Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

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S.M.A. & U-girl - Gehenna
S.M.A. & U-girl - Gehenna : Chapter 9 - Part 2

Chapter 9 - Part 2

  2017.06.04. 22:14


The singer went straight to the hotel room and dropped on the bed. His tears kept coming back. He was so fucking stupid!!! He was messing it all up for everyone. Popping some pills to numb his stirred up brain he tried to stay awake and think over how to apologize to Jim after their dressing room scene.

Dark thoughts were still swirling in Jim’s mind and he was sure that he’d choke Sid with his bare hands if he saw him now, but no one was in sight by the time he got back to the hotel room. Staying sober after such a night was fucking hard, but he had to have a clear head when he was going to talk to Corey.

Although that might have to wait for a while, because once he got into their room, he saw him sleeping in the bed, eyes puffy from crying. Jim sighed and put down his bag before kicking off his shoes and sitting down into the armchair in the corner to watch over Corey’s dream. He had no heart to wake him. Not when he slept so irregularly and so little.

Rubbing his eyes, the heartbroken man was thinking about what to say to the singer once he woke up. Jim was so damn tired too, but his body was in that overtired state when he wasn’t able to rest or sleep, so that left him with thinking and watching Corey.

Feeling Jim near him, Corey suddenly sat up looking around in the half-lit room, rubbing his face with a long groan. Then he spotted Jim. 

“Hi... Err... Well... First of all I am sorry. You have no idea how fucking sorry I am. For getting drunk and let Sid do what he did. And that I fucked him,” he swallowed and kept looking at Jim seriously. “And for every word I yelled at you about pitying yourself. ‘Cause you have your issues like I do. Please know that I am very sorry for everything. But I truly can't bare myself or my visions. And ... and you can yell at me more now.”

“I don’t want to yell at you anymore,” Jim leaned forward in the armchair, putting his elbows on his knees. “I’m so fucking sorry too, Cor… about everything I said in my anger. I know how much you’re hating and blaming yourself. I wish I could find a way to help on that and on your visions… But I won’t lie. It broke my heart to learn about Sid the way I did,” he sighed and shook his head, running his hand through his hair again and then just held his head between his big hands, tapping some rhythm absently on his skull while gathering his thoughts and maybe courage.

“If you want to fuck a man, do me instead.” There it was. He said what’s been on his mind since he had sat down into that armchair.

“I wanted to tell you face to face just couldn't find the time…” Corey cut in fast then just wanted for Jim to respond or add something. But what the other man said left his big mouth open and him speechless, which was also not something that he was famous for. He just looked at his mate for long minutes before asking low: “You really want that?”

Jim nodded to the singer’s explanation. It might as well be true. They had a fucking shitty day and by the time Corey woke up, they had to rush to the stadium. But then the silence that followed Jim’s suggestion was starting to eat at the guitarist’s already shaky confidence, making the ugly head of anxiety trying to rear up. Still, Corey’s expression was priceless. That itself made this all worth it. Very few managed to render the big mouthed singer speechless.

“Yes,” Jim finally said on an even tone. He did want Corey to take him. He wanted that for a while now, but wasn’t ready to tell him yet. But now, when so much was at stake, Jim wanted to do it. Despite his aching heart or that maybe this wasn’t the best time. He still wanted it. He still wanted Corey. He really was Jim’s most addictive drug. He couldn’t really understand why or how, but he knew he didn’t want to lose the singer. It was fucked up to say the least, but he didn’t care. “If you’ll take me. If you still want me…” he added the last part barely audible, perhaps more to himself.

“I do… I mean... I really always wanted you… Just… just want you to be sure…” the singer added as his brain was running a mile a minute. After all the shit Jim really was his mate, he always wanted to keep the tall man safe and happy. “Come here to me please, Jimmy...”

Corey was clearly still shocked, but the guitarist didn’t mind. He knew this was big, but he was sure. He wanted to fully become the singer’s. After all, there was nothing else to lose. He was already the other man’s, no matter what. Tonight was a proof of that.

Standing he walked over to the bed. He was a bit nervous, but he still trusted Corey. Climbing onto the bed to him he sat down and ran a hand down on the other man’s back in an attempt to try easing his shock. “I am sure…” he leaned in to peck his lips. “I want you to…” he whispered. “Please. I’m ready.”

