Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

Kapcsolatok / Contacts
Slipknot (ENG)
Trivium (ENG)
SepticFlesh (ENG)
Behemoth (ENG)
Adam Lambert (ENG)
Teen Wolf / Sterek (ENG)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (ENG)
30 Seconds To Mars (ENG)
DM Fanfictions (ENG)
Bi/Lesbian/Gay stories (ENG)
S.M.A. & U-girl - The Negative One - Trivium
S.M.A. & U-girl - The Negative One - Trivium : Chapter 7

Chapter 7

  2017.03.16. 19:01

Chapter 7

Matt's head was throbbing as he helped cleaning Paolo's long cut on his upper-arm once his shirt was removed. Corey was searching for a balm made of herbs to help the wound heal. Dipping the cloth into the clean water, the pale warrior continued working in deep silence.

"It's not your fault, you know," Paolo said then hissed shortly, but kept looking seriously at Matt.

"I nearly killed you both. If Corey and I weren't mates, I would have. And only the universe knows how long I'd have been their puppet. The perfect warrior without a will. We can't let this happen again. Imagine how much blood of our kind I could've spilled..." Matt voiced his dark thoughts.

They were planning on staying behind the waterfall for a few days to heal and recharge. And damn, they needed both. Paolo's wound would probably scar after being sewed up and he'd lost quite some blood. Corey was exhausted too. Not to mention the mess left in Matt's head by the broken spell. It was as if his head wanted to split in two.

"But you are mates and they didn't know that. You killed no one just quite a few of those bastards. And I'll heal and get a badass scar!" the guardian chuckled, looking tired as fuck.

Matt just sighed and moved to let Corey take his place with the needle and the balm. Of course Paolo was right, but still... The fact that those fuckers could do something like this... They had to be more careful in the future.

"It's really not your fault," Corey said later on while hugging his mate close to his body. They called it a night a few hours ago, still he felt the restlessness in Matty. Of course he knew how the mind control spell’s breaking messed up his head and drained his energies. But he was glad that they got their warrior back and he could look after his pair.

"I doubt that the ghouls could do such a spell all by themselves. As you told us about it, and I felt it… that leader or shaman or something they had is a mixed creature. Maybe the witches and the demons of Earth have been experimenting with how to make those shits stronger here. And so, on both worlds they can benefit from it. That... blob of dark power was from Earth magic too. And now we know that we have to and can blow it up from afar. Nothing like this will happen with you again, my love," he kissed the nape of Matt as he spooned him from behind. "Some connection on Earth would be good, though. We only know what’s happening here, but really, both planets are involved."

Matt was wide awake still as sleep seemed to elude him after everything that'd happened. Plus his head was still throbbing lightly. Corey's closeness and shaman powers definitely helped on the headache and the slight swelling and cuts on his face at least. But not one the sleeplessness.

Listening quietly to his mate, Matt absently stroked the arm around his middle. "You're probably right. I was very surprised that this guy could perform such a complex and powerful spell. I completely lost my consciousness. It was as if I became a soulless monster," he shivered from the thought then sighed and turned around in Corey's arms so he could wrap his arm around him and bury himself in the wider body. "Thank you for helping and saving me from such a disgrace... and losing you and Paolo."

"We are one now. And nothing can break that. Not even death. You know that," Corey kissed Matt's head and stroke his long back lovingly. Indeed, the mates’ souls stay in connection after one of them dies. As they become one soul, the death of the other body doesn’t affect that bond. "We’ll always be there for you. As you are there for us. Last time you saved my ass. Remember?" Corey nuzzled to his mate. He was a yellow beast, animal-like behaviour and instincts worked strong in the beast shamans of all the clans. "We will get stronger. And raid that ghoul nest with our awesome firewall," he chuckled poking his nose to Matt's.

