Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

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S.M.A. & U-girl - Iowa
S.M.A. & U-girl - Iowa : Chapter 4

Chapter 4

  2017.08.13. 10:38

Chapter 4

Corey woke up the next morning in the arms of the sheriff. After their first try to get intimate, V-man spoke through the door of the curtain to tell them that the Chief wants to see them only in the morning. That left them to explore more from the great herb liquor and food and each other for the rest of the day.

By late night they got pretty drunk and so much in love. At least Corey felt on cloud nine from all what they have done and waking up feeling Jim's naked warm body hugging his own was the best thing he could ever imagine.

Smiling even before he opened his eyes, he moved a little to be able to look at his sleeping lover with adoration in his eyes.

Since Jim wasn't a morning person, he slept longer than his new lover, but eventually he opened his eyes, seeing that adoring face the first thing in the morning. Which was quite nice, if someone asked him.

"Morning," he murmured on a deep voice and moved his arm that was loosely draped over Corey's middle, his fingers finding that soft skin he so longed to touch just a day before. Now he could and that made him smile satisfied at the other – like the cat that got the cream. "How are you feeling? Slept well?"

Seeing Jim awaking only made Corey smile wider and he moved closer to nuzzle his lover and kiss his full lips. "I feel good. Slept well too. How are you?" he asked back slightly rubbing his body to the other one under the blanket.

Well... from that one thing became clear to Jim. He was going to have his hands full with this one. The more Corey learned about intimate things, the more his playful and horny side was surfacing. Not that Jim would mind it since he loved having sex (and making love).

"Good. I'm glad to hear that. You're one of a kind, you know that right?" he chuckled low and stole a peck, sliding his big hand onto that firm round ass under the blanket to cup and squeeze it a bit. How he wanted to get lost in that... Patience, he reminded himself. Patience...

"I'm very good too. It's been a while since I slept so well," he said instead, feeling his cock taking interest. "But... shouldn't we clean up a bit and eat... before meeting your father?" Jim asked, but his mouth was already lightly sucking on a sensitive (and dark) hickey he'd left on Corey's neck. Will they ever be able to get out of this hut?

Corey moaned with closed eyes and hugged Jim’s neck, caressing the long silky hair.

He could get so lost in this tall white man like nothing he ever imagined. But he forced himself to pull back. Kissing Jim’s lip a bit longer, he eventually peeled himself out of those long amazing arms.

"We should. Yes. We shouldn't keep my father waiting," he said sounding strict. Even if his eyes longed after Jim's touch some more.

"Damn..." Jim grunted, watching that beautiful and very naked man get out of the bed. He had to admit to himself that he was already kinda missing Corey from his side. And he couldn't help the predatory look in his eyes as he kept feasting them on all that pale and tattooed skin. "Does one have to earn these drawings?" he suddenly asked, forcing himself to at least sit up before they'd clean up a bit.


"Shamans and warriors do. They are signs of the spirits. You think it's strange?" Corey asked bringing a bigger bowl and pouring some water into it and a small piece of cloth and pulled the blanket off Jim and started cleaning him off with a little blush over his cheeks.

"No. Not strange but fascinating. I like them a lot," Jim murmured, watching and letting Corey start cleaning his long body. It felt very nice and he just loved that little blush so much. He... still wanted to do things to him that would deepen it, make it spread onto his neck, ears and chest too. He wanted to lick sweat off that alluring skin and...

Okay, if they wanted to actually get to Shawn then he had to stop thinking of such things, because he was already very visibly half-hard. It was as if this fierce shaman had put a spell on him, driving his body and mind crazy for him. And maybe he did. But Jim wasn't going to complain.

Taking the cloth from Corey, Jim started doing the same, paying special attention to the private parts with the cute red pubes and those mouthwatering thick thighs. Never in his life did someone make his blood boil like this young man in front of him.

Corey let Jim wash him while blushing some more. Then just as he gave some fruits to the sheriff, they heard V-man’s voice from outside.

"Get dressed. My father is waiting for us," the shaman said and quickly started to gather their clothes. Shawn was the Chief in the village. And sacred or not, even his son had to respect that rank....

The smirk of V-man told it clearly that he was a good guard and stood at the entrance of the hut alllll night long. Corey barked something at him but the warrior still sent dirty glances at the white man.

Naturally Jim didn't understand a word from the native language once they were dressed and V-man looked at him kinda threateningly, which made Jim stick closer to Corey and pull his neck in a bit. Not that after last night he thought the guy would try to hit him or anything, but... better be prepared than sorry, right?

So with his guards up as much as Corey's distracting closeness allowed, Jim walked next to him, keeping an eye on the buff protector.