Corey kissed him back slowly as an answer, deepening the kiss and stroking Jim's chest and neck. Taking the lead he pulled Jim's tee off, leaning down to treat that beloved hairy chest and hardening big nipples with all the emotions he got for the man.

Jim sighed shakily and closed his eyes as he let Corey do his magic that left his body wanting more. It worked every time. He leaned back on one hand to push his chest out, stomping down his insecurities as he let himself just enjoy the soft pampering with low moans and a quickly awakening cock.

Corey gently pushed Jim on his back and popped his jeans open. His one hand reaching in to stroke along the length lifting at his palm there before getting rid of the pants too and after kissing the adored belly along of the hem of the boxers, he got his own clothes off, laying half-way onto the long body, kissing Jim’s lips passionately again and also a little demanding.

He was following Corey’s lead in everything he was doing. His heart was speeding up and he moaned low as the pressure on his erection eased and he could feel Corey’s hand on him. Then he helped him get rid of his jeans and kissed him back, melting against the other man’s tongue, his body relaxing further. This felt so good, so much better than yelling at each other. This was something Jim knew. This was the real them, not the screaming angry assholes they were not so long ago. He wanted to give his everything to Corey and Jim let it show in his kisses and the way his hands were caressing the other wherever he could reach him, his hips lightly bucking up in search of some much needed friction.

The still kinda nervous and shocked singer moved lower on Jim's body, pulling his underwear down to free the awaiting hardness and lick slowly along the length, pressing a kiss to the leaking tip passionately before fully swallowing the whole long member, making his mate cry out.

The long-haired man cursed under his breath once Corey's lips touched his erection then as it got sucked between them, he cried out and bucked his hips forward, nearly choking his mate. Fucking singers and their deep throats! Yeah, Corey had a skilled mouth and his blowjobs were one of Jim's favorites. His own hands moved down to caress the back of the singer's head and his shoulder, his long legs opening wider to give better access. "More... fuck, give me more, Cor!" he groaned needy.

That begging always got to the very core of the singer. Who was he to deny his mate what he needed? Letting the throbbing shaft out of his mouth with a loud pop, he pushed the long thighs apart some more, licking Jim's entrance moaning as he was starting to open him up with his long tongue.

Jim’s thighs began shaking and shiver after shiver ran down his spine, making his skin break out in goose bumps all over. He had no idea that he’d grow to love being rimmed so much. His breathing quickened and he felt some more pre-cum leak out of his cock. Reaching down he encircled Corey’s wrist with his long fingers and pulled the singer’s hand up to suck a couple of digits in his own mouth. He could tell that Corey was still a bit shocked and trying to find his way in pleasing Jim, but he was on a damn right path. Still, the guitarist wanted to make this easier for him too with subtle little helps.

Letting his tongue caress the fingers in his mouth, Jim moaned and looked down at his mate, his hazel eyes dark with lust and need.

Corey looked up from between those endless thighs and had to growl from the sight of a very needy and flushed faced Jim Root sucking eagerly on his meaty fingers. “You are so fucking hot...” he moaned and moved up to kiss his mate's lips raw and demanding, his wet fingers reaching down to wiggle inside the hot shaking body.

If it was possible, Jim blushed some more from his lover’s praising words, something raw and deep fluttering its wings in his stomach as he kissed him back and pulled him close with his tattooed arms wrapped around the singer, kneading and caressing all that naked fair skin. He moaned into their kiss, giving in to Corey’s awakening dominance, which he found fucking exciting. He barely noticed the fingers going in, but then they were there and he panted into his mate’s mouth, a throaty growl vibrating through him as he pushed his ass further down on them. He wanted to feel that fucking intense zing again and he voiced that with some whines. Actual fucking whines… Which was unusual from him, but he didn’t give a fuck. He knew how good it could get and he wanted it. “Please, rub it… Corey, please…” he panted, coaxing the singer with his caresses wherever his hands could reach him.

“Fuck...” Corey could only breathe and growl deep from his throat and he curved his fingers and brushed them along the little bump deep inside his man, meanwhile biting down on the long neck, groaning like a beast that finally got his prey where he wanted it.