Looking up at Corey with a grateful expression he nodded, managing a small hopeful smile too. "They won't know what hit them, right?" he whispered, stroking Corey's back. "We'll practice and be more careful in the future. We gonna make a name for the three of us and push back the number of ghouls to make this place more safe for our kind," Matt said, believing every word he was saying.

Then he leaned up to kiss his mate sweetly. "Thank you," he said, meaning the reassuring words and love he could clearly feel through their bond. Then as exhaustion started to finally tire his messed up, but now a bit calmer mind, a thought started forming in Matt's mind. Something he was going to propose to Corey once they all were a bit better and more rested.


Two days have passed. Two wonderful days in safety while all of them were resting and eating and enjoying each other’s company. Even Paolo joined the mates for sleeping and hugs, like when they were small and all slept and lived together like a pack of puppies. They somehow knew deep inside without saying that they have to enjoy those few days of resting, for some big battles were ahead of them.

Corey woke up before dawn. And for a while he just looked at his friends he had his life bonded to. They were all born to be fighting mates for life. He kissed gently the head of his soulmate and crawled gently out from under both Matt and Paolo.

They already got stronger and healed up. It won't be long until they attack that ghoul cave. Such creatures cannot remain on the face of Jukai. Matt was distracted at times, but Corey told himself it was just because how his brain got damaged and he was healing and processing things. Still, there was something that was on his tall dark and handsome mate's mind more and more often. But Corey wouldn't just peek into his brain. Matt will tell him, if it concerns him anyway, or when he is ready, the shaman thought while he was bathing his wild spirit in the rays of the rising sun, and his body under the lukewarm waterfall. Things will be good, he was sure about it for some unknown reason...

It's been nice to rest for a while. They all needed the time to heal and center themselves. Of course Matt had some dark moments or distanced himself from the other two while dealing with that possession that messed up his senses for a while too. He also meditated more than usual and to do so, he climbed over the waterfall or wandered around it to find safe places with good vibes.

But his mind was often occupied with that certain thought more and more while enjoying the presence of his close-knit family. These two meant the world to him (especially Corey, of course) and it was nice to have some time just for themselves. If that possession was good for something then it was to remind Matt what he could lose in any minute. He knew in case Corey would not have been able to break the spell and Matt killed them with his own hands, he would never be able to live with himself. That is if the spell ever broke over him for some reason and his conscience surfaced. But luckily that wasn't the case. They were all safe, for now.

Slowly waking up with Paolo lightly snoring behind him, Matt needed a moment to focus on what he was seeing. From this angle he had the perfect view of the waterfall. And his naked mate under it. What a nice visual to wake up to! A small satisfied smile curved his lips upwards. That buff wide body with the long brown and now wet hair and the sunlight reflecting on the countless water drops on Corey's skin... Well, it had a nice effect on Matt and he let himself just admire his mate from the distance. That man was his.

Letting his eyes feed on said body, he lightly bit his bottom lip as memories of being in that mouthwatering ass came back to his mind. As desire slowly unfurled in his stomach, he sighed and slowly got up. Taking his own clothes off, he walked behind his mate, not caring about the goose bumps that was covering his whole body from the water that felt colder to his sleep-warm skin than it really was. "What a beautiful morning..." he purred into the slightly shorter male's ear.

"It's even more beautiful now, with you," Corey turned around and pulled Matt to his wet body for a long sweet kiss. "You alright? Slept okay?" he looked into the black eyes from close, searching for answers.

"I meant you in the first place. You have any idea how sexy you are?" Matt asked after the kiss then smiled at his mate, feeling all warm and loved in those strong arms. Like always.

"I'm fine. Some bad dreams caused by my mind trying to heal, but otherwise slept like a baby with you two on my sides," he stroked the long wet hair out of Corey's face.

Corey, being in a good mood bit Matt's hand playfully and laughing. "Actually no, have no idea at all. Tell me more about it..." He leaned in to nip at his mate's lip too.

