where he landed.
Next to it, Artoo's periscope is the only thing above the sand.
The skiff floats above them and two large electromagnets dangle
down on a wire. With a loud CLANG, both droids are pulled from
the sand.


The little skiff skips around the burning Sail Barge, which
continues its chain of explosions. As the skiff sails off across
the desert, the barge settles to the sand and disappears in one
final conflagration.


A ferocious sandstorm blocks our view. Then, through the ROAR, we
HEAR THE VOICES of our heroes. They emerge slowly from the veil
of sand, pressing on against the wind. First come Artoo and
Threepio, followed by Leia guiding Han, then Luke and Lando come
into view, each supporting one side of the towering Chewbacca,
who hobbles from his wound.

Soon, they can make out some large vague shapes in the blowing
sand. It is the Millennium Falcon and, parked beside it, Luke's
trusty X-wing and a two-seated Y-wing. They must shout to be

HAN: I don't know. All I can see is a lot of
blowing sand!

LEIA: That's all any of us can see.

HAN: (blinking) Then I guess I'm getting better.

As soon as the group huddles under the bulk of the Falcon, the
wind dies down to something more describable as a severe weather
condition. Threepio hits a switch, and the gang-plank lowers with
a HUM.

HAN: (turning to Luke) I've got to hand it to you, kid, you were
pretty good out there.

LUKE: (shrugging it off) I had a lot of help. Think nothing of it.

HAN: No, I'm thinking a lot about it. That carbon
freeze was the closest thing to dead there is. And 
it wasn't just sleepin'. It was a big wide awake 

Luke nods, as Chewie growls affectionately at the young Jedi
warrior, mussing his hair like a proud uncle. And Leia warmly
hugs him.

LUKE: (moving to his ship) I'll see you back at the fleet.

HAN: Why don't you leave that crate and come with

LUKE: I have a promise I have to keep first... to
an old friend.

Luke and Artoo take off in their spacecraft.

HAN: (looking dubiously at Lando, obviously
remembering his friend's betrayal and subsequent 
aide) Guess I owe you some thanks, too, Lando.

LANDO: Figured if I left you frozen like that you'd
just give me bad luck the rest of my life, so I might 
as well get you unfrozen sooner or later.

LEIA: He means "You're welcome."

LANDO: Come on, let's get off this miserable dust


The desolate yellow planet fills the screen, Luke's X-wing
appears and peels off to the left. A moment later, the FALCON
appears as a dot and grows huge, to roar directly over the


Luke is at the controls, with Artoo attached behind him outside
the canopy. Luke speaks into his comlink to the others, in the

LUKE: I'll meet you back at the fleet.

LEIA: (over comlink) Hurry. The Alliance should 
be assembled by now.

LUKE: I will.

HAN: (over comlink) Hey, Luke, thanks. Thanks 
for comin' after me. Now I owe you one.

A message from Artoo appears on the small monitor screen in front
of Luke. He smiles at the monitor and speaks to Artoo, as he
pulls a black glove on to cover his wounded mechanical hand.

LUKE: That's right, Artoo. We're going to the Dagobah system. I have a
promise to keep... to an old friend.


A Super Star Destroyer and several ships of the Imperial Fleet
rest in space above the half-completed Death Star and its green
neighbor, Endor. Four squads of TIE fighters escort an Imperial
shuttle toward the Death Star.


Lord Vader strides down the hallway, accompanied by a very
nervous Death Star commander.


Thousands of Imperial troops in tight formation fill the mammoth
docking bay. Vader and the officer walk to the landing platform,
where the shuttle is coming to rest.

The shuttle's ramp lowers and the Emperor's Royal Guards come out
and create a lethal perimeter. The assembled troops move to rigid
attention with a momentous SNAP.

Then, in the huge SILENCE which follows, the EMPEROR appears. He
is a rather small, shriveled old man. His bent frame slowly makes
its way down the ramp with the aid of a gnarled cane. He wears a
hooded cloak similar to the one Ben wears, except that it is
black. The Emperor's face is shrouded and difficult to see,
except for his piercing yellow eyes. Commander Jerjerrod and
Darth Vader kneel to him. The Supreme Ruler of the galaxy beckons
to the Dark Lord.

EMPEROR: (to Vader) Rise, my friend.

Vader rises and falls in next to the Emperor as he slowly makes
his way along the rows of troops. Jerjerrod and the other
commanders stay kneeling until the Supreme Ruler and Vader,
followed by several Imperial dignitaries, pass by; only then do
they join in the procession.

VADER: The Death Star will be completed on schedule.

EMPEROR: You have done well, Lord Vader. And now I
sense you wish to continue your search for young 

VADER: Yes, my Master.

