Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

Kapcsolatok / Contacts
Slipknot (ENG)
Trivium (ENG)
SepticFlesh (ENG)
Behemoth (ENG)
Adam Lambert (ENG)
Teen Wolf / Sterek (ENG)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (ENG)
30 Seconds To Mars (ENG)
DM Fanfictions (ENG)
Bi/Lesbian/Gay stories (ENG)
Just Jim & U-girl: Home Is Where the Spark Is (series)
Just Jim & U-girl: Home Is Where the Spark Is (series) : 06 - Truths and Training - part 4

06 - Truths and Training - part 4

  2020.04.28. 19:58

6: Truths and Training – part 4

Reaching out with his hand, Derek ruffled the hair close to him, which happened to be Stiles' head, noting it was getting a little long but he kind of liked it. It was all fluffy to touch.

"You're having this amazing glow to you right now. I can see your magic." The human was surrounded by ember waves moving around him like the sea in gentle flows. But as he tried to touch it, it would dissipate and not adhere to him at all. The magic was supposed to like him so why was it moving away?

While Stiles unlocked the car, the werewolf sprawled against it, as if he wanted to hug the vehicle, sighing contently against the black smooth paint, watching his warm breath fog it up. "I really like this car. Do you like this car? We need to get another one." As long as he was keeping this one too, he didn't want to part with it and the loft had so much parking space that it didn't matter. He could buy hundreds of cars.

"You know, my jeep had exploded so I had lost it, and my ex crashed the other Camaro, on purpose. To hurt me. But I didn't care, I stole it anyways." He was being helped into the car, the leather seat creaking as Derek settled into it. Yeah, it was a good car. Smelled nice. "I can still smell our sex in here. Is nice."

Stiles couldn't contain a few fits of giggles of his own while he was going through the motions of safely getting Derek from the animal clinic into the car. Yes, he could feel the effects of the magic too, but it was nowhere as strong as on his mate. He was just giddy and couldn't stop grinning from watching and listening to the other man rambling about random things that came into his mind. He was kinda cute like this and something Stiles would never ever get used to, he knew.

From the corner of his eye he could see that extra glow and the lingering magic around himself too. It was the small portion he couldn't fully lock away and it kept oozing from him a bit, but at least it was harmless. Either way, he kept concentrating on making sure Derek was comfortable and he even put his seat belt on for him before pressing a kiss against his lips and closing the passenger side's door just to move around and slide behind the wheel.

"Yeah, I always liked this car too. It's very... you," he chuckled under his nose and once his own seat belt was on, he stroked his mate's cheek with the back of his hand, a fond smile playing on his lips. "Maybe one day we can buy another one if you want to. Until then I'll stick to my own Jeep," he winked and started the car, concentrating on driving a bit more than usual – not just because of the slight light-headed sensation that lingered, but also because it was Derek's beloved car. The fond memory of seeing him drive it the first time came back into Stiles' mind. Even if back then he was still scared (and disturbingly aroused by the mysterious man), he found the combination of the muscle car and... well, the muscular guy hot as hell.

"Hey, you said you've cleaned the car thoroughly to get rid of the smell of the sex we had back there..." Stiles grinned amused but kept his eyes on the road. Thank fuck it was already late and there was nearly no traffic by then as the car purred steadily and quietly under them. It wasn't the first time he drove it, but the whole experience was still definitely a shocking difference between his jeep and the Camaro – how smoothly it was eating the miles and taking in the corners. Or just how easily it was to speed with it, for that matter. Right now he paid very close attention not to do that, because even if he was connected in the sheriff's department, he didn't want any of the cops to stop them right now. It would be an awkward situation to explain their state.

"I lied, I didn't want to use bleach on my leather seats," Derek informed him easily, a giddy grin on his face while he watched Stiles drive his car. He didn't even bother to look outside, his whole focus was on his mate who looked radiant with the color of magic swirling around him.