Reaching the Chief's hut Corey said some words… Probably asking for entrance… and looking at Jim he pulled the 'door' aside and they stepped in.

Shawn was sitting in front of the fire and was stuffing his long pipe. And the head hunter Mick Thomson just got up from the large pile of bear skins and pulled a shirt over his impressive muscular upper body and smiling walked to Corey, hugging the shaman like a nephew or some relative. And started buttoning up his shirt with a wink at Jim. "I see you're more than alive, Sheriff."

Well, that wasn't something Jim expected to see. So his confusion and tons of questions were back again. He was starting to get used to feeling like that around these people, to be honest. What the heck is going on here, he wondered, looking from Mick to Shawn and back.

"Yeah. Seems like they'd have to hit my thick scull harder to murder me," Jim murmured, narrowing his eyes, hoping that it would somehow... stir the conversation away from him and Corey. But he was probably naive again. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask 'what now?' but he stayed wisely silent.

Shawn giggled and said something in Iowan language. And Mick turned around laughing and answering him also in native. It seemed they had a lot of fun. The huge hunter sat next to the Chief and it was very clear that they were talking about Jim and Corey. While drinking some liquor from the same glass and sharing the pipe.

Corey just stood there turning redder and redder until the two older men finished giggling. And finally he asked something. To that the Chief waved them closer to sit by the fire too.

"So you two… as we all heard…" Mick said giggling as he looked at Corey and rubbed his own neck where the shaman had a dark hickey, signaling as if he had some dirt there. And that made the respectful chief of the village whine from laughter and Corey roll his eyes.

Two things were kinda bothering Jim with that scene. One, his head kept spinning as he was watching Mick and Shawn's gestures among each other. Two, it was a bit frustrating that he didn't understand a word from what they were saying on that language, making him feel excluded. But judging by the bright red color Corey's skin turned into, maybe it was better that way.

As they were sitting there now, Jim let his long hair fall into his by then equally red face, understanding what Mick meant with the gesture and words.

"Yes..." Jim finally looked up, glimpsing at Corey for a moment then narrowed his eyes a bit at the laughing chief. "... but I don't see what's funny in that," he added with a protective undertone in his not too impressed voice. Which probably surprised the others – even Corey. He didn't care if it was disrespectful. What he and Corey have was already special and not something to laugh at.

Shawn wiped his eyes and offered Jim the pipe. "Very good. What you have is not funny. I'm happy that you are protective over it and my son. The funny thing was your face that you made at Mick," the Chief said sending loving and apologetic smiles at Corey.

The shaman moved closer to the sheriff. Frankly it melted his insides how Jim stood up for them even against the leader of his people. It was good. Very good and it made him smile.

"Apologies, shaman," Mick said even bowing to Corey. But still wiggled his brows at Jim. "I have news about the mayor's men. But first. Did you decide to join this group or stay 'dead'?" he asked Jim.

Jim saw Corey move only from the corner of his eye, but he put a long arm around his waist on instinct while he took the pipe from Shawn and inhaled the smoke before passing the pipe to his... pair?

"Well. I have the feeling it wasn't the last time I looked at Mick like that," he mumbled, but otherwise let that topic slip for now. It wasn't his business after all. If there was anything there in the first place.

Jim instead turned his attention to said head hunter and his frown deepened. I think I'll stay 'dead' for a little while longer," here he glimpsed at Corey. Frankly he had literally no time to think things through after his head injury then meeting and getting lost in Corey. And Jim had a feeling that he was far from being done with that... "I don't know. Will have to decide a bit later..." 'I guess', he added in his head. "But you should inform Sid. He's probably worried. Or just drunk and didn't even notice I'm gone... Also later it could be a nice surprise element for the enemy to see me 'rise from the dead'. What did you learn about the mayor's men?"

Corey blushed a little more as he took the pipe and leaned into Jim's embrace.

Mick stopped the naughty glances and nodded to Jim's protective move approvingly. "The hands of Davis reach even further than we thought. I've been in the next town up at the state border and his men have been taking lands from Indians and farmers there too. It must be bigger than just getting rid of the tribes, because they show no mercy for white men either."

He looked at Shawn meaningfully at that point and the Chief sighed with a nod. "The last Sheriff found something and tomorrow I travel to Washington to find out what exactly. About Sid… he already knows and comes over in the following days to talk over the plans. About your death..." Mick rubbed his beard, thinking "I’d say for the few days till I come back, you can lay low. You have your hands full and are busy anyways... as I see..."