EMPEROR: Patience, my friend. In time he will seek you
out. And when he does, you must bring him before me. 
He has grown strong. Only together can we turn him to 
the dark side of the Force.

VADER: As you wish.

EMPEROR: Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.

He laughs to himself as they pass along the vast line of Imperial


Once again, Artoo finds himself waiting around in the damp
environs of the swamp planet, and he's none too happy about it.
He beeps disconsolately to himself and turns to look at Yoda's
cottage. Warm yellow light escapes the oddly shaped windows to
fight the gloom.


The tip of a walking stick taps hesitantly across the earthen
floor of the cottage. Our view travels up the stick to the small
green hand that clutches it, and then to the familiar face of
YODA, THE JEDI MASTER. His manner is frail, and his voice, though
cheerful, seems weaker.

YODA: Hmm. That face you make. Look I so old to
young eyes?

Luke is sitting in a corner of the cramped space and, indeed, his
look has been woeful. Caught, he tries to hide it.

LUKE: No... of course not.

YODA: (tickled, chuckles) I do, yes, I do!  Sick 
have I become. Old and weak. (Points a crooked 
finger) When nine hundred years old you reach, 
look as good you will not. Hmm?

Yoda chuckles at this, coughs, and hobbles over toward his bed.

YODA: Soon will I rest. Yes, forever sleep. Earned
it, I have.

Yoda sits himself on his bed, with great effort.

LUKE: Master Yoda, you can't die.

YODA: Strong am I with the Force... but not that
strong! Twilight is upon me and soon night must 
fall. That is the way of things... the way of the 

LUKE: But I need your help. I've come back to
complete the training.

YODA: No more training do you require. Already know
you that which you need.

Yoda sighs, and lies back on his bed.

LUKE: Then I am a Jedi?

YODA: (shakes his head) Ohhh. Not yet. One thing 
remains: Vader. You must confront Vader. Then, only 
then, a Jedi will you be. And confront him you will.

Luke is in agony. He is silent for a long moment, screwing up his
courage. Finally he is able to ask.

LUKE: Master Yoda... is Darth Vader my father?

Yoda's eyes are full of weariness and compassion. An odd, sad
smile creases his face. He turns painfully on his side, away from

YODA: Mmm... rest I need. Yes... rest.

Luke watches him, each moment an eternity.

LUKE: Yoda, I must know.

YODA: Your father he is.

Luke reacts as if cut.

YODA: Told you, did he?

LUKE: Yes.

A new look of concern crosses Yoda's face.  He closes his eyes.

YODA: Unexpected this is, and unfortunate...

LUKE: Unfortunate that I know the truth?

Yoda opens his eyes again and studies the youth.

YODA: (gathering all his strength) No. Unfortunate 
that you rushed to face him... that incomplete was 
your training. Not ready for the burden were you.

LUKE: Well, I'm sorry.

YODA: Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the
Force.  But beware.  Anger, fear, aggression. The 
dark side are they.  Once you start down the dark 
path, forever will it dominate your destiny.

He beckons the young Jedi closer to him.

YODA: Luke...Luke...Do not...Do not underestimate
the powers of the Emperor, or suffer your father's 
fate, you will. Luke, when gone am I (cough), the 
last of the Jedi will you be. Luke, the Force runs 
strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned, 
Luke... (with great effort) There is...another...

He catches his breath. A shiver runs through the ancient green
creature, and he dies. Luke stares at his dead master as he
disappears in front of his eyes.


Luke wanders back to where his ship is sitting. Artoo beeps a
greeting, but is ignored by his depressed master. Luke kneels
down, begins to help Artoo with the ship, then stops and shakes
his head dejectedly.

LUKE: I can't do it, Artoo. I can't go on alone.

BEN: (OS) Yoda will always be with you.

Luke looks up to see the shimmering image of BEN KENOBI.

LUKE: Obi-Wan! Why didn't you tell me?

The ghost of Ben Kenobi approaches him through the swamp.

LUKE: You told me Vader betrayed and murdered my

BEN: You father was seduced by the dark side of
the Force. He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and 
became Darth Vader. When that happened, the good 
man who was your father was destroyed. So what I 
have told you was true... from a certain point 
of view.

LUKE: (turning away, derisive) A certain point 
of view!

BEN: Luke, you're going to find that many of the
truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point 
of view.

Luke is unresponsive. Ben studies him in silence for a moment.

BEN: I don't blame you for being angry. If I was
wrong in what I did, it certainly wouldn't have 
been for the first time. You see, what happened 
to your father was my fault.

Ben pauses sadly.

BEN: Anakin was a good friend.