It was strange to be in a moving car when the world was whirling around him already. It gave him a sense of vertigo he rarely experienced, making his head spin. It wasn't in a bad way, it wasn't painful, he didn't feel sick, he felt more than fine to be honest. Lightened of the load of everything because he barely could remember how to walk, let alone focus on the pain he was always carrying with him. The seatbelt kept him in place or he probably would have been half in Stiles' lap already, it was tempting not to put his head there. But after a few attempts of unbuckling ad not getting anywhere, he gave up on it. Instead the Hale put a hand on his mate's leg, wanting to keep in contact in some way.

"It was Laura's car. She had left it in New York so I kept it. I know it's stupid to keep something like this when I could go to New York and grab our stuff from the apartment but I've never went back." He wasn't a sentimental guy, he didn't get attached to objects since he knew they'd be taken away at any time but the few items he did have, he guarded closely.

Derek laughed at the memory that popped up. "When she got it, I told her she was stupid for buying something so flashy, that hunters would easily pick up on it. She said that we were going to be noticed anyways so might as well do it in style." Derek was more the practical kind of guy but now he had a fondness for muscle cars, the least practical of all, though for being chased it was perfect, it could speed like no practical car could.

His hand ran along Stiles' leg up and down in a caress, the older man marveling at the feeling of the jeans’ fabric.

"Oh you so gonna get it for lying to me once we get to the loft..." Stiles mumbled under his nose still amused and without any heat behind his words. He could also feel Derek's constant gaze on him as he kept shifting and winding the car through mostly deserted streets. He looked back at him only at red lamps. He remembered all the times they were in the same car – this, his jeep or any other – when he could only secretly wish for Derek to look at him like that, or stole glances of him when he thought the other wasn't looking. Now that it was "allowed" to do so since they were in a relationship, this small detail settled with a nice warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Just like how the big hand rubbing his thigh clearly fascinated made him feel too. At least that seemed to hold Derek's attention for a while and made him stop trying to open his seat belt. Werewolf or not, Stiles preferred his man uninjured and safe.

"I didn't know the car was hers. I can see why you had kept it," he finally said after stopping by another red light and turned his face towards the still clearly high man. Stiles wasn't sure how much Derek would remember from the night after the doze of magic he got, but it was nice that he was talking about bits from his past willingly.

"I'm not sure if you know or not, but I'm so attached to my Jeep because it used to belong to my mother. Dad saved it for me until I was old enough to drive it. On my first ride I nearly immediately ended up in a ditch with it. That was the first time dad gave me a roll of duct tape to fix the damage because I had no money back then to get it fixed and he wanted me to take care of the Jeep on my own," he recalled that by now fond memory. "That's the real reason why I always refused to get rid of it," he shrugged with a serene smile and shifted gears before carefully giving gas to make the car move again.

Noah had once mentioned that the jeep had been Claudia's, which had explained Stiles' obsession with keeping it. Unfortunately, duct tape wasn't the right tool to keep a car running and all these years of neglected care had no doubt ruined it all under the hood, even though the blue jeep looked fine on the outside. "We'll fix it up together, if you'll let me." Derek had been tempted in the past to replace parts but Stiles had never let him because he had claimed Derek would only make it worse.

The offer to fix his car together made Stiles think and stomp down on his usual 'no' answer whenever Derek made an attempt to bring it up to him in the past. Things were different now and he could also afford to replace a few critical parts to keep his baby together. Or at least for a while he could afford it, but now he wasn't going to think about his finances. He knew Derek wouldn't mind paying for everything that needed to be fixed on the jeep, but ever since Stiles' first roll of duct tape, the car's been his responsibility and he did save up money in the past to fix things on it. But running with wolves and trying to save lives against supernatural threats put his jeep into harm's way more often than how fast he could save up that money. But maybe working on her would be another bonding experience between the two of them...

They were getting close and he had to pay more attention to the dimmer roads in the industrial district where Derek's building was situated. It's been years since he'd been there and the fact that soon he was going to live there too started to sink in. Really sink in. It resulted in a few deeper and slower breaths.

