Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

Kapcsolatok / Contacts
Slipknot (ENG)
Trivium (ENG)
SepticFlesh (ENG)
Behemoth (ENG)
Adam Lambert (ENG)
Teen Wolf / Sterek (ENG)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (ENG)
30 Seconds To Mars (ENG)
DM Fanfictions (ENG)
Bi/Lesbian/Gay stories (ENG)
Just Jim & U-girl: Home Is Where the Spark Is (series)
Just Jim & U-girl: Home Is Where the Spark Is (series) : 13 - Broken but Glued Together - Part 2 (I.)

13 - Broken but Glued Together - Part 2 (I.)

  2020.07.11. 12:18

13: Broken but Glued Together – Part 2

Once they left the door ajar to Beth’s room with Fenrir sleeping by the foot of the bed, Stiles guided Derek to his childhood room contented and all smiles.

"Well, this evening went just perfect. We needed it. And guess what, I could sense and see the pack bonds to us now too. It's beautiful," he said while kicking off his sneakers.

"I can't see them, but I feel them," Derek said, touching his chest and stomach where he often felt the little tugs. It hadn't been as settled with Erica, he didn't even know when she had passed. Boyd he felt because they had more time but at the time the Hale hadn't been ready to fully make his pack whole, which had been an unfortunate thing, because maybe things would have been different then. Maybe they wouldn't be dead now. Isaac's bond had faded over time, transferred over to Scott as Derek had wanted it to. It had been better like that. Now though, he had a new chance at being alpha and he wasn't going to fail his pack again. The bonds were strong and growing stronger if Stiles was able to see them.

The human was busy removing his shoes, kicking them off by slightly leaning on the bed. Derek peeked with red eyes to see where it all was to avoid another accident. Last thing he wanted was to trip and maybe bust his head open when he just wanted to cuddle and be close to his mate. Kicking off his shoes quickly to beat Stiles to it, the wolf leaped at the other male to tackle him to the bed.

It creaked ominously when they both landed on it but it had survived many rough moments so it was going to survive this. Nuzzling against his mate's neck to inhale his comforting scent, Derek pulled him close, wanting to burrow them together in the bed so they could soak into the scents of pack.

"You're beautiful."

Stiles just finished taking off his socks when he was tackled and may or may not have let out a quiet and not too manly squeak from the unexpected attack. But of course he let Derek manhandle him into his hold. Into which Stiles melted without any objections. It seemed he wasn't the only one tonight who was affectionate and it filled him with happiness as he completely relaxed into the bed and against Derek.

One hand reached up to caress the back of his mate's neck, just like he knew Derek loved and Stiles sighed contended. "Why? I thought I'm just an ember blob," he teased on a soft tone. Of course he had to tease. Otherwise he'd get too moved from Derek's compliment.

He knew his man was scarce with words, but he did express his affection through touches quite often. This hug seemed to be like one of those occasions. The compliment was a very welcomed added bonus, of course.

Enjoying the hot breaths against his neck, Stiles pushed a leg between Derek's to tangle their limbs some more and hummed happily to himself. He was going to 'reek' from his mate more than usual by the time morning came. And he loved that. Loved that so much that if he could, he'd never take another shower in his life. Okay, that's a lie since he was fond of showers, but definitely not for a while.

"You are an ember blob, a beautiful ember blob," Derek shot back as they tangled up in the bed and he resisted the urge to roll around a little to make the sheets smell less like detergent. Instead he stretched out more, becoming heavier due to the caressing of his neck, right at the back where it was sensitive. It was a hidden way to scent. His own way wasn't as hidden, he kissed the skin and closed his eyes, feet pressed against those of Stiles.

It was to warm them because the human often had cold feet or cold hands so Derek had a habit of using his body heat to make sure his human wasn't pressing his icy cold limbs against the werewolf's body once they were ready to get under the sheets. Derek didn't easily get cold despite having a higher core body temperature. He wasn't a reptile and handled cold well too, even snow. New York had plenty of snow in the past and also extremely hot summers because there was never a let up in a tightly packed city. And heat so wasn't pleasant for his nose when surrounded by humans.

It was so early in the evening, no need for them to get to bed but, on the other hand, Derek also didn't want to leave the bed. The fur kid and the actual kid were asleep, Noah was downstairs watching TV, their bellies were full and they had the whole evening ahead of them. Cuddling in bed was exactly the right plan and they needed the intimacy, the complete freedom to soak in their company without exterior or interior threats.