"I was thinking the same. Waiting for your return and decide according to what you learn. It's very concerning that they are spreading out like this. As if they are building out a network while taking over. I don't like that. We can't let them kill and threaten or blackmail any more people. Let them be whites or Indians," Jim said more serious and collected than they probably ever saw him.

It seemed Corey's closeness and this whole adventure was good for him. Too bad that by the end of his little speech he was red as a tomato again.

"Very well then. You can stay and my son will show you around and include you in his daily routine. Since you are alright and very… hmm... let's say, have your strength back," Shawn said with a naughty little smirk. "Coyote can get back to his own duties too. All better to spend time together and make sure about your decision, Sheriff," Shawn glanced at Jim, hinting at what he's been telling the tall man about making sure his interest in Corey was going to stay and act according to that.

It was now Jim who felt the urge to roll his eyes at Shawn, but he didn't because he saw and heard the seriousness behind his words. He was understandably concerned for his shaman son's well-being, like any other good parent would be. Also Jim knew that he had some serious thinking to do later, but for now he was going to go with the flow and enjoy what the following days or maybe weeks will bring. Washington was quite a long way from there, it would take time for Mick to get there then back. But Jim was partly glad for that because it would give him more time with his young lover. They could decide the more serious stuff later.

"Alright. Thank you for your permission, Chief," Jim murmured then after one more shifty eye at Mick, he got up, offering a hand for Corey to take. "Come on, I'd like to see my horse, Prince. And learn more about you and the tribe," he smiled down at the gorgeous redhead.


Corey took Jim's hand and they walked out. He was wandering about how it was going to be. The line about Jim getting permission from Shawn stuck in his ear... But it didn't really surprise him.

But all that mattered was that he has time with the sheriff and can be together more. And also he had duties towards his tribe.

"I'll take you to your horse. Then we eat. And I'll show you around. We can also wash ourselves. You're like me. So… you're allowed in that place too," Corey said blushing a bit as he held Jim's hand.

The young sheriff was lost in his thoughts for a few minutes too, but Corey's voice brought him back to the present. "Sounds like a good plan for today..." he smiled down at the shorter man, and laced their fingers together. It was so good to walk around hand in hand in front of others. He could never do that anywhere in public with his lovers in the past. Here things were completely different. So it seemed Corey was going to be able to show him tons of new things too.

As they walked towards the horses where they kept Prince too, Jim's smile grew wider, seeing and hearing Prince neigh as he recognized them. Letting Corey's hand go to meet up with the horse, Jim let the horse push his head against his shoulder and neck, sniffing into it with happy little sounds.

The young man laughed. "Okay, okay, I've missed you too, buddy," he stroked Prince's big nose then took an apple from his pocket that he took from somewhere on their way there. He fed it to the horse and kept caressing his head and neck. "Thank you for saving me. You're the best horse I've ever met."

Corey watched them with a big smile. Someone who loves a horse like that cannot be a bad man. Not that he had any doubts that Jim is good... His own patched horse came to him and nipped at his ginger hair.

"He is like us. Your horse, " he stroked Prince’s nose too. "We took good care of him. Want to ride to the cliffs and wash up with them?”

"Yes, he is. Belonged to the previous Sheriff who got him cheap because of what he was. Not being able to breed and such. Fools. He's much more than that," he smiled with love at the white stallion. After saving his life, Jim felt much closer to Prince too. Their bond strengthened for sure. "And he's good company too. On my first night I shared a drink with him, you know," he chuckled a bit, watching Prince greet Corey and his horse back.

"Thank you for following him and saving me. Also for taking care of Prince," Jim murmured, leaving his eyes on the short man for a long and deep look.

Then Jim smiled. "Yes, that's something I'd like to do," he agreed, but when he looked back at the horse, he saw that there were no bridle or straddle on him. Of course he knew Indians liked to ride on their naked horses too. "Hm..." he bit his lip, looking a bit lost and uncertain all of a sudden. "I'm... how to put this... well, I never rode a naked horse. I'm glad when I actually manage to get into the saddle..." he confessed, hiding behind his long wavy hair now.

Corey thought Jim was just adorable. "Make him bow down," he said and grabbed the neck of his horse and gently pulled him lower till the animal half laid. Then he climbed on his back.

"Try it. I'll take you to a sacred cave. Only sacred people can wash up there. So you can too," he smiled at Jim warmly.

Jim watched Corey with wide eyes and amazement as he did that to his horse. "What's your horse' name?" he asked, looking back at the patched animal who stood up once Corey was securely on his back.

Of course he heard what the shaman said, but this whole sacred thing was still something Jim had to digest. He was no sacred man. He had his sins, but most importantly, he was just a simple officer playing sheriff in the wild west. He was only sacred because he was gay and Corey's lover. Not because he did something more important or had a closer connection to the spirits. He knew that.