"Maybe one day, if you want to go, I can accompany you to New York to get what you think you want to keep from that apartment," Stiles offered softly after a while, but didn't elaborate not to bring down Derek from his high when he finally felt so light through the bonds. Like a constant weight was temporarily lifted from his whole being. Despite the high state, he kinda felt more... balanced like this and it made Stiles breathe a bit easier too despite the magic-induced tightness in his chest as his physical body and whole being was trying to adjust to the new dose.

The big building of the loft came in view, all dark because there was only the loft being used and even that one was abandoned. It looked like an unfriendly building but Derek knew they could make it work. Besides, hunters would be less tempted to think this building was in use. "We should, go to New York." It was easily agreed on right now, probably not something they'd be doing soon though. It was easy to agree when he didn't have the emotional range he would have had otherwise. He was too high to be wallowing in his usual man-pain. And the thought made him snort amused.

Stiles parked the car, the engine turned off so that meant he could get out. Only, he was left fumbling with the seat belt again, it just wouldn't budge and his fingers felt like they were too big to work right. Strapped in still, he sighed heavily, waiting for his mate to help him out here. Long fingers pressed and it released, easy as that, making Derek beam at him before he got out of the car. And what happened next was spectacular for a werewolf. The older man attempted to walk but with everything moving so much, he stumbled, ending up flat on the ground.

Derek’s loud laugh echoed in the empty area and he made no move to even get up, he was too busy laughing his ass off from his own botched walking.

He wisely didn't react to the New York comment because of obvious circumstances regarding Derek's current state. But he made a mental note to come back to the topic later once both of them were sober. For now he found lots of entertainment in the sight of the big bad alpha lying on the concrete floor laughing his ass off. Stiles couldn't stop his own laughter either as he hurried around the Camaro to help Derek up.

"Duuude. Careful!" he grinned, draping one arm around his shoulders to help Derek stand. "Hold onto me while I get my bag from the backseat then we go upstairs, okay?" he asked, pecking the warm – and probably still flushed – face, although it was hard to tell in the dim light. They should definitely get some motion-activated lamps installed, because okay, wolves could see well in the dark. Hell, even Stiles' vision seemed to have gotten better from his magic, but he had to concentrate to navigate a high mate plastered against his side and gathering his duffel bag. Before heading to Deaton, he made sure to pack some change of clothes for both of them and some necessities.

"Don't call me dude," Derek protested even though it was halfhearted and more out of habit because he figured if he'd stop protesting all together, then it was going to be used all the time. Not that the reasoning worked because Stiles still called him dude daily if not more. Plastered against his mate, he focused on holding onto him as they walked to the elevator, slowly because Derek kept listing sideways. His weight wasn't easy to hold for the lighter human, especially not with the way he kept moving.

Finding their way to the elevator wasn't that hard as the safety light was on in it plus Stiles knew the terrain. Keeping Derek up straight was a bit trickier. But he soon found that pressing him against the slowly moving elevator's wall was quite effective.

"Hi..." he grinned at Derek, his closeness and warmth familiar and nice.

Leaning against the wall of the elevator, Derek closed his eyes briefly, feeling the motions of the slow movement vibrating against his back. The solid bulk of the younger man was pressed against him to keep him from slipping sideways and falling, which was smart. Peeking through half-opened eyes, he matched the grin flashed at him, seeing that pretty face he liked so much up close and personal.

"Hi," the wolf breathed as he leaned in to kiss those tempting lips.

It wasn't a smooth kiss, their teeth clashed and their noses were in the way, both of them giggling like the drunk idiots they were as they attempted to deepen it. The sudden halt of the elevator broke the kiss because Derek fell into Stiles, nearly tackling him with his bulk. There was nothing smooth and graceful about the werewolf anymore. He was a bumbling and clumsy man because his drugged brain made it seem like he was on a ship in a storm.

Somehow Stiles managed to drag him along to the metal door which slid open with ease and they were bathed in light when a hand searchingly found the switch. Derek hadn't thought that one through, obviously. The light made him squint, shielding his eyes, only to once again end up on the floor because Stiles had been trying to close the door and not lose Derek at the same time.