"You're in a playful mood..." Matt chuckled softly, letting the water run down from his shoulders on his back, giving a nice contrast with the warm body pressing to his front. "You are damn handsome. I love your long hair and your wider and strong body... I love your hands. Especially when they are on me or you're playing your guitar," he grinned, stealing a short kiss for himself too. "But I love your pure selfless heart the most," he admitted, wrapping his arms tighter around his mate to kiss him properly.

Thinking for a moment or two afterwards, Matt looked into Corey's warm eyes. "After we cleaned up and ate, I want to take you somewhere."

"Okay. You know I would follow you everywhere," Corey said smiling wide and happy so that even his dimples showed under his short beard. "That means I will have to wash you everywhere good and feed you, if I want to know what the surprise is, right?" he laughed sliding his big hands down on Matt's sides and grabbing his hips pulled him even closer.

"Can we skip the 'letting our childhood friend – who happens to be wounded and would need peace and rest – peek into our intimate life' part and have breakfast, please...?" Paolo even made a puppy face for all that talk from the inside of the cave.

Damn those dimples. He should have mentioned those too, but Matt was too distracted with what Corey was saying and getting even closer to him. "You know me so well," he snorted while nodding and was about to kiss him passionately when they heard that familiar third voice.

With a sigh Matt stopped inches from Corey's lips and glimpsed at the poor homeless puppy sitting alone among the blankets. "You have to admit he's kinda cute even with his cock-blocking comments..." Matt hummed then decided to kiss only Corey's cheek before stepping out from under the water, deeming them clean enough.

"Yeah I know. The cutest guard puppy," Corey laughed walking back into the cave too and whipped the water from his hair at Paolo.

"I don't want a bath! Puppies are good sticky," Paolo winked and chuckled getting up and packing some food before them all.

"Don't worry, filthy puppy, we gonna leave you alone to lick your wounds in peace after breakfast," Matt said after putting on some clean clothes and sitting down to the other two to eat.


After some more good-natured teasing of each other and filling their tummies with fresh berries and some leftover roasted meat from the night before, it was time to let Paolo do whatever he wanted.

Of course as Matt was leading Corey up on the barely there path among the huge plants, his excitement and nervousness were growing more and more. Partly because he wanted Corey to like that place, and partly because of what he wanted to ask from him.

"It's not far from here," he said once they managed to climb up on the hill, looking at the waterfall from above now. They admired the view for a minute or two while catching their breaths then the warrior let his power scan the area before leading Corey further into the trees.

Following Matty was one thing. But Corey could felt it how nervous his mate was and that started to make him anxious too. Whatever it was, it was super important for Matt and Corey followed him with more curiosity.

Matt's jaw tightened as they climbed over roots and slipped through between huge flowers and big leaves of ferns then they finally got to the edge of a tiny clearing surrounded by trees, bushes and a little creek that was gurgling happily to the east to join the waterfall. But that wasn't all.

The short grass decorated with small white flowers was a more vivid green from their dimension's otherwise duller colors. It was as if that little patch of land was somehow different. Its vibe was a bit stronger too, but carried nice relaxing energies. On its other end there were two big trees and between the roots there was the little place Matt had made for them. Similar to the bed Corey had made, this one was just as soft, but yellowish and green. There were huge palm tree leaves tied above it both to keep it dry and give some shade from the double suns.

"I... hope you like it. I found this spot while wandering around in search of good places to meditate and thought doing something you did for me would be just fair for... you taking me?" he asked quietly and a bit unsure about Corey's reaction. Matt could just hope as he swallowed hard clearly nervously.

Corey just blinked at him and at the place, feeling moved and shocked in a good way. "This is beautiful. And… such amazing vibes of the forest. You are so thoughtful… It is because I originate from the wild beasts, huh?" he giggled and pulled Matt into his arms fast, kissing him. "I love it, Matty. And I love you. Are you sure about it?"

Luckily Matt could cheat a bit and didn't have to rely on what could be seen on Corey's face. He could feel his emotions too and that eased his anxiety a bit. "Probably, yes. I don't know. I was just doing what felt right. Listening to my instincts like you taught me," he shrugged a bit with a sweet smile after kissing his mate back. Then it was time for some more blushing and nervousness.