Luke turns with interest at this. As Ben speaks, Luke settles on
a stump, mesmerized. Artoo comes over to offer his comforting

BEN: When I first knew him, your father was already 
a great pilot. But I was amazed how strongly the 
Force was with him.  I took it upon myself to train 
him as a Jedi.  I thought that I could instruct him 
just as well as Yoda.  I was wrong.  My pride has had 
terrible consequences for the galaxy.

Luke is entranced.

LUKE: There's still good in him.

BEN: I also thought he could be turned back to the
good side. It couldn't be done. He is more machine 
now than man. Twisted and evil.

LUKE: I can't do it, Ben.

BEN: You cannot escape your destiny.

LUKE: I tried to stop him once. I couldn't do it.

BEN: Vader humbled you when first you met him,
Luke... but that experience was part of your
training. It taught you, among other things, the 
value of patience.  Had you not been so impatient 
to defeat Vader then, you could have finished 
your training here with Yoda. You would have been 

LUKE: But I had to help my friends.

BEN: (grinning at Luke's indignation) And did you 
help them? It was they who had to save you. You 
achieved little by rushing back prematurely, I fear.

LUKE: (with sadness) I found out Darth Vader was my 

BEN: To be a Jedi, Luke, you must confront and
then go beyond the dark side - the side your father 
couldn't get past. Impatience is the easiest door - 
for you, like your father. Only, your father was 
seduced by what he found on the other side of the 
door, and you have held firm. You're no longer so 
reckless now, Luke. You are strong and patient. And
now, you must face Darth Vader again!

LUKE: I can't kill my own father.

BEN: Then the Emperor has already won. You were
our only hope.

LUKE: Yoda spoke of another.

BEN: The other he spoke of is your twin sister.

LUKE: But I have no sister.

BEN: Hmm. To protect you both from the Emperor,
you were hidden from your father when you were 
born. The Emperor knew, as I did, if Anakin were 
to have any offspring, they would be a threat to 
him. That is the reason why your sister remains 
safely anonymous.

LUKE: Leia! Leia's my sister.

BEN: Your insight serves you well. Bury your
feelings deep down, Luke. They do you credit. But 
they could be made to serve the Emperor.

Luke looks into the distance, trying to comprehend all this.

BEN: (continuing his narrative) When your father 
left, he didn't know your mother was pregnant. Your 
mother and I knew he would find out eventually, but 
we wanted to keep you both as safe as possible, for 
as long as possible.  So I took you to live with my 
brother Owen on Tatooine... and your mother took 
Leia to live as the daughter of Senator Organa, on 

Luke turns, and settles near Ben to hear the tale.

BEN: (attempting to give solace with his words) The 
Organa household was high-born and politically quite 
powerful in that system. Leia became a princess by 
virtue of lineage... no one knew she'd been adopted, 
of course. But it was a title without real power, 
since Alderaan had long been a democracy.  Even so, 
the family continued to be politically powerful, and 
Leia, following in her foster father's path, became 
a senator as well.  That's not all she became, of 
course... she became the leader of her cell in the 
Alliance against the corrupt Empire. And because she 
had diplomatic immunity, she was a vital link for 
getting information to the Rebel cause.  That's what 
she was doing when her path crossed yours... for her 
foster parents had always told her to contact me on
Tatooine, if her troubles became desperate.

Luke is overwhelmed by the truth, and is suddenly protective of
his sister.

LUKE: But you can't let her get involved now, Ben.
Vader will destroy her.

BEN: She hasn't been trained in the ways of the
Jedi the way you have, Luke ... but the Force is 
strong with her, as it is with all of your family. 
There is no avoiding the battle. You must face and 
destroy Vader!


The vast Rebel Fleet stretches as far as the eye can see.
Overhead a dozen small Corellian battleships fly in formation.
Fighters and battlecruisers surround the largest of the Rebel


Hundreds of Rebel commanders of all races and forms are assembled
in the WAR ROOM. WEDGE is among them. In the center of the room
is a holographic model depicting the half-completed Imperial
Death Star, the nearby Moon of Endor, and the protecting
deflector shield.

MON MOTHMA, the leader of the Alliance, enters the room. She is a
stern but beautiful woman in her fifties. Conferring with her are
several military leaders, including GENERAL MADINE and ADMIRAL
ACKBAR (a salmon-colored Mon Calamari). Lando moves through the
crowd until he finds Han and Chewie, standing next to Leia and
the two droids.

Han peers at Lando's new insignia on his chest, and is amused.

HAN: Well, look at you, a general, huh?

LANDO: Oh, well, someone must have told them about
my little maneuver at the battle of Taanab.

HAN: (sarcastic) Well, don't look at me, pal. I just 
said you were a fair pilot. I didn't know they were
lookin' for somebody to lead this crazy attack.