With a sigh he fumbled with his leather jacket, managing to get it off and throw it as his hands pulled at his own shirt to get it off as well. "We need a new bed, this one is so hard. I don't like it." Derek had no idea he was on the floor and not the bed.

It was perfect, really. The clumsy attempts at kissing each other, their closeness and lingering scents on each other. Even the way Derek fell again and mistook the floor for the bed. (The undressing mate right there only adding to that feeling in Stiles.) Perfect, because it was just the two of them. Together. Not scrambling to come up with a plan or go to war against some kind of danger. Despite being drunk on magic, this was one of the rare times they could be alone, focus on each other. It was still quite a new concept for Stiles, but he loved it and with time will get used to it, he was sure. Right now, though, relationship-wise everything was still new and exciting for the human.

"I'll put that on our list to buy for the loft," the emissary grinned and for a moment let Derek rest there half-naked (and yes, that took some effort from Stiles), and glimpsed around, taking a deep breath from the slightly stale air. Derek's been here recently, he knew, and nothing much has changed since the last time Stiles had been there. There were some more functional furniture, but the interior stayed the same simple Spartan style. As a few ideas of how to make it homier crossed the younger man's mind, that feeling of 'our home' hit him harder here. It was a pleasant emotion, felt still with some disbelief as he walked to the actual bed to put his duffel bag down next to it.

"Now come on, I think I already found a better one. I wonder if Santa had left it here as an early present..." he mused, going back to once again help Derek up. To Stiles it was amazing that his mate still didn't manage to knock him over with his weight this night. It was a small miracle in his opinion. "Alright, you can be the first to test the mattress. Let me know your opinion," he continued, playing along as he dropped Derek on the bed, making him lightly bounce once, then he pulled the wolf's shoes and socks off, moving to unbuckle the belt next.

Staring up at the dirty skylight in the roof, Derek was lost in the darkness beyond. There were no stars visible because the glass was too dirty to see much. The years of barely being here had left its impression and it showed in the emptiness of the place, the dust that had gathered. The kitchen had been half-finished, bathroom was functional and the other rooms on the floor were hidden by more metal doors, filled with rubble. Plenty of room, plenty of work to make it a home. He hadn't cared about it in the past, after years of running, having a roof and a bed had already been a luxury. But now... he wanted to fix it up.

The sheets had been changed recently, but that was about all that was clean around here. It showed when Stiles dropped him on the bed and there wasn't a cloud of dust surrounding them because of the sudden weight dipping the mattress. Derek stretched out on it while Stiles started on removing his clothes, arms above his head because yes, this was soft and good and it smelled like him so he was very comfortable with this bed. The clinking of his belt being undone made him glance to where his mate was to see what was happening, treated by the sight of him undoing the zipper and button to pull the pants off completely. Derek of course, was no help at all, dead weight because he was so relaxed that his body felt as heavy as it did when he'd be sleeping.

The human had to push and pull, while the Hale giggled like the intoxicated person he was until his pants were finally gone and he starfished on the bed, a low content grumble coming from his chest.

"We should keep this bed," he decided, hooking his thumbs behind his underwear to get that off too, he was too hot anyways. As he threw it, it landed on Stiles which resulted in more laughter. "You're supposed to be undressing, not wearing more clothes."

Undressing Derek – his mate – was both grounding and funny in this state, eliciting some giggles of his own from Stiles. Grabbing the underwear that stuck to his tummy after it was thrown, he absentmindedly dropped it onto the pile of clothes next to the big and indeed comfortable bed and just let his eyes drink in the gorgeous sight of the man on display in front of him.