"I'm happy you love it. I know you mean it. I wanted this to be just as special as the first time I took you..." he chuckled a bit. "I'm sure. Just nervous," he said and maybe to prove his words, he took one of Corey's hands and started pulling him towards the little nest.

"You know all. Right? We have been talking about it a lot. You don't need to be nervous," Corey said after he let Matt pull him into the nest and they laid down. "You know for how long I’ve been wanting you and love you?" he asked just gazing into Matt's eyes, getting nervous too. So much that he let their bond open to his thoughts about his not so 'vanilla' fantasies about what and how and how long he would want to do to his mate... But he has to collect his mind for this first time now and behave...

"I know. I also know that it's silly to be nervous, but I can't help it. You probably will be able to help me, though," he reached up to stroke one of Corey's beloved dimples then play with his long hair, returning that look. His fingers stopped only when he saw flashes of those images as he got a taste of the deeply buried desires for him.

"You were fantasizing about me like that?" he asked, but there was no negativity in his surprised voice. What Matt didn't expect was the growing arousal as he let himself imagine how those things would feel and he let Corey sense that too through their open bond.

"Maybe...." Corey blushed and kissed Matt's long fingers one by one. He loved his hand and long boney fingers. He loved all of this demon and right then especially how he liked the kinky ways he was thinking about him.

"I can't help it. Often when I just look at you, I feel like some fire ignites in my very being and it spreads and I want to touch you everywhere…" he whispered as he started to stroke and kiss and bite all over and peeling off the clothes from his body. "I want to taste you. All over. Every inch of that pale smooth skin of yours… I want to feel how you tremble from my kisses and know that you want me too," he continued lowering Matt’s pants.

"I always want you too. All of you. Please, don't hide from me," he said quietly as he let Corey undress him, his own hands attempting to do the same, but he got too distracted from the kisses and bites on his body. "I want all of you,” he repeated. “The kinkiness too. I'm just yours, Corey," he moaned, slightly arching his back from the hot mouth on his skin, making Matt's cock fill faster. "Take me the way you want it the most," he whispered braver than before, knowing that Corey would never really hurt him.

For that request Corey had to swallow hard. He moved back to kiss Matt like never before. This kiss was filled with his fire for the warrior. It was all passion and wild possessive growling. All teeth and tongue and breathing in each other's air while he managed to get rid of the last piece of clothes too, finally. "I want to make you feel wanted and loved. To feel how amazing and gorgeous you are for me. I want that. To make you feel that fire burn in you more and more slowly. And we have all the time in the world…" Corey smiled at his mate and turned Matt onto his back, going lower on the lean body. Biting and licking and kissing it, not in the gentlest way, but with all the adoration and love he had. Soon he raised Matt's legs over his wide shoulders and sucked the throbbing cock into his eager mouth.

It was utterly beautiful if someone asked Matt. And both that fire and then the sucking on his hard cock rendered him speechless. The only sounds coming from his mouth were moans that were getting louder with each lick and kiss and everything his mate was doing to him.

And he was right. It was helping him forget about his anxiety faster than ever. It was like a missing link from their relationship. Something truly liberating. Or at least that's how Matt started to feel the bigger that fire was getting in him, threatening to burn him up. And he wanted it. Just like this man between his legs.

"Yes... Corey! I want more. I love you... I want you too," he panted, letting his long fingers tangle in Corey's hair while his head fell back on the soft and fragrant moss bed.

Corey moved lower and with a pleased growl he licked Matt's entrance. Then pushing the tip of his tongue into it and moving it around, he started rimming him as the soft walls gave way to him. His sharpening nails dug deep into the lean strong thighs as he was feasting on Matt's hole and balls, growling low and pleased when the burning body gave way to his probing finger too.