The cry that left Jim’s jerking body was far from shy or quiet and he actually saw stars from the intense pleasure that shot through him. His fingertips dug into Corey’s back and he bucked against those fucking amazing fingers again to feel more, always more. He kinda felt like a bitch in heat or a crack whore on her fix and well, he wasn’t far from the truth since Corey could have such an effect on him.

He kept rolling his hips as he was enjoying all the biting on his neck. Feeling worthy to be claimed was still a new and exciting feeling for him since they didn’t do things like this that often yet. But as his inhibitions were melting away quickly, the need for more was growing fast. “Another finger…” he managed to pant, his blurry eyes opening for a moment to stare into nothing. He couldn’t really see just feel. It was new territory from there.

Corey was more than eager to please his lover. Another finger joined the one teasing Jim, and soon a third one started to move around inside him, making space for something else to get inside. The small man found his mate gorgeous beyond words. While his hand was busy easing up the tall man, he showered the long neck and shoulders and those sweet lips with passionate kisses, making them both dizzy and high while he whispered adoring words to Jim from his heart. His hips getting more alive too, rubbing the dripping length to the crook of Jim's thigh.

The more fingers slid into his body, the less Jim knew about the outside world. Time after time his deep moans were cut off by Corey’s fucking amazing kisses that left him breathless and hot all over. Sweat drops were forming on his body as pure lust was rushing in his veins, one hand holding and occasionally squeezing Corey’s ass, the other keeping his head close to breathe in his hot air. The fire that was slowly eating him up alive, chipping away from his being with each move of those eager fingers, was like his insatiable beast inside. Always hungry and wanting more until only the ashes were left. But he had to give in this time. Otherwise he thought he’d go crazy. Besides from the tension in Corey’s muscles and all the wetness on Jim’s thigh told him how much the other man needed it too.

“I’m ready… please…” Jim panted into Corey’s mouth, catching his bottom lip to suck and bite on it.

The panted words were angel's music to Corey's ears. Slowly licking and kissing the flushed chest he pulled his fingers out and laid between Jim’s legs, holding his leaking tip to his entrance, looking deeply in the desire-filled eyes as he pushed in slow, just to let his head inside and stopped while gritting his teeth and moaning, holding back with all his strength from bucking hard and deep into the inviting tight hotness. He was just looking at Jim, studying his facial expressions for any discomfort that might appear.

The feeling was kind of familiar and yet much, much more. He was loose enough by then not to feel discomfort, but the stretch was still intense. The guitarist let his sweaty head fall back on the pillow, his wet hair fanning out around his head as he was panting and moaning at the ceiling. He was grabbing and holding on to Corey as much as he could while bearing down on the invading cock, making the head slip deeper, stretching him. “Need to feel you… all the way inside…” he panted impatient, urging his mate to take him fully. This was fucking intense already and Jim was devouring every moment of it, forcing his body to relax for it.

“Okay… Just breathe deep and push against it. Okay? Tell me when to stop and I’ll wait...” even the singer didn't believe the words he said. He would stop of course, for Jim anything. He was just not sure that he wouldn't lose the little that was left from his sanity for doing so after getting so close to let himself free and loose while feeling and pleasing his mate.

Slowly grinding his way deeper he had to bite down on his own lips, almost drawing blood to not let go of all that mental pressure and overall pleasure he felt. He wanted to tear into Jim's thighs, claw on his skin to feel more of him. But for now his own blood was dripping from his trembling jaw as he finally bottomed out into the shaking hot body.

“Yeah…” Jim nodded forcing his hazy eyes to focus on his mate. He doubted he’d ever stop him, but he did what he was told and pushed against Corey’s cock that was going slowly deeper. Was he ever going to bottom out? Every time Jim thought that was it, he gave him another inch and it was slowly grinding his own sanity away. He felt so full and his brain needed a moment to process all the new sensations. He could feel how much Corey was trembling and holding back above him and that made Jim instinctively move his hands on the slick skin of his back, trying to make it easier for Corey even in this situation. That helped Jim focus a bit too and just before he thought he couldn’t take the slow torture anymore, Corey was all the way in.