At the beginning he'd tried to guess how Derek would really look all naked. And during the years he had the chance to take a few glimpses, but those were brief ones, usually connected to some fighting or injuries. Not the ideal time to take in the majestic sight of each muscle, dip and crevice, adorned by the just right amount of dark hair to make him look even more masculine than the toned muscles and his built did. Or to admire the tone of his flawless skin. It always fascinated Stiles how perfectly wolves could heal nearly mortal injuries too. He remembered seeing countless wounds inflicted on Derek and none showed, not even other alphas' attacks. He knew that it was one thing his mate missed having on him as reminders.

Scars. Stiles wouldn't mind them – he would find those just as attractive as the burned in tattoo on his back or the rune on Derek's inner-forearm which was caused by his magic and matched his own. But he loved this fascinating flawlessness too and the fact that now he could freely let his long fingers map out every inch of the body in front of him. He knew he could do this all night, mapping, stroking, feeling the warmth of said skin, enjoy the dance of muscles underneath, play with the dark hairs here and there, soak his fingertips in Derek's scent even more. Let him feel through those touches how much Stiles loved this simple act, how much he appreciated everything that was Derek.

He wasn't sure if all this reflected in his look and in-awe expression as he finally stopped the gentle caressing and staring and shrugged off his own leather-jacket and pulled the T-shirt over his head to reveal more of his own skin. It was in stark contrast with Derek's. Paler, carrying constellations of moles and the marks of the real world healed on it, but etched in there for as long as he was going to be alive.

"Then we'll keep the bed..." the awestruck man smiled as he sat on the bed to kick down his own shoes and socks. He was clumsy and not sexy at all, but very real with his struggle, but finally managed to free his stuck leg from the prison of his jeans and he leaned over Derek, laying half-way on top of him. It was chilly in the loft, but the wolf's body heat always helped. His mate's kind functioned as furnaces too and he liked to exploit that trait. "You're so warm... and beautiful. I can also see and feel my magic starting to find its way to settle in you. You are the only one who can do this for me..." he kissed the stubbly cheek. Stiles has always liked to be affectionate with people he cared about and loved, but it felt like some of Derek's was bleeding into him too. Which he didn't mind at all, of course, hooking a leg over a muscular thigh, his fingertips finding a nipple to lazily circle and rub it.

The wolf lavished in the attention shown to him, every stroke of the curious fingertips leaving behind a pleasant tingling feeling on his skin. He had stopped shaving his body a long time ago, because it had been a near impossible job. With his werewolf genes and his family's Italian and Spanish roots, he was a hirsute man, dark hairs covering his limbs and chest and even shaving his face lasted all but a day before there was stubble setting in again. Stiles didn't seem to mind, he took care in caressing the rougher hairs and it didn't diminish his arousal, running his fingers along the tanned skin reverently. Every muscle was touched, every dip and groove sought out, as if trying to find marks that weren't there. No scar, no mole, no pimple or even dents of older scars.

And finally Stiles had decided to undress as well, so Derek could lock his gaze on the other's body. Paler skin, mole-dotted and quite a few scars forever marred, a thick pleasure trail of hairs pointing upwards to chest hair. Not as much as Derek’s but it was a clear sign of adulthood, as were the muscles developed on the arms, chest and stomach. Stiles was skinnier, flawed but that was what he loved about it. He didn't want perfection, not even his body was perfection. Stiles was Stiles and that was all the Hale ever needed.

When Stiles leaned over him, he eagerly ran his hand along the body, wanting to do some exploring of his own, getting lost in the moles and the scars. He could have spent hours caressing them but his mate seemed to have other plans as a leg hitched over his though and clever fingertips plucked at a nipple to fully harden it. It made him hiss in pleasure, it created an odd kind of trickle in his stomach, where it fluttered and his dick decided to show some interest as well. Not that it could be blamed with having the human so close to him – it always had a mind of its own then.

"I'm the only one who can do this too," Derek decided as he let a hand slide down from Stiles' back to grip his ass cheek, the firm bubble-butt a perfect size for his large hand. Little more than a handful, so he could knead the flesh.

