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Just Jim & U-girl: Home Is Where the Spark Is (series)
Just Jim & U-girl: Home Is Where the Spark Is (series) : 06 - Truths and Training - part 1

06 - Truths and Training - part 1

  2020.04.28. 19:53

Note: This is the sixth part of the “Home Is Where the Spark Is” series. To understand better what’s going on, we recommend reading the previous entries. Enjoy!

Fandoms: Teen Wolf, Sterek

Characters/relationships: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Sheriff Noah Stilinski, Alan Deaton

Rating/category: R (explicit), supernatural, post-Teen Wolf, canon and non-canon elements, slash, M/M, Sterek, hurt/comfort, dark, angst, PTSD, aged up characters, established friendship, Spark Stiles, Magic Stiles, Emissary Stiles, Emissary in training Stiles, detective Stiles, matured Stiles, Alpha Derek, switch Derek, switch Stiles, blow job, rimming, fingering, rough sex, drama, epic romance, love, magic, fluff, soulmates, Mate bond, Emissary bond, werewolves, humor, wit, sarcasm, Derek is Derek, Stiles is Stiles, werewolf lore, druid lore, mysteries, training, high Derek

Summary: Stiles and Derek have some confessions to make to the Sheriff, who surprises them with his reaction and condition. Also, Stiles’ intense training with Deaton and Derek continues and more of his magic gets awakened.

Disclaimer: This is a product of our imagination and was written only for entertainment and fun. We don’t profit from this fanfiction and we mean no harm or disrespect against any real person, culture or custom that might appear in the story. All original pictures and fictional characters used in the story belong to their respective owners and credit goes to them.

Just Jim edit

Home Is Where the Spark Is
By Just Jim & Useless-girl

6: Truths and Training – Part 1

Who said that being a grown up would make it easier to talk to a parent? Probably no one, ever. The last time Stiles was this nervous around his dad was when he’d told him that he wasn’t going to pursue a career at the FBI. He thought that the older Stilinski would be pissed or disappointed for him to “miss such a once in a lifetime opportunity,” but he was neither. Once the surprise faded, he listened to Stiles and in the end supported his decision.

Would it be too much to ask that he did the same now when he and Derek were about to break some prettttty heavy news to him? It’d probably be pushing his luck, but he mentally crossed his fingers for them.

They were sitting at the kitchen table and his dad’s sharp eyes were jumping from one male to the other. This has been going on for minutes. Ever since Melissa took Beth for some girl time and Stiles told the sheriff that they had to talk about some serious stuff. The silence in the kitchen was broken only by the clicking of the clock in the hallway and Stiles’ nervous sighs as he was staring at his interlocked hands on the tabletop.

“Alright, son, you are starting to make me nervous with your nervousness... Just spit it out, I can take it,” Noah’s patience apparently ran out and he finally snapped.

“I’m moving back to Beacon Hills and in with Derek. We also kinda accidentally mated for life and I became his emissary too and now have to be around him so we don’t get sick until the bonds settle and also have to start training with Deaton to gain control over my magic!” Stiles suddenly blurted out then dropped his head forward in defeat as he groaned. Veeeery subtle...

The following silence was deafening to him as his wildly beating heart jumped up into his throat. Why did he feel like a kid who did something wrong and had to explain things to his dad? He did nothing wrong this time. He wasn’t confessing a crime by any means. Then why was he so nervous? Oh yeah... he didn’t want to disappoint not just Derek, but his father either.

Chewing on his bottom lip, he glimpsed at Derek for some kind of reassurance that all will be well. After all, Noah had managed to accept the whole supernatural world thing too. These were just... additional information in said world.

And they said Derek wasn't able to communicate. Stiles wasn't doing much of a bang up job right now either by blurting it all out without it even making sense so he couldn't blame Noah's silence as he tried to go over it in his head.

The sheriff leaned back in his chair, rubbing at his eyes. "Mated for life… is that what I think it means?"