To stop his thoughts taking him into darker waters, he turned back to Prince and stroked along the interested horse's mane before taking a hold of it to start gently pushing his neck downwards. Jim was careful and slower than Corey because he didn't want to hurt his friend or fuck this up some way. But Prince seemed to know what he wanted, witnessing what the other horse did. So with Prince's help Jim managed to get and stay on the wide back, long thighs pressing together stronger this way not to slide off.

"Moanahonga," Corey said with pride as his horse huffed at him hearing his name. "It means, 'great walker'.

The shaman grabbed onto the horse mane and looked at Jim to do the same. "You do everything like in a saddle. Directing him the same. Just press the side of his neck where you want him to turn."

"Must be a fitting name..." Jim eyed Corey's horse then watched what he was supposed to do. Following the instructions he lightly kicked Prince's side to start walking and pressing the side of his neck to the right, he turned as Jim wanted, moving right next to Corey and Moanahonga.

Smiling bright and trying to believe that he was actually getting better at this, he leaned over, putting a hand on Corey's thick thigh to steal a peck from his lips – to the amusement of the peeking people a bit further behind them. "Thank you. Now... lead the way," he said then pulled back with a wink.

Corey was so happy, he felt butterflies in his stomach from the peck and how Jim did it before everyone.

Not saying anything else, he led them around the village and into the forest up the hill to a little clear watered lake at a bottom of a narrow cliff.

"This water is sacred. And I'll show you something you will like... I think," Corey said as they rode to the edge of the water.

"This is beautiful... and so peaceful..." Jim murmured as they stopped the horses near the water and a small grassy clearing around the lake where they could graze and move around as they liked.

Without thinking, Jim slipped off Prince's back easier than when he had a saddle on. Then he patted the white horse's thick neck with a smile. "Go have fun," turning to Corey, his smile got wider and more curious. "Oh yes? Show me then."

Letting his horse go to the water after getting off, now it was Corey who grabbed Jim's hand and led him towards the cliff and pulled him behind some bushes.

Entering a narrow corridor-like cave that led them into a bigger hall. There was a small cave lake inside and various shaman paintings on the wall. From the small cracks in the stone here and there some rays of light was shining in and made the place look magical.

The Sacred Cave

Corey led Jim to the edge of the water and took his clothes off, smiling at his lover. "I know... or more like I think I know what my father told you and allowed you. And thank you for coming into my life. Even if you won't stay, I'm thankful," he said as he stepped to Jim fully naked and started to undress him too, searching for his reaction.

As their fingers laced together, Jim smiled to himself from the fact how well they fitted in such a simple thing too. Then he became speechless from the sight. The cave was very mysterious like this and Jim really wanted to examine all the paintings and hear their stories, but... who could blame him that the naked redhead right in front of him held his attention the most?

Jim opened his mouth to say something to the other man's words, but the small hands starting to unbutton his vest and shirt then pants made him pause. He wanted to say already so many things to this young shaman, but simply couldn't find the words to describe what he was feeling. "I feel honored too, you know... And... it might sound like an excuse, but it's true that life can get really damned complicated. You must know that. But... I don't want to think about anything negative. Not in such a place. Not with such a special man like you," he murmured softly, running a hand up on Corey's inked arm just to slide it down on the curve of his back and gently pull him closer by his naked waist.

Of course the shaman blushed. And hugged Jim's neck at once, pressing their naked bodies together.

"This cave is sacred. Shamans bring here their... the ones they love to offer the feelings for the great ones. I want to... get close to you now here too. They say it's a special thing. You want to?" he asked a little shyly, whispering onto Jim's lips.

Jim had to close his eyes for a moment as all that naked skin pressed together and he felt Corey's awakening interest against his long thigh too. His long arms went around Corey immediately as if on cue. Maybe he was right and he was kinda sacred after all since he's been doing things by instinct lately. Something he rarely did. But this short shaman and his tribe seemed to turn his life upside down in many ways.

"So… this means you love me?" Jim smiled warmly down at Corey, what he thought Corey meant spreading fast in his body, making those nice warm feelings stronger in him. "And of course I want to. I could barely stop touching you when we had to go meet your father. And... by the way," Jim suddenly frowned. "What's his deal with Mick with the sharing everything thing and the playful looks?"

Corey bit his lip as he looked up at Jim like an adoring child. "I do love you, Sheriff Jim Root," he said nuzzling his little body to Jim's.