The first warm touch on Stiles’ skin caused goose bumps to break out on it and a pleasant shiver zinged down his spine. He wondered if the gentle touches of his mate would always feel like this. He hoped so because this was something he would never get bored of. Just like from the fact that Derek was finally his. He would already sacrifice everything in his knowledge and power to keep it that way. To keep him happy and safe. Even if the latter was risky business in Beacon Hills and also because Derek was an alpha werewolf. Stiles knew the risks but he had taken them without hesitation in the Stilinski house's hallway when it was decided that they are going to give this a chance. And if it wasn't his best decision during his whole life then he didn't know what else it could be...

Derek's comment changed the peaceful, quiet atmosphere in an instant. It became hot and thicker with sexual tension between them. It was as if those words have plucked on the mate bond, stoking their ever present desire for each other. It made Stiles moan just as much as the firm grip on his ass. He instinctively pushed against it to feel it more, his breathing hitching and becoming a bit shallower in time with his heart fluttering and his cock stirring alive.

"Very much true. It's all yours. Only yours..." he pulled his head back enough to be able to smirk down at Derek as an idea popped up in his head. Not breaking the eye-contact, he abandoned the hard nipple and reached down to capture the gripping hand and pulled it up to his lips. He sucked two of the fingers inside, sliding his tongue around and between them to make sure they were wet enough. Once he deemed they were, he led them back down and between his cheeks. "You're also the only one who can do this to me..." he added, making one finger put pressure against his tight hole.

Had he not been this high, he would have protested at using spit only on the human. It was one thing if they did that with him, because he healed almost instantly or soon enough at least. But Stiles would feel it for days, spit wasn't enough of a lubricant but right now he couldn't stop it. His fingers were slick with spit, wet enough to let the furrowed hole accept the pressure of his finger when Stiles guided it. Pushing it in made him moan because that was so tight and warm and everything felt so good right now.

He couldn't remember if he still had lube here or not, probably a no because last time he had sex was with Lydia to make their daughter and that had been at her place a year ago. They really should have lube but it felt so good! With a concentrated look on his face, because he didn't see what he was doing, it was all by touch alone, he spread the spit before it would dry, daring to push his finger up to the first knuckle before he pulled it back, only to repeat it. Okay, maybe they could do this forever instead of caressing their bodies, because this was even better. When the muscles started to adjust to the feeling, Derek let it slide in to the second knuckle.

"You're so tight and warm." It was amazing, Stiles was amazing. Everything was amazing. His coordination was off, way off but this, thanks to Stiles guiding him there, was something he could do and he wanted to stick his tongue there and make his mate wet all over. But he was pretty sure he had no idea how to even get there. So he focused on what his finger was doing, sinking it in all the way, repeating the motion to let Stiles adjust. "I want to taste you, let me taste you." Which meant he really needed some guidance to make that happen.

"I want to make you wet with my tongue and taste you forever."

Stiles' eyes rolled shut and he moaned low from the careful pressure and exploring finger in him. He pulled the leg over Derek's further up to give the fingers a better access and even barely noticeably rocked his hips back and forth. That made his balls and quickly filling shaft gently rub against said thigh. Yes, it was probably too dry, but Stiles was okay with that for now. He liked to be always prepared and that was the case now too. But for a long minute or two he just let himself enjoy the slightly burning touches of his mate.

"Oh god..." That was his first reaction to Derek's words. The second was his cock jumping interested and his hole tightening around the half-way in finger. "Fuck, Derek. Yes, please," he whispered on a slightly broken voice from the prospect and also the idea that popped up in his mind. Stiles wasn't blind, he saw that it was probably better if Derek stayed how he was as every more serious attempt to move resulted in falling flat on his face. Quite literally.

Gently grabbing his wrist again, Stiles pulled the finger out just to lean down and kiss the slightly parted lips. His kiss was passionate and promising but also short-ish. "Alright..." he grinned down at Derek slightly out of breath, his pink tongue licking Derek's taste off his own moist lips. "Just... stay here gorgeous like this. I'll be right back, I promise," he ran a hand through the already messed up dark hair and pecked the inviting lips once more.