Today had been great, besides the thorns in his ass. "You've been very contemplative today, you okay?" For Derek to be quiet was nothing new, he was known to be a man of few words.

"Yeah. I'm more than okay, actually," Stiles purred low, basking in the warmth and scent of his soulmate. It was always like being under a thick warm blanket. Making him warm and safe, as if nothing in the world could hurt him. It also reminded him of the warmth of home, even a little bit of his mother's hugs. So no wonder he was practically melting against the bigger body.

"I was just thinking about how good it felt to be back with our family, our pack. How good it is to feel you more calm and balanced too," he rubbed his cheek against Derek's forehead, his long fingers running through Derek's hair, nearly scratching him, but it was more like playing with the dark longer locks. His hair was getting longer too, not just the bushy beard. "How much we both needed this. It was a good idea coming back."

"Alpha needs his pack, even a small one of mostly humans." The idea of a pack needing werewolves was old-fashioned, no longer something needed. Anybody could be pack without being turned. As long as the alpha was willing to accept them. Or sometimes, like with Noah, it happened over time because of a closeness, a bond growing. It calmed Derek and balanced him to have them all together, exactly why the Hale family had all been living together in that big house. To humans it was weird for brothers and sisters and their new families to live together. To born werewolves it was the ultimate way to have a home.

"Yes, I know. I was also thinking about your idea about the tattoo parlor. I really like that. I mean... you with my arch enemy in your hands..." Stiles sighed, obviously meaning the needles "... it's disturbingly hot. Just like the idea of being the mate of the town's sole tattoo artist. It's just... pushing all the right buttons for me somehow," he giggled, feeling his cheeks heat up. "I know I'm weird. But I also know that I want to support you when it comes to your art. Because the drawings I had accidentally found are very good. It'd be a waste of your talent if you didn't do something with it once you have your eyesight back. It can maybe also serve as therapy, perhaps?" he asked softly.

Soaking in the attention of the fingers running through his hair, Derek listened quietly to Stiles babbling on about the idea of a tattoo shop. Probably had something to do with being attracted to a bad boy. Tattoo artists were never lacking attention but that wasn't why he wanted to do it. It would have been a good reason not to do it. And he doesn't really want to do art, but then again, he does. He missed the way he could get lost in it, put down on canvas whatever he felt like at that moment.

"You never told me you found my sketch book." Or one of them since there were a few hidden around so Derek could grab them and hide them easily if disturbed. People had a tendency to walk right in wherever he lived and he had never corrected them on it because he had heard them coming long before they had reached his door. The idea of people coming by whenever they wanted to appealed to him. He wasn't one for appointments, wasn't used to living like that anymore. He was going to, because life worked like that, especially with a little child.

"Peter wanted me to go to art school, that had been the plan. Paige would go too for her talent with the cello and I'd go for my art. We were going to apply to the same colleges. After... it wasn't important anymore."

"It's understandable..." Stiles hummed, sliding his fingertips down to Derek's shoulder to lightly squeeze it in a comforting gesture before they returned to the wolf's nape. "Losing her has changed everything," Stiles whispered. He knew it was still a sore point for Derek. Not only because he had to kill his first love, but because Paige's blood on the Nemeton revived it and was probably the reason why Derek was so tied to that tree too. He gave it new life with letting go of another. Not to mention the changes it brought to him on a personal level. Stiles could still feel the guilt when his mate was talking about her.

For a brief moment Stiles wondered if all that was somehow meant to happen for them to get here? After all, he believes that nothing happens without a reason. Not that he'd bring that up to Derek right now since he usually disagreed when he mentioned druid things like 'a greater plan' and 'the Universe' and 'the Balance'. So he had learned to minimize those occasions. It was enough for the young emissary to think about such things while keeping those thoughts to himself. Well, as much as the bonds let him.

"Yeah," Derek said when Stiles remarked how Paige's death had been the point of no return because it was true. Because of her death, he had revived the Nemeton, had his eyes change, had been so wounded that it left him open for Kate to see him as her perfect victim. If he hadn't killed Paige, none of all the bad things would have happened. She had been his first love and when he had killed her, had his hands stained with her blood, nothing had ever been the same. He could guess what Stiles was thinking, the whole fate thing, that it was all meant to happen. But that kind of thinking only made Derek angry, because of all the suffering for a higher plan? No. For a long time he had thought he had been cursed or something. Only way to explain everything that had been going wrong in his life.