On the receiving end Matt never thought that his mate licking him there would be so amazing. He was practically moaning his head off half-surprised, half-turned on like hell. The pain in his thighs not only rendered his lower parts motionless, but also caused additional pleasure while he was being rimmed then slowly fingered open.

That was another strange and unusual feeling, but he remembered their talks with Corey and lightly pushed against the probing finger, trying to relax his muscles as much as he could. He even started experimentally moving against the thicker digit, looking down at Corey who was staring at his hole with a hungry and very lustful expression that only made Matt's cock throb and leak more pre-cum at the tip. Damn, he was so hot focused like that.

Corey was amazed by how his mate's body took his finger. Easing up for him so fast. He moved around his middle then added his index too, turning it around so he could press his fingertips towards Matt's belly, searching for his pleasure spots. "You are so amazing…" he breathed and continued his fingers’ work while kissing and nipping at Matt's private parts.

To those praising words Matt's cheek started burning more, but he didn't mind. All he cared about were the completely new sensations that were already slowly but surely frying his brain. One finger wasn't that intense, but two were as they were working on loosening him up more. He already knew what Corey was looking for and when he finally found it... Matt cried out in surprise from the intensity of touching that magical spot in him. It was amazing and made his hips unwittingly buck against the exploring fingers to feel it again and get so much more of it.

Corey couldn't hold back a chuckle from Matt's reaction. He loved that man so much, and wanted to show him so much more pleasure… "It will only get better. I promise…" he said looking up at his mate with love. The sweaty chest and goose bumped white skin as Matt was enjoying all he was giving to him with closed eyes and utter joy all over his face made Corey melt inside, and get even more aroused, if that was possible...

Pulling his fingers out he went back to wet Matt good with his tongue. Then fetching the small oil bottle he slicked up three fingers and slowly eased then inside while sucking the head of that long hard cock, lapping at its tip eagerly.

And Corey wasn't lying one bit. It got only better from there and Matt didn't know what to do with himself aside from taking every sensation, giving himself to them and the shaman who was playing with his body like the expert he seemed to be. Every touch, lick, sucking and wet slide of those fingers coaxed some kind of pleasurable noise out of the trembling warrior.

"Corey..." he moaned in need as that fire was getting stronger in him, burning Matt's insides as he was shamelessly rolling his hips to buck against the three thick fingers and that wonderful hot mouth around his aching hardness. "Please..."

Corey could move his fingers with ease in and out of Matt. His lover moving in sync lost in pleasures only made his own blood boil more. For the polite asking he groaned and let the tasty meat out of his mouth with a loud pop. Pulling back, he kneeled up smiling down at Matt with dirty love.

That obscene pop resonated through Matt just as much as the wet sounds of the fingers in him. Feeling that dirty loving gaze on him, the wanton warrior forced his eyes to open and gasped from his mate's expression and the way the light got caught on the piercing in his eyebrow, nose and ears. Reaching up with one long arm, he caressed the bearded face and the hairy chest with love and want.

"You're so, so hot like this..." Matt panted then after a small smile he rolled onto his tummy to reveal his tattooed back that has been continued in the last couple of days once Paolo was good and bored enough to do it. And also offering his firm and wet ass to the taking as he pulled his knees under him and arched his back.

"I bet you're hotter," Corey mused and growled low from the offering before him. He leaned down and caressed his turned on mate everywhere he could. Kissed the tattooed butt and waist, nipping at the spine teasingly. He pulled Matt towards him as he laid down on his side. He moved his love to be with his back to him lying, while he could bend over him and kiss him. One of his thighs pushed Matt's legs apart, and the top leg up to his chest, leaving a clear way for the shaman's wet jumping cock to rest at the opening of his mate.

Unable to answer with anything remotely coherent now that desire was filling every last part of his body from all the attention Corey was giving him, Matt could only tremble and moan then let his mate move him the way he wanted.