Then he was scrambling to the edge of the bed – no gracefulness this time either as he was half-way off of it – searching in the duffel bag for a while, the long line of his tattooed back and pale ass on display for the wolf. "A-ha!" Stiles exclaimed triumphant and held up the bottle of lube he stashed in there just in case. And oh boy he was so proud of himself for doing so!

Derek didn't understand why ‘yes please’ resulted in his finger being removed and he whined in disappointment because he wasn't done with that yet! But the passionate kiss kind of made it better, a little. He wanted to get back to what they were doing. "Stiles..." Derek complained when his mate left fully and he would have sit up if he wasn't sure that if he did, he might topple over. There was nothing sexy about a man face-planting the floor. Well, not that sexy if it wasn't Stiles who did it.

Grumbling a little even though he piped down considerably after the quick peck on his tingling lips, he watched Stiles move around, a tempting view he wanted to get his hands on. Like right this second.

Whatever his mate was looking for, it didn't take too long and he returned with lube, beaming proudly like the prepared Boy Scout he was. Derek hadn't even thought of bringing it even though Stiles had made it clear he had wanted to have sex today. At least one of them was thinking even though resolving the problem with their mouths would have been fine by him too as long as he got to pleasure the younger man.

"Alright, big boy. Time to play and switch things up to the next level," Stiles wiggled his brows. "You know, I always wanted to try out the '69' pose with you. This is the perfect opportunity, I believe," he explained his brilliant plan, leaving the lube close to Derek in case he wanted to use it at some later point. And then he put a pillow under Derek's head for a better angle and was turning around.

Straddling the face of his mate to offer up his bare ass felt deliciously decadent to some degree. Coming face-to-face with the massive cock underneath him equally so. "Dinner's served..." he purred and didn't hesitate to grab the base and dive down to lick along it once he found a comfortable position for himself. The musky male scent was invading his nose, making his mind fuzzier, just like the salty taste of the velvety skin.

Having his face full of pale ass was exactly what Derek had wanted and he sighed happily, sliding his hands up to get at the tight globs and part them even more. There was no hesitation, he just went for it, licking along the crack to settle on the tight hole. The rim wasn't that opened, the one finger hadn't done enough preparation for it so he licked around it, wetting the hairs to flatten them. He loved that Stiles hadn't showered yet, because as thoughtful as it was to offer a clean ass, Derek liked the taste of musk better than shampoo. The salty sweat which had gathered in the crack made him groan because his mate understood how he wanted this instead of freaking out over cleanliness – though Stiles tried to keep himself as clean for him as possible.

Now it wasn't a perfect taste, it was dirty and all Stiles and that was what Derek loved the most. With the tip of his tongue, he pushed against the rim, attempting to coach the muscle to open. It fluttered, and he got a little bit in but not enough so he licked around it again, sucking and nibbling over the opening until it was ready to accept the tongue deeper.

Stiles swore getting rimmed was a feeling that would never cease to amaze him and each time Derek did it to him, it was that much more mind-blowing, because... well, it was Derek... Even high on his magic, the wolf was doing a great job at making it more and more difficult for Stiles to focus on the impressive task literally at hand and right in his face. He moaned and shivered, slight tremors running down his opened thighs as he kept himself in that position. Ass exposed and wet from the saliva, that eager tongue already doing wonders to him, not to mention the slight burning sensation from the stubble rubbing against his very sensitive skin. The pale quickly flushed to red and warmed up against Derek's cheeks.

As his body was opening up more and more to the tireless tongue, Stiles' soft moans and pants became more frequent. He pressed his chest against Derek's stomach and angled the hard cock towards him so he could start suckling the tip, his tongue rolling around it, pressing to the sensitive ridges under the head. His own cock was also painfully hard and he could feel the first drops of pre-cum starting to accumulate at his tip, but he didn't care. His full focus was on the tongue tasting his ass as if it was the best delicacy on the whole wide world, and his own mouth sliding deeper and deeper on the tasty flesh, spreading his own saliva along more and more inches. Sucking Derek quickly became his favorite hobby.