"And well... it was an accident that I found that sketch book while packing a bit at the loft when you were out cold from the herb potions after the soul-merging," he confessed. "I was fascinated to say the least, but didn't want to bring it up when we had more pressing matters. Are you mad? Because I guess you hid it for a reason and I'm pretty sure there are more hidden all over the place," he hummed. "My detective skills are tingling like Spider-Man's spidey-senses so I'm probably right. You don't have to hide this side of you from me, you know. I can't draw too much, but I appreciate art. For example, I have tons of comic books!" he beamed, babbling again, partly to cheer Derek up a bit with guiding his thoughts away from his lost love.

The wolf slid sideways so they were more entangled without Derek crushing the human. "I'm not mad. I'm just..." It was hard to explain why he did what he did. It wasn't like he had ever been ashamed of it and yet never had been ready to share it either. For a while it was because being surrounded by a group of rowdy teenagers hadn't been exactly the right setting for it. He hadn't wanted them to judge something that meant a lot to him. Or they'd see the drawings and realize what was going on in his head. "For a long time I was the asshole, the one who could take it and handle it. You were the only one to even see me as somebody with emotions."

And since Stiles had seen one of the books, he'd know why it was a sensitive thing. It was much like a diary in a way. They were filled with memories, monsters, the pack, pages of fire, of his long lost family, of Paige. And a whole lot of Stiles. "It was personal. And I guess I was so used to hiding it that I forgot that I didn't need to anymore." Isaac and Erica? They would have scolded it, made fun of it. Scott might have been open to it later on once he had gotten used to Derek having feelings. "You're right, I've hidden about ten books."

Stiles pulled back enough so he could take Derek's bearded face between his slender hands to look at him. It didn't matter that the white eyes stared at him blindly. He knew he had Derek's attention and he felt how vulnerable Derek was in that moment too. Stiles had realized just after a few pages of the sketchbook that it was a very personal object in his hands. Something to be respected and treasured and he might've felt a bit bad for going through it, but the drawings were just too good. Raw emotions the artist couldn't express verbally. That's why Stiles loved art as a medium too.

"I could tell it was personal. That's why you had so many drawings of me too..." It wasn't a question, just a simple fact. "I was very... flattered when I got to those drawings. I mean it. No one ever drew me like that. Spent so much time drawing me. Seeing me the way I really am. Not just the annoying hyperactive know-it-all-better spaz. The clumsy nervous one with the big mouth," he said quietly, his thumbs rubbing along Derek's cheeks. "Don't hide your talent from me in the future," he added and gently kissed his mate.

Just to break the kiss in a few moments with a slight gasp. "Wait... does this mean that I can treasure hunt now for those 'about ten books'? What do I get once I find all? A level up? Some special upgrade to my items or magic?"

Laughing against the lips, Derek knew there was no way of stopping Stiles from looking for them now that he knew. Besides, he was kind of curious how long it would take for them all to resurface, since the human was nothing if not very resourceful and determined. "You'd get a free drawing." Honestly, they weren't hidden that well since the idea was that he could grab them easily. Isaac hadn't been the type to look closely at anything, sticking to his own room and never had been snooping. The beta had assumed there hadn't been more to the loft than what there was, which, at first glance, wasn't much at all.

"We should get them anyways before they start working on the loft." He'd hate for them to get water damage or any other kind of damage. "My paintings are in the vault. It seemed the safest spot in case of a fire." All his important papers were in a fire resistant suitcase, along with a USB stick with all of the pictures he had made over the years on his phones, or at least the ones he had remembered to keep. And of course there were ownership papers in the vault of all his properties. Derek Hale was nothing if not prepared for anything.

Leaning into the touches, he pressed closer to his mate. "I like that you know it all better, I like that despite being human you always were ready to throw yourself into anything. Though I hated it too. I think I started drawing you when you stopped hating me so much."

"Soooo... a pretty long time ago then..." Stiles hummed, his cheeks burning from the blush spreading there thanks to Derek's compliments. "Which I really appreciate, as I said and it was probably a wise choice to hide those paintings in the vault. The old pack wouldn't have appreciated them since they were so not into art. Well, except for me, of course. I'd have appreciated them but also would've hated if something happened to them during the many fights which took place at the loft," Stiles mused while one of his hands slid down along Derek's chest to stroke along his side. "Does this mean... that once I find all your secret books, you'll draw me like one of your French girls?" the giddy male chuckled. It always made him like that (and happy) when he learned such small details about Derek's fascination with him. And the more he knew, the more he loved his wolf.