Matt felt more exposed in that position than ever, but he loved it because it was for the only man he loved with all he had. Through the fog of lust on his mind, Matt remembered a part from one of their conversations. From that he realized that putting him into this position was nothing but Corey being thoughtful – as always when it came to Matt. This way the warrior’s muscles would be the most relaxed and his first time painless.

To that he pulled Corey back in by his nape for another sensual and grateful kiss then caressed the back of his neck as he looked at him. "I love you so much. Please, my love... I want you. I want to feel you in me. Please, take me as yours. I want you..." he whispered into the shaman's mouth with pure need and want in his pitch black eyes.

To hear that Matt wants him and longs for him was the very thing that melted Corey's heart. The way started… how he felt like Matt was more accepting this “role” or “job” of being his mate than wanting it… It was still at the back of his mind after everything. "I love you… More than you will ever know…" he whispered moved and kissed his mate full of his love and want.

"Take a deep breath and work with me, Matty. It's for us both… We are one…" he added nuzzling Matt's neck and biting it as he pushed through the tight ring of muscles for the first time and stopped to moan from the pressure and to let Matt and his body react and adjust to him. When he felt the frantic pulsing of the tissues around his cockhead, he started to rock their bodies slowly. With each small move slipping a little bit easier and deeper into his lover, while his loving arms wrapped around him.

Matt melted more against the bigger body behind him both from the kiss and the love in it which he could also feel through their open bond. He kissed back just as good then obeying to Corey he took a deep breath and after nodding focused on staying relaxed.

The biting on his neck helped him distract a bit from the strange feelings evoked in him by the intruding hard cock that pushed in. Focusing on his breathing to relax more and let Corey soon start fucking himself deeper into him. It tore small pants and moans out from Matt as he closed his eyes and moved a bit against his mate. He could feel the way he was stretching him wider and wider as he slid deeper and Matt's whole body shook in his arms when the tip brushed against that awesome spot in him. Every time he thought Corey was fully in, he gave him another inch until he felt so full like never before. But it was a strangely good feeling as his ass could finally welcome all of his mate.

He reached back with one tattooed arm to put his hand on Corey's ass, keeping him still for a moment. Matt opened his hazy black eyes to look at him as he experimentally circled his hips a bit, making them both moan from the stretch.

Holding Matt to his body in that position and feeling how he was welcomed in his body was nothing like the shaman ever experienced before. His yellow powers wrapped all around them and his mate accepting him filled his soul as he felt all of that from Matt through their open bond.

"You feel crazy good in me..." he whispered, kissing Corey's jaw-line before leaning his forehead against it to circle his hips a bit braver. Feeling that the thick cock was now sliding easier, he started rolling his hips back and forth to feel it slide in and out a bit, rubbing against his walls so maddeningly. His nails dug into Corey's ass cheek as he was practically fucking himself on his mate's cock now, panting and moaning his pleasure.

Of course he welcomed the yellow power with his reddish one, letting them start merging into the flame-like mist around them. His own feelings and the emotions that came through the bond were overwhelming, but he made sure that Corey knew how much he loved and needed him. And this.

When he felt his ass loose and ready, he slowed down his hips and stole another passionate kiss from his mate. "Now, my shaman beast. Release your kinky self on me. I want to feel you like that too..." he smirked at him, stroking the firm ass once then he pulled his hand back to let him move as he wished next.

Corey’s head was spinning from all the raw lust he felt from Matt. The way he moved on him was making his breath hitch and his growling grow louder. Maybe he was trembling even more than Matt from the suppressed needs and all the emotions when his mate let his butt go.

From Matt's words he groaned painfully and forced his fully buried cock even deeper, also swirling his hips. Slowly chewing on Matt's nape, he picked up a slow pace of the spiraling in and out moves. Every time ramming back the last few inches of his dick hard into and against Matt's pleasure spot.

Matt put his now free hand on the moss bed to dig his nails into it both to hold on to something from the intense pleasure that kept running up and down on his spine and whole lower half, and to steady his body more against Corey's moves.