He also quickly realized that he liked this pose a lot. It was so dirty and exciting at the same time. Something new they were discovering as a couple and Stiles really hoped that Derek was liking this just as much as he did. Okay, he could feel through their bond that it was the case. And even without that, one just had to listen to the small content sounds and growls coming from the wolf while he was eating him out so well that Stiles started to see supernovas and slowly whole galaxies too.

There was something to be said about being this high, even when it was on magic and not actual drugs. It did make Derek’s body react as if it was. Which meant that it was hard focusing on everything at once and he decided his sole focus was going to be to taste his mate. With that he was going to be able to remain hard for much longer. His body happily went with it but the brain was absent so there was some stamina gained. The pleasure was spread all around him, not only focused on where his erection was getting a thorough tonguing. Every nerve felt it, every hair on his body standing up with goose bumps, as if he was being touched by electricity.

Stiles' hole was loosening up for him to push his tongue inside deeper, wetting the inner walls as much as he could even though he knew spit wasn't enough lubrication. It was his way of leaving his mark and getting all the taste he wanted to at the same time. Slotting his lips over the rim, he pushed his tongue in and sucked on the edges, repeating the motion. There was a wetness coating his neck and chest, pre-come which had leaked out even though he had fully ignored the swollen cock in favor of giving the ass all he could.

Once he was satisfied it was wet and open enough, he added a thumb, watching intensely how the thick digit sunk into the fluttering orifice with ease, just the tip of it. Right, where was the lube? He should add some of that but then again, he wasn't done eating out his mate yet and he didn't like the artificial taste of lube, not even the one with a taste added to it. Something to research, finding a lubrication he didn't mind having in his mouth. A Stiles-tasting lube, he'd like that a whole lot. Pulling the thumb out, he returned his tongue to push spit back inside so he could finger Stiles deeper with his index, looking for the prostate as he let the walls swallow his finger.

Stiles could feel how much Derek liked what he was doing so damn thoroughly that it made him leak onto the wolf's chest and neck like crazy. All the small licks, the probing tongue and fingers, the kisses and wet sounds caused just as much goose bumps and pleasant shivers over his body. Curses of pleasure were flying around in his dizzy mind, unable to break free because Stiles refused to let Derek's cock out of his mouth. He did moan around the hard shaft a few times, though. He wanted to express how much he was enjoying what the other man was doing to him. The vibrations carried that and also stimulated Derek's cock.

Heat rose to the surface of Stiles' skin along his spine, the butterflies fluttering like crazy in his belly. He had to move, had to feel more so he lightly rocked his ass against the probing finger and Derek's face. Then he did slide off the cock to crane his neck and take a glimpse of that. It was a sight to remember. Derek Hale eating out and fingering his ass with so much devotion on the visible part of his face that Stiles nearly lost it right there.

"Finger me for real, for fuck's sake...." he groaned, voice taking on a desperate undertone from the merciless teasing. He had the suspicion that it wasn't an intentional teasing, because each touch, lick and push into his hole felt more like admiration, nearly worshiping. "I... need to feel more of you in me..." he finally stated what was on his mind and then let his spit dribble down onto the tip of Derek's cock before it was worked down along its length with a hand. Then he dived down again and sucked in a bigger portion of it, letting the tip brush against the back of his throat. Stiles refused to gag, instead focused on tightening his lips around the thick girt and sucked harder and faster on his favorite lollipop in hopes that Derek would get it just how much he was turning him on and was making him burn for more.

Instead of doing exactly what Stiles demanded of him, Derek laughed, huffing warm breath into the opened hole because he enjoyed hearing the strain in the voice. He loved Stiles being bossy, commanding Derek, and as much as it could work, it didn't always do the trick. Like now.

"I'm not done tasting you." No, the putting Stiles on edge from pleasure wasn't intentional, he was enjoying his mate's taste and wasn't ready to give up on that just yet. Fingering required lube, lube tasted bad, it was a no brainer.

Next chapter

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