"By the way, how's the ass?" he suddenly asked, his hand ending up on the slightly torn jeans to lightly squeeze the round butt. "All healed up? Shouldn't I take a closer look? Just to make sure, of course. Wouldn't want you to get permanent damage from my mom's beloved rose bushes... Which, by the way, is a pain in the ass..." Yes, here Stiles returned to the giggling. "... so a pain in the ass to tend to." He tried to contain himself, but it was just no use tonight, it seemed.

"I'll draw you like one of my French boys," Derek corrected with an easy smile. As much as he didn't doubt that Stiles would look beautiful with red lips and long hair and whatever else but he looked his best when he was all himself, long limbs and awkward angles. Though Derek did like a little fat but Stiles was slender and although he had gained some weight due to muscles, there was no softness on the belly. Yet. It didn't matter, the wolf didn't care how his mate looked as long as he was happy with himself and he'd always be supported with whatever decisions he'd make about his looks.

"I promise to try staying still and look pretty for the nude drawing. Once I found all the books, of course..." Stiles grinned from ear-to-ear, hand already sliding forward to unbuckle Derek's belt and open his jeans. And that promise was something because staying still didn't come easy for someone like Stiles who had that nervous energy about him usually even in his sleep. Hence the livid sleeper title Derek had given him a while back.

Stiles would never have to do much to look pretty for a drawing, he was beautiful in his own way and the reason why Derek had often drawn him was because he wasn't conventional. Stiles was actually at his prettiest when he thought nobody was looking, concentrating on whatever would have his interest then, staring at his whiteboard full of colored threads. When he figured something out and he had smiled to himself, taking pride in it. Those moments had been memorized onto paper often. As well as Stiles chewing on something, which, admittedly, had been often. Straws, his sweater, pens, food, fingers... A habit he hadn't outgrown even now and Derek still loved it.

When Stiles mentioned the Hale had actually managed to land himself in Claudia's rose bushes, Derek felt a little guilty and hoped he didn't destroy them with his weight. He wasn't a light person and though the bushes had done a number on his ass, they wouldn't withstand much. Nobody had said anything about them being destroyed though so hopefully they weren't too badly harmed. "Maybe you should get a closer look to make sure you didn't miss a thorn."

He hadn't. There was no pain at all, Derek would feel it if there was something left in his flesh, even something as small as thorns. Skin might grow over them but there would be these small pains, like back when the Nogitsune had blown up the sheriff's station and Derek had been the intended target. His back had been shredded to ribbons and glass embedded in his skin all over so pieces had been left by accident because Argent had been the one to pluck them out in a badly lit cell. The pain left over by small pieces each time he moved, yeah, those were hard to miss. Especially in the ass region.

With a quick peck on Derek's lips and a grin on his own, Stiles moved out of the embrace enough to kneel up on the bed so he could drag the wolf's jeans off along with his underwear. "Just to make sure, of course..." he echoed that thought, eyes becoming hungry from the half-naked man's sight as he kicked off his own jeans too but left his underwear on for now, because a part of him liked the slight constraint it put on his filling cock.

His fond musings about the human were interrupted by Stiles eagerly undoing his pants, Derek helping by lifting his ass so his mate could pull it all off in one go.

"Dr. Stilinski in the house. Let's see how the patient is doing," he chuckled low and leaned down to caress then kiss along the previously injured ass-cheek. "Things seem to be in order... no remaining thorns detected," he announced, running his tongue along said cheek. "But I should check the surrounding area thoroughly. Just to make sure...." he added and pushed on Derek's hip to make him turn on his back. The slender hands opened the muscular thighs with a low hungry growl in the depth of his throat and he picked the right one to kiss and lightly bite along the sensitive inner-side, nearing the source of that maddening musky scent between the legs.

His mate was right there, and the wolf was swept away by the whirlwind only the human could bring to him because only with Stiles was sex this amazing thing he couldn't get enough of, where he felt completely freed and unashamed about his needs and those of his partner. Which is why Derek spread his legs more as Stiles settled between them, feeling bared and not even caring.