The guitarist moaned and kept him there, giving them both a moment to collect themselves. Then he pushed himself up on an elbow and pulled his mate closer by his nape so he could lick off the blood from his chin, moaning low from the coppery taste before nipping at the wound. “You feel incredible… So damn beautiful… Fuck me, Cor…” he said not thinking at all just acting on instinct, because he needed him to move so fucking badly.

“As you wish,” Corey chuckled on a shaky voice rubbing his face to Jim like a big nuzzling cat as he inched back a bit and pressing his bloody lips groaning to the other man, he bucked back inside. He wanted to be slow and gentle but the taste of blood and the throbbing feeling of chewing on his own lips adding to that maddening hot pulsing around his cock made his moves rough and needy.

“Holy shit!!” Jim cried out, tearing his lips away from his mate’s for a moment, glimpsing down, past his leaking cock, to where their bodies were joined and that hard dick was moving in and out of him then it was Jim who bit hard on Corey’s bleeding mouth, coaxing an all teeth and tongue kiss from him as his free hand cupped and squeezed that firm ass.

Taking it as encouraging, Corey moved faster and deeper from the squeezing hand on his ass, moaning into Jim’s mouth as their kiss got rawer and more instinct-based, moving more roughly as they got closer to their end.

It didn’t take long for the strength to go out from Jim’s arm and he reclined back on the bed, pulling his long legs higher to put them around Corey’s wildly moving body. That provided a whole new angle and now Jim knew why the singer loved it so much when he was doing this to him. The pleasure was blinding and so much more intense than with fingers as during each stroke in and out the leaking tip of his mate was rubbing against that spot, leaving Jim a panting and moaning mess, begging for more. His hand reached down to squeeze hard at the base of his cock to stop shooting his load too early, but it was a temporary breather, because the way Corey was fucking him now was just too damn exciting.

Jim managed to leave some bloody scratches on the singer’s shoulders and arms while their bodies were moving with loud slaps and animalistic groans. They were like two sweaty beasts mating. It was fucking perfect.

“Please… so fuckin’… close!” he whined shamelessly at the brink of losing his mind.

Grabbing onto Jim's hips hard after hearing his plea, Corey pulled him up and closer to his body as he aimed his hammering thrusts to that spot that made his lover turn into a groaning and shaking puddle of joy. Grabbing on the hard meat to stroke it he did all to make Jim get to the biggest orgasm he ever had in his life.

Jim had no idea about the world around him since he was floating in a massive cloud of pleasure, his cock in Corey's hand messing up their tummies and chest, his ass clamping down hard on his mate's dick. Fuck, this was the most intense thing he'd ever experienced. He literally screamed Corey's name as he was bucking against him, pulling him in deeper into the heat of his body. He couldn't describe anything that would be more perfect than this, aside from Jim doing the same to the shorter man, of course.

The singer could only moan and tremble as Jim's body literally sucked him hard inside and free of his seed. Dropping on top of his lover he was fighting for air, nuzzling his head with adoration to the shaking body below him, moving inside Jim slowly to work them through their bliss.

Jim was coming down slowly, his brain literally fried from the intense pleasure that just went down between them. He had no idea what to say or think. He could only feel that this was something very fuckin' special and intense. It wasn't just his first time being taken by someone. It was the first time being taken by his mate, Corey. Even if it meant different things to him and the singer. Jim couldn't be sure, but he had no regrets. Yes, he'd made some mistakes in his life, but he rarely regretted them. And there was nothing to be regretted in what they'd just done. "It was fucking perfect..." he voiced his thoughts, holding Corey close.

“It was. Perfect like you,” the singer smiled up at him and kissed his chest. “You okay?”

"I'm far from perfect but yeah... I'm okay. It was fucking... there're no words..." Jim panted and pulled Corey in for another deep kiss. Yes, he had no regrets about this despite the circumstances.

“Yeah fucking great fucking,” the singer chuckled, pulling out gently and moved up to share a tender loving kiss with his mate. His head was spinning still and the love and happiness he saw and felt on Jim was all he ever asked for. All this time he wanted this. Seeing Jim liberated and happy.

Next chapter

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