"For better and for worse. In sickness and in health, until death do us apart." Derek didn't mean to snarl with it, he knew those were the human vows in a wedding because that's what was being asked. It seemed to have worked though because the sheriff was... nodding? Somewhat. He looked mostly pained at the news, which he didn't take to heart, it wasn't about Derek, Stiles was too young to get himself a husband.

"Emissary is...?"

"Druid, like Deaton," the Hale explained since Noah knew about Alan and what he did, somewhat. That was a talk Stiles had when the Jennifer debacle had happened and the whole druid thing had come up. Right along the time Stiles had been forced to tell his father all about the supernaturals and had used the chess board to explain it.

"And the bonds I take are literal bond-mate, soul-mate ones? You two didn’t just share rings like normal people would but went ahead and got soul-hitched, and you're now like a package deal or one of you gets sick. Which isn't that new since you two have been attached by the hip since Stiles got back."

Derek carefully nodded at that, because he wasn't sure how calm Noah would remain once it all would land what it all meant. Or if he'd take it in stride – he seemed to be good at that.

"Are you two insane?! Life's not dangerous enough, but you both made your life depend on another person? When you two can't even step outside without getting in some sort of trouble? And I didn't even get to take one of you to the altar... how would that go, you two being males, which one of you would I even bring to the altar?"

"Heeeey! We are 'normal people' too... just with some extra stuff!" Stiles finally found his voice as he lifted his head with a light frown. But he couldn't blame his dad for his choice of words or the way he reacted. "And I think you would walk me down the aisle because I'm your son and I’m smaller and more feminine…," he snorted, unable to get that image out of his head. "I pass more as the girl if we look at it this way."

"Dear god..." Noah rolled his eyes and ran his hands through his hair.

There was a huffed laugh from the werewolf at Stiles defending his girly right, because he was almost as tall as him, not as built, sure, more slender but there wasn't anything feminine about the youngest Stilinski. However out of the two of them, if there had to be that stereotype plastered onto a gay couple even though it didn't even fit with them being switches, maybe Stiles would be the girl. Only because of looks. But a hole had been dug and he wasn't going to get Stiles out of it. If he wanted his dad to think that, who was he to correct it? It amused him to no end.

"Otherwise... I'm sorry, dad. I could've been gentler with breaking the news, but I was so nervous," Stiles said on a softer tone, wringing his hand. "I know it's a lot to take in. Believe me, it is for us too. Everything happened just... so fast. Everything's so new. We two too are just starting to get used to it and are trying to figure out things. But we didn't want to lie or sneak around. We... we'll also need some help, dad."

Noah nodded with a calmer expression, eyeing the two closely. He wasn't stupid. He had noticed before how Derek went from practically a middle-aged man to an early twenty-something and now he was back to his normal pre-Hell look. It was probably no coincidence. Neither the way his son looked different too. Despite being his usual self, the sheriff... no, the father in him saw the shadows of previous dark circles under his eyes, the slightly more prominent cheekbones and sharper lines of his face, the small strained lines of worry on his face. He also knew that he had to let his son talk to reveal more information rather than a direct question would give him.

"You see..." Stiles continued, unbeknownst to him, walking right into that "with time the risk of getting sick while being apart will lessen, so we won't be that dependent on each other. But these new bonds... they need that time and even after that maintenance to keep them strong and healthy. So I'm moving back. Not just because of this, though. San Francisco is okay, I enjoyed working there, but I was never really happy there. I know that I can be that only wherever Derek is," he confessed, blushing, but he didn't even care because that was the truth. "Though what's more problematic for now is the fact that our... mating had awakened my mostly dormant magic with which I've been experimenting back in Frisco. And it grows too fast so I need to learn to control it as soon as possible. Otherwise it could get dangerous."

"For whom?" the sheriff frowned deeply, not even going into the fact that his son could apparently do magic now.

"Mostly for me and Derek, but probably for everyone else close to us too," Stiles shrugged with a bitter smile.

"How bad?" Noah asked, but Stiles' pointed look told him everything he needed to know. Which wasn't helping in keeping his calm. "Alright... So Deaton will help you with the control."