Reaching out, his hand slid into the messy hair as Stiles was playfully biting, growling to encourage him to keep going while he felt the pinches of the blunt human teeth heal before they could even be bruises. Always a shame they didn't last or he'd be proudly showing off as much as Stiles would after they had sex. The human loved to get marked up as much as Derek did so they weren't careful with it.

Stiles enjoyed the hand in his hair as he kept biting and licking his way up on the thick thigh. He could feel how much Derek loved this already. And he couldn't hide a grin once he began nosing Derek's shaft, letting his hot breath excite him.

"I've heard of a method for searching for irregularities on and in the skin... with one's mouth. They say it's quite effective," the druid commented then to prove his point, he kissed up along the length, occasionally following a vein up to the tip with the tip of his tongue. "Let me know if it works for you," he chuckled low and would've winked too if Derek wasn't blind. And so with that Stiles pressed his tongue against the slit to lap up the beads of pre-cum before fitting the wide tip between his eager lips. His hum was satisfied as he plastered his open palms against his mate's rippling abs, head starting to slowly bob up and down along with a few satisfied moans.

God, he loved how thick and long Derek was! Loved it that he knew he was doing it right when his jaw started slightly hurting. Well, that feeling wasn't there yet, so Stiles had decided to slowly but steadily accelerate his speed.

Obviously it worked for Derek because his erection couldn't be firmer than it already was, leaking a steady drip of pre-come. His mouth couldn't quite form any kind of words though, not when Stiles' mouth was so occupied with taking as much of the werewolf's cock as possible. Despite all the failed attempts to deep-throat the rather impressive length, his mate was determined to keep trying each time they engaged in oral sex. It wasn't like Derek didn't enjoy it like this, if anything he never wanted this to end.

It felt somewhat ridiculous to be half-naked with his sweater still on so he attempted to get it off without choking Stiles on an influx of dick. It was best to do it quickly, and the clothing half-dangled on his arm because he refused to let go of Stiles' hair. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to get the same kind of grip again if he let go now. Instead he pushed his hips up gently, barely more than a wiggle to test if he could move along with Stiles.

"I think I have more irregularities, if you could feel with your mouth more…" he panted, his voice hoarse and strained because of what the human was doing to him.

Stiles could only hum along in agreement, the vibrations of his voice going through the thick shaft in his mouth. Just to make sure the examination was indeed thorough, he used his tongue on the underside of the tasty meat. Circling it, pressing and moving against it once it was flattened. He didn't mind his saliva starting to slide down on the portion of Derek's dick which he couldn't take into his mouth yet, or on his red lips and chin. He was working his lover with closed eyes and content little noises along with the wet ones. Each time he moved his mouth upwards, he sucked hard on his man, moving along with the slight bucking once they found the right rhythm.

The salty and slightly bitter taste of the pre-cum he was swallowing down and the musky scent filled his senses, urging Stiles on to slide the dick deeper inch by inch until it hit the back of his throat. He was prepared now so he fought off his gag reflex fast and took a few more inches right down his throat. His cheek and face turned red as he was holding his breath and swallowed around the thick meat a few times before he fully pulled it out of his mouth. A string of saliva-pre-cum mix was still connecting his swollen bottom lip to the tip and he eagerly licked it off, circling his tongue around the mushroom tip.

"I'm not sure yet. Have to look again," he said on a hoarse voice, which will only get hoarser the longer he does this, but he so didn't mind that! So with that in mind, he dived down on his mate again, forcing it deeper with another inch this time, his nose nearly touching the hairs at the base. Stiles was nearly there, nearly able to take all of it, but this angle wasn't the best for that. Maybe next time he'll succeed when he's kneeling in front of his mate. But he wanted to do that only when Derek could actually see him succeed too. For now he settled with going this deep and massaging the hard cock with his throat muscles.

Oh god. Oh god. Stiles took him deeper than he had been able to before, nearly completely all the way and Derek was wondering if dying of pleasure was a thing that could happen. It felt like he was about to succumb completely. He forgot to breathe, his hold on the messy hair tightened as he fought not to buck up into the tight warmth enclosed along his length.

"Stiles......!" Derek had to pull tighter to make his mate stop sucking him since he was about to come from the sheer feeling of somebody being able to take him in all the way. Well, nearly all the way. "Stiles, please... I'm about to come." It was too soon, they barely had done anything so he was hoping to stave off the orgasm unless of course the human was determined to make him come this way. It could get embarrassing fast if he did so Derek tugged Stiles closer to steal his lips, tasting himself. "It's too soon."