Then he frowned too as Jim… Let's face it... totally killed the romantic mood with mentioning his father and Mick…

"They always share everything. Close friends," he shrugged and pouted. He couldn't help it, really… He wanted to find a pair to share his life and feelings with. But other shamans told stories about how special it is to get close and be one with their loves in this holy cave...

Noticing how unimpressed Corey got after his question, Jim stroked the naked back and ran his hand up to the shorter man's nape, taking a handful of his curly red hair. "I'm sorry, it was just bugging me in the back of my mind and blurted it out. I totally killed the mood, huh?" he sighed pouting too but then smirked dirtily at his lover.

"I promise I'll make up for you. Right here and right now," he said and drew in Corey for a deep and passionate kiss, slightly moving his thigh against the other's groin.

Of course Corey couldn't protest against that kiss. Not when Jim's longer body practically wrapped around him.

The touch of the young sheriff seemed to make him lose his mind every time. Trembling he kissed back and moved against that thigh to feel more of the effect of Jim. He did felt love. And even being untouched, he knew what's the difference and what it means. Jim didn't react to that. But Corey meant his words. It lasts while it lasts. He was happy and glad Jim got into his life.

Breaking the kiss, Jim smiled down at Corey, and it turned quite dirty as looking into the insanely blue eyes he sunk onto his knees and kissed the cute tattooed tummy there, licking into his bellybutton then going lower to nip and suck on the sensitive skin. His fingers raked through the red curly pubes with delight and he nosed the quickly filling shaft, deeply inhaling the musky manly scent.

"You smell so amazing..." he breathed then slowly licked and nipped along the long shaft, his hand gently grabbing and moving it up so he could do that with its underside too. He was curious about Corey's reactions because he was doing this for the first time to him.

The blue eyes darkened and widened at what Jim was doing. He just couldn't help staring and whining and moaning from all that exciting things his shaft received from the plump lips.

Even his knees buckled and he caressed and grabbed the long silky light brown hair and moaned some long lines in his native language.

"You like this?" Jim asked hoarsely and licked along the shaft again. Of course he knew Corey did, but he wanted to hear his boy state it too. "Then you'll love this even more..." he murmured and aimed the hard shaft towards his mouth.

He kissed and sucked at the tip, licking off the first bead of wetness there then he sucked it into his mouth, moaning from the taste. He repeated that a few times then he sucked more and more into his hot mouth with every bob of his head.

Corey felt the cave spinning. And surely closer to the spirits. He forced himself to look down at Jim as he slurped loud on his dick like there was no better food in the world.

Only able to moan and speak in his native tongue, he gently caressed Jim's face and hair with love and adoration. He was so lost for his man...

Looking up from the gentle kiss and the words Jim didn't understand, but from the tone assumed they were words of amazement and love, he met Corey's eyes then deep-throated him, swallowing around the hard shaft a couple of times before coming up for air, patting the tip against his bottom lip. "Still able to stand? Then I'm not doing it right..." he giggled with a wink then sucked Corey down his throat again, depriving himself from air again, which he found enjoyable for himself too.

Then after a few more rounds of this, his slid his hands on Corey's firm ass to squeeze and knead it while he started sucking him less deep but faster, moaning around the long cock to let the vibrations run through his lover, adding more joy to him.

Nothing could even prepare the shaman for all this. His world was spinning and Jim surely was doing it well now because the young Indian lost the ground from under his feet and leaned to Jim's kneeling body for support, shaking like a leaf in the wind.

Jim offered his wider shoulders for support and he took a firm hold of Corey's wide hips to keep him standing as he kept sucking him with even more enthusiasm, feeling from the taste of more pre-cum and Corey's reactions that he was very close now. Slurping and moaning around him encouragingly he even dug his blunt nails into the pale flesh as a signal to let go whenever he was ready.

But Corey passed the limit where he needed an encouraging or permission to explode. What Jim was doing to him ignited the large flames of inner fire inside him that consumed his very being. And from the moaning of Jim and his nails in his thighs his body gave up. And he fed his lover with his thick long jets of sperm. Grabbing into the long hair hard in his rapture while his body convulsed and he grumbled from the depth of his throat.

Corey's sounds were echoing in the cave and Jim welcomed the slight pain from his long hair being pulled while he was eagerly swallowing the shaman's very essence with big gulps and soft moans, not letting a drop go to waste.

Giving Corey a minute or two, the young sheriff licked him clean until he was getting too sensitive to the touch. Looking up he caressed the hips he's been clawing at, his own cock still hard and glistening with pre-cum, but he didn't care right now. He just enjoyed the pure satisfaction on the flushed face for a few more moments before standing up to draw Corey in for a deep and sensual kiss, letting him taste himself on Jim's tongue.

Next chapter

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