"And what does it mean to be his emissary?" he nodded towards Derek, wanting more information than a short sentence Derek had provided as explanation.

"It's a unique position. An emissary is like an adviser to the pack he ties himself to. In the past they usually didn't become a part of the pack, but there's been a change in that as times moved on."

"Are you kidding? You... giving advice to Derek and his pack?" the sheriff raised a brow.

"Hey, thanks for the support! I can be wise and give good advice! Tell him!" he waved dramatically towards his dad while looking at Derek.

Derek listened to the two talk quietly, more there for moral support, though the father and son weren't letting him out of the conversation for very long before he was drawn right back in.

"He gives me advice," he drawled since he was told to, a dry tone to it because he teasingly left out the wise and good part. "There's not much a pack of yet. I want to fix up my building, make the apartments livable before I'm accepting new betas. The loft is first." The last part was added quickly so Noah would know that his son wasn't going to move into the mess it was now.

Noah sighed heavily, not for the first time thinking he wanted a drink, a tall glass of a drink to deal with all this. He was happy with the two finally getting their act together and that they stopped their pining which had been going on for years. Not that he had ever been okay with his underage son dating an older man. Now they were both adults though, but the whole forever part was a little too fast for his liking.

"You've mentioned needing help. What can I help with besides narrowing my eyes at you both?"

"Watch Elizabeth when you can. We'll ask others too."

"And you can't because...?"

"The training is going to be intense. Stiles will be exhausted a lot. And I will be often intoxicated on magic. I don't want her to see me like that."

The sheriff nodded in understanding because that meant they weren't capable of looking after the little girl, which was also why they shouldn't have rushed into this until they were older. "We'll rotate the schedule like we did when you came to live here."

Derek was relieved to hear that even though he disliked putting that kind of pressure on Noah and the others. They had helped him when he couldn't be up for more than a few hours a day. There had been a ‘babysitting the Hales’ schedule. Noah, Melissa, Chris and Parrish had been part of it but now they could also add some others to it, as long as Elizabeth knew them. "Thank you."

Stiles gave Derek the stink eye for deliberately phrasing his advice comment like this, but he knew it was for humor and teasing, so he didn't butt in just let the sheriff and his "son-in-law" talk. They would have to do that a lot in the future. But it was clear as day for Stiles that the communication between his dad and Derek has improved a lot since he's been living here with Beth. After all, what better way to strengthen communication than coming back half-dead from Hell and being taken care of by the father of his future mate, huh? It was good though. Stiles remembered the time when Derek was labeled as a killer and was on the run, his dad pursuing him. He'll always be a bit pissed at Scott for that lie. And even more so when he forced Derek to bite Gerard without the Hale's consent. That was a seriously fucked up part of a plan which was otherwise not bad and worked in the end. But Stiles remembered how furious he was with Scott afterwards, because he didn't seem to realize what he did there. Used Derek's body without consent like everyone else did in his past.

That was really the point where Stiles had sworn to himself that he wouldn't ever do that as the Hale deserved better. And that was the moment something broke between him and Scott. Sure, they stayed friends and worked together to save everyone over and over, but Stiles thought that this was the real moment when he had realized that they had different ideas about how to do this whole alpha and pack thing. That was the moment when Stiles – at first without noticing – has started distancing himself from Scott. They stayed best friends, nearly brothers, yes, but even if Scott realized how wrong it was what he did 'for the greater good', the process that took Stiles away from Beacon Hills had started back then. Maybe even his emissary role, because all of his instincts have screamed at him how wrong that moment was.

"Thanks, dad! It means a lot to us," Stiles finally said grateful, fingering the edge of the round table cloth. "Once I have control over my magic and how to keep the balance between me and Derek..." He paused, seeing his dad's questioning look but changed the direction of his sentence within the same breath. "Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to mention that he is now like a... 'familiar' to me. You know, like the black cats and owls to a witch in fairy tales, I just got me a big black wolf instead..." he grinned.

"You have to be kidding me..." Noah grumbled, his already crowded head feeling like exploding from the nonchalantly added further information.