Stiles certainly had become very skilled with his mouth and Derek knew once the other could swallow him down, he'd come instantly no matter if it happened at first swallow or not. Licking into the tempting mouth, he chased after his own taste, cleaning along the teeth before he sucked on the tongue.

Stiles was pretty satisfied and smug with himself about this near-success. And even if he didn't fully succeed yet, it seemed to have pushed Derek right to the edge from the intense pleasure only his mouth managed to give him. But since he had other plans, he didn't protest when he was pulled up for that kiss and he returned it eagerly with his swollen and sensitive ones, knowing well that Derek was enjoying his own taste on his tongue too.

"Next time I'll be able to fully take you," he whispered his promise onto the wolf's lips as he was hovering above him, not allowing himself to press against his mate because then he wouldn't be able to stop himself from getting the friction his achingly hard cock needed.

Nobody had ever been able to fully take him so the whispered promise made Derek moan, tempted to push Stiles' head down to get that feeling now but he could be patient. Next time though, he was going to ask for that promised blow job. Or that probably very short oral which he wasn't going to be embarrassed about because it would be his very first time to be fully deep-throated. Nobody could hold out for long when that happened for the first time.

"Come on now..." he said hoarsely and took one of Derek's hands. "Kneel up and sit back on your heels. I have plans with you. And if it makes you feel better, I failed to detect any irregularities so it's safe to say that you had made a full recovery," Stiles chuckled as he sat back on his own heels too while he waited for Derek to take up the required position.

Once he finally did, Stiles took a moment to admire the sight. Broad shoulders, beautifully defined muscles and a glistening, very hard cock bobbing between the slightly open strong thighs...

"You're breathtakingly gorgeous and hot. I have no real words for just how much..." Stiles stroked along the naked chest, helping Derek to finally fully get rid of his sweater which was still dangling from one arm. That made Stiles giggle a bit.

A curious eyebrow was arched upwards to the younger man when a position was requested, one Derek easily took, balancing himself on the soft mattress by keeping his legs slightly apart as he rested on his knees before sitting back. He couldn't see what Stiles was doing besides watching him, letting those eyes roam over him hungrily, it's why he knew he was ogled, feeling the heated gaze. The praised words made him blush because they were genuine, so he ducked his head even though he couldn't even see. It was instinct, a habit he was used to whenever he was praised and blushing. He had been told it was okay to say thank you when complimented but it felt like something so empty when he was being admired so fully.

The next moment Stiles practically climbed the muscular thighs so he could get closer. One arm was draped around Derek’s shoulders, the other absently playing with a nipple as he stole another kiss, his own thighs tightening around his man.

Derek chuckled at the light giggle, feeling the sweater being removed and a nearly naked body pressed against his own eagerly. His arm went around Stiles' back to have a hand land on the cheeks still covered by underwear. His mate was a tease like that.

"Touch me... jerk us both. I want to feel my cock against yours..." Stiles whispered hotly into Derek's ear before lightly biting and sucking on the lobe.

"Your underwear might end up torn," the wolf warned without any regret, his other hand finding the boxer shorts to dip into, a weeping head smearing moistness the moment his fingers came in touch with the firm flesh. Derek didn't bother removing the shorts, instead he pushed them down enough to pull the erection out, wrapping his large hand around them both. The feeling of two leaking erections being held close made him moan along with the teasing of his earlobe.

He found Derek adorable with his blushing and still not being that comfortable with taking compliments, but he was too busy purring from the comment regarding his underwear's possible fate.

"I don't mind. I have plenty other underwear," Stiles said but it quickly turned into a moan and his eyes rolled back into his head when Derek finally, FINALLY reached under said last piece of clothing on him and touched his achingly hard leaking cock.

"God..." Stiles always got to Derek so intensely, even a simple hand job like this wasn't exactly simple between them. "You feel so good," Derek said as the warm hand moved along the two lengths.

"Oh fuck... you too!" Stiles managed to groan once their erections were pressed together by a warm hand's firm grip. The smaller man's hips came alive right away and he began moving against the other, gasping for air a few times while he kissed and gently bit along Derek's neck.

His fingers dug into a shoulder to steady himself then finally pulled back enough to use his hand to take Derek's free one and lift the fingers to his lips. What he did next was something Stiles wished Derek could see, because he knew his own look was filthy and hot, mixed with some amber glowing since his magic started reacting more to their closeness and being touched just the right way.