LANDO: (smiling) I'm surprised they didn't ask you 
to do it.

HAN: Well, who says they didn't.  But I ain't crazy. 
You're the respectable one, remember?

Mon Mothma signals for attention, and the room falls

MON MOTHMA: The Emperor has made a critical error and 
the time for our attack has come.

This causes a stir. Mon Mothma turns to a holographic model of
the Death Star, the Endor moon and the protecting deflector
shield in the center of the room.

MON MOTHMA: The data brought to us by the Bothan spies
pinpoints the exact location of the Emperor's new 
battle station. We also know that the weapon systems of 
this Death Star are not yet operational. With the 
Imperial Fleet spread throughout the galaxy in a vain 
effort to engage us, it is relatively unprotected. But
most important of all, we've learned that the Emperor 
himself is personally overseeing the final stages of 
the construction of this Death Star.

A volley of spirited chatter erupts from the crowd. Han turns to
Leia as Chewie barks his amazement.

MON MOTHMA: (cont) Many Bothans died to bring us this
information. Admiral Ackbar, please.

Admiral Ackbar steps forward and points to the Death Star's force
field and the Moon of Endor.

ACKBAR: You can see here the Death Star orbiting the
forest Moon of Endor. Although the weapon systems on 
this Death Star are not yet operational, the Death 
Star does have a strong defense mechanism. It is 
protected by an energy shield, which is generated 
from the nearby forest Moon of Endor. The shield must
be deactivated if any attack is to be attempted. Once 
the shield is down, our cruisers will create a 
perimeter, while the fighters fly into the 
superstructure and attempt to knock out the main 

There's a concerned murmur.

ACKBAR: (cont) General Calrissian has volunteered to lead
the fighter attack.

Han turns to Lando with a look of respect.

HAN: Good luck.

Lando nods his thanks.

HAN: You're gonna need it.

ACKBAR: General Madine.

Madine moves center stage.

GENERAL MADINE: We have stolen a small Imperial shuttle.
Disguised as a cargo ship, and using a secret Imperial 
code, a strike team will land on the moon and deactivate 
the shield generator.

The assembly begins to mumble among themselves.

THREEPIO: Sounds dangerous.

LEIA: (to Han) I wonder who they found to pull that off.

GENERAL MADINE: General Solo, is your strike team 

Leia, startled, looks up at Han, surprise changing to admiration.

HAN: Uh, my team's ready. I don't have a command
crew for the shuttle.

Chewbacca raises his hairy paw and volunteers.  Han looks up at

HAN: Well, it's gonna be rough, pal. I didn't want
to speak for you.

Chewie waves that off with a huge GROWL.

HAN: (smiles) That's one.

LEIA: Uh, General... count me in.

VOICE: (OS) I'm with you, too!

They turn in that direction and peer into the crowd as there are
more cheers. The commanders part, and there at the back stands
Luke. Han and Leia are surprised and delighted.

Leia moves to Luke and embraces him warmly. She senses a change
in him and looks into his eyes questioningly.

LEIA: What is it?

LUKE: (hesitant) Ask me again sometime.

Han, Chewie, and Lando crowd around Luke as the assembly breaks

HAN: Luke.

LUKE: Hi, Han... Chewie.

Artoo beeps a singsong observation to a worried Threepio.

THREEPIO: "Exciting" is hardly the word I 
would use.


The Millennium Falcon rests beyond the stolen IMPERIAL SHUTTLE,
which looks anomalous among all the Rebel ships in the vast
docking bay. Chewie barks a final farewell to Lando and leads
Artoo and Threepio up the shuttle, crowded now with the Rebel
strike team loading weapons and supplies. Lando turns to face
Han. Luke and Leia have said their good-byes and start up the

HAN: Look. I want you to take her. I mean it. Take
her. You need all the help you can get. She's the 
fastest ship in the fleet.

LANDO: All right, old buddy. You know, I know what
she means to you. I'll take good care of her. She-
she won't get a scratch. All right?

HAN: (looks at him warmly) Right. I got your promise 
now. Not a scratch.

LANDO: Look, would you get going, you pirate.

Han and Lando pause, then exchange salutes.

LANDO: Good luck.

HAN: You, too.

Han goes up the ramp. Lando watches him go and then slowly turns


Luke is working on a back control panel as Han comes in and takes
the pilot's seat. Chewie, in the seat next to him, is trying to
figure out all the Imperial controls.

HAN: You got her warmed?

LUKE: Yeah, she's comin' up.

Chewie growls a complaint.

HAN: No. I don't think the Empire had Wookiees in
mind when they designed her, Chewie.

Leia comes in from the hold and takes her seat near Luke.

Chewie barks and hits some switches. Han'

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