"Nah, it's true," Stiles continued as if he didn't notice that his dad sent him a disapproving look for trying to play this down as if it wasn't a big deal. "So yeah, I had to do that so I can channel the excess magic – the 'too much magic' – to him with which my body can't deal with. He's more resistant as a werewolf so he helps me keep the balance. But that's also a work in progress for now. Though Deaton seemed impressed with my control, so hopefully this part of my training won't take long so we can start working on the loft that much sooner," Stiles babbled on. After all, they said with Derek that they are going to tell the sheriff the truth so he could understand the seriousness of their situation better. Even so, both Stiles and Derek knew that this was still the slightly watered down version.

"Why do I have the feeling that this is more serious than you’re letting me on?" the sheriff asked with an exasperated sigh, but Stiles only shrugged and wisely stayed silent. "Alright... so we'll cover the babysitting shifts and you do your thing with Deaton and then move back," he paused watching his son nod eagerly a few times then exchanged a long look with Derek. "You better keep him safe. I don't have to tell you how important the safety of my only son is to me. He's all I've left," he said.

That made the younger Stilinski swallow hard and he had to focus on not becoming too emotional. "Everything will be fine, dad."

"I hope so, son. Don't pull any reckless shit like you usually do. You two are too dependent on each other now for that. I'm not... too happy that you got so involved with a different wolf pack again," he paused, clearly meaning that said wolf pack wasn't Scott's "but there's nothing to do about it now so I accept it. I'm also not naive enough to think that there won't be trouble thrown at your way because we are talking about Beacon Hills, but please be careful!"

"Of course!" Stiles hurried to reassure him.

"Alright..." the sheriff paused again, rubbing his chin. "Getting hitched so young is also something I'll need time to digest, but I will. The condition for my blessing is that with time, you make it official with a human wedding as well," he blurted out, making the air freeze in the kitchen.

"W-what?!" Stiles' eyes widened with surprise and he glimpsed at Derek. He didn't see this condition coming, at all. He knew his dad was traditional in some ways, but wouldn't have guessed that it would extend to his son's gay (and supernatural) relationship too.

"You heard it right. I have one kid. You bet I want to be there on his wedding," he waved towards the other two. "And you better ask for his hand," he narrowed his eyes at Derek, clearly bugged by the fact that he didn't before. Even if the sheriff mostly understood that they had no real choice in the matter.

"I'm not Scott, I will protect him with my life," Derek said vehemently, only realizing how that pretty much would also kill Stiles in the process so he frowned at himself. "Without dying and killing him." And yeah, he was going to shut up now because that was sounding too morbid to even continue. Fortunately, the two Stilinski men seemed to agree and went on with their discussion, gracefully letting Derek have his failure without pointing it out. For now.

The news of a wedding made Derek freeze up though. He so didn't see that one coming at all either. He had never been to a human wedding, he had only seen them on TV and they seemed to be like a really big happening with a church and a minister and flowers and tables with fancy cloths and dancing... It sounded like Noah was asking for them to humor him with that, to throw a big thing and make it official in the human world as well. His face pretty much resembled that of a deer caught in the headlights because he knew nothing of weddings at all!

"Ye-Yes, sir," he managed to stutter since that seemed to be the right thing to say. Was he supposed to ask now?

"Not now," Noah answered for him with a snort, clearly reading the distress on the Hale, maybe having an ounce of mercy. "Maybe in a couple of months you'll come here and claim your intent to marry my idiot son and I'll grumble and pretend like I'm surprised and then give my blessing because I thought he'd either die single with a lot of cats while pining over Lydia Martin or he'd turn into a creepy stalker I'd end up arresting for peeping in on you showering. In a year or so you two get married, and I'll pretend it wasn't my demand." With that the sheriff leaned back, pleased with the outcome. If he had to put up with a son being some kind of a witch with a werewolf familiar married by accident, then he was going to get an actual wedding.

Derek nodded, rendered completely quiet by all that, because he wasn't sure if he should laugh or run for the hills at this very moment. Probably both.