The swollen lips wrapped along two fingers and he sucked on them with some dirty moans, letting his saliva coat them with the help of his playful tongue. He pushed a third finger into his mouth too and mimicked sucking Derek's dick from a couple of minutes ago, making sure that they were slippery enough. It was just then that he released the glistening fingers and led them back to his half-covered ass and between his ass-cheeks.

Derek’s grip on the two erections had faltered the moment a wet mouth sucked on his fingers. And he knew what it looked like without even seeing what was happening. After all those years of watching that gifted mouth wrap itself around pretty much everything it could, he knew exactly the look on his mate's face as he thoroughly made the digits wet. They were soaked with spit and dripping when they were guided to Stiles' back, finding the warm and dry hole.

Stiles groaned out of breath once he pushed and rubbed them against his twitching hole. "You know what to do, big guy..." he moaned while slowly bucking against both the cock and hand and the wet fingers.

Derek didn't need more guidance then and there, because yeah, he knew exactly what to do, didn't need his eyesight for it at all. His middle finger smeared the spit around the tight entrance before he used his index finger to push it against the rim to coax the muscle enough to relax into letting the finger press inside. Spit dried too quickly, even as soaked as his fingers had been. But Stiles loved the burn of the barely enough lubrication. There was no way he'd do that with his erection, it would cause serious injuries but a finger wasn't big enough to tear anything as long as the nails were kept short and it was done with a lot of care.

Care Derek had for his mate in abundance. He never wanted to hurt him again, not on purpose. Not if he had anything to say about it. It's why he pushed the tip of his finger inside before pulling it back and repeating the motion, pressing only slightly deeper to work on opening up the human for more. The rim was easing up on the tightness, as was the second ring of muscles, letting him sink his finger in all the way up to the second knuckle.

It was impossible for Stiles not to stop too and rest his forehead against Derek's shoulder with closed eyes, slightly panting and pushing against that finger. His whole focus was on that motion and relaxing his ass to let it in faster. The slight burn it caused despite the spit was something pleasant that ran up his spine and caused goose bumps to rise on his pale skin.

He made a guttural sound of pleasure when the middle-finger was finally all the way in, just staying there motionless while Stiles panted as his ass muscles relaxed around the digit. His head already felt too light and dizzy from the careful fingering and he realized that his cock oozed more pre-cum by the tip, sliding it down on the hard flesh just to smear against Derek's erection too. He saw it when he cracked his eyes open and the pressed together tips came into view.

It was then that Derek remembered the thick cocks in his hand, too focused on getting the human impaled on his fingers to even move his other hand at all. "We need lube." For both his hand job as well as the fingering. "I want to push all my three fingers inside you."

It took a moment or two for the emissary to comprehend what Derek was saying but he made an agreeing sound and reached back to gently pull the finger out. He immediately felt empty but battled that feeling and the need to shove the finger back, because what Derek said was something he really wanted to happen.

"Fuck... yes! I want that. All three of them in me..." he babbled as he not too gracefully fumbled off Derek's lap to crawl towards the nightstand where they kept the bottle of lube in the drawer. "Stupid thing..." he grumbled when he nearly dropped it on the floor in his eagerness then once he clutched it successfully, he scrambled back to climb his man again, the heat of the familiar body a very welcomed feeling. Not to mention the scent and closeness.

"Here, let me help you..." he said on his new sexy hoarse voice and took Derek's hand again and squirted a nice amount of lube into it to warm it up a bit. "Work your magic on me, my big bad!" he grinned and playfully bit into Derek's neck.

Derek had waited on the bed patiently, not moving an inch since Stiles was determined for him to be in this position. He listened to the human stumbling around to get the lube hurriedly, only making his own spastic movements worse with that, he'd imagine. Rushing always did. But no major accidents happened because the warm body was back against his but instead of getting the tube of lube pressed into his hand, his fingers were coated in the liquid instead, along with his hand.

It warmed up quickly with his higher body warmth, so he used his dry hand to guide it to Stiles’ ass, so his slicked up hand knew where to follow. For a moment the touches were fluttering as the fingers searched around for the barely prepared hole, feeling the rim catch on one of his fingers as the human's breathing hitched. There it was. Unaware, a smile played on Derek’s lips as he pressed the lube-slicked finger back in, slowly. It was a tight fit at first, the lube making it easier to get in past the second knuckle.

Next part

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