Truth be told, Stiles was more amused by Derek's reaction, embarrassment and his stuttering conversation with his dad than he should have. Deep down he also felt... happy and even excited from the demand of his father. He never really went as far as fantasizing about how it would be to marry Derek since he doubted in the first place that they would ever get together. That happened in the end and marrying him became a very real option. Unless he had some aversion against it. But it didn't seem so since he agreed to ask for his hand from Noah.

Stiles' wandering thoughts were interrupted by his dad's comments on him, which earned a few disapproving sounds and also some barely suppressed chuckles which came out as snorts. He could so picture himself in both scenarios, minus the pining over Lydia because that was long over.

"You have quite the master plan there, dad. I like it, even if you are breaking my fragile heart with calling me your 'idiot son'... That's very rude of you," he pointed out without real heat behind his words as he leaned back on his chair, finally relaxing a bit and slid a reassuring hand on Derek's thigh under the table. He could tell how tense this wedding topic made him. "And you... I hope you won't leave me waiting at the altar because if you do, I'm gonna so hunt you down and hand you your ass," he joked looking at Derek, but there was some real worry behind his words. They will definitely have to talk about this wedding topic too.

"I'll help," the sheriff volunteered, maybe to compensate a bit for the 'idiot' comment, maybe to tease Derek a bit too. "Alright you lovebirds, any other shocking information you plan on dropping on my head or I can open a beer and stare at the football match pretending that I'm not digesting all this instead of following what's going on on the flat screen?"

Exchanging a look with Derek, Stiles shook his head. "Naaaah, I think that's enough for you to chew on for a while," he grinned, lightly squeezing Derek's thigh as if saying he's glad they are over this.

There was a heavy eye-roll at the words because they were already bonded. Why the hell would Stiles even think about standing up his mate at their wedding when they were, for all intents and purposes, already together for life? Sure, the thought of a social event he was going to be starring in with Stiles made him want to get wolfsbane poisoning just to get out of it. But he wasn't actually going to skip out on a promise made, especially since he knew weddings are a big deal to humans. He wasn't really the type to ever think of doing that. To him they are together and a ring won't be changing that but he can handle a day like that for his mate. "You're supposed to hand me my ass at our wedding night."

"And that's my cue to move to the couch," Noah was quick to pipe up, walking over to the fridge to get a couple of cold ones before moving to the living room. Not even seconds later the loud voice of a sport announcer was heard and the pop and hiss of a bottle being opened.


That hadn't been so bad. Kind of. Because now they were going to get engaged and married as well the upcoming year or so. The hand on Derek’s thigh was covered with his own, returning the light squeeze. They had done their reading earlier when Beth had been doing her nap, and they hadn't gotten much sleep, well, Derek hadn't slept but Stiles only got a few hours before there was a happy toddler flailing herself on the couch. After her nap, Melissa had picked her up and now they had a few hours before dinner because there was no way they were going to stay up for very long tonight.

"So, wedding… You're okay with that?" He seemed to be, there had been the scent of happiness clinging to Stiles ever since the initial shock had worn off. Maybe they could postpone it for another year, considering the fact that Stiles was going to move back, move in with Derek and look for a new job while getting used to family life with two werewolves. Plus studying to be a good emissary and their bonds... It was a lot. Adding the stress of a wedding to it the coming year might be overdoing it. And they still had to talk about the stupid books.

Stiles chuckled both from Derek's comment and the quick retreat of his dad. He also felt content from the touch of the wolf's hand over his. That earned the other man a soft smile and look from him.

"Yeah... I think I'm good with the wedding. I never really thought about having one. I mean... there have been all kinds of crazy shit going on in the past and I've never been with someone whom I could've imagined being in such a scenario. That'd obviously changed and... I kinda like the idea," he confessed with some blushing. "I know it's just human tradition which probably doesn't mean a lot to you and I could've lived my life without it too, but still... it'd be nice to make it official like that one day. Don't you think?" he asked a bit shy and uncertain still as he didn't really know how Derek thought about the topic. After all, in his perspective they were already married thanks to the mate bond. Maybe the wolf didn't need more than that.

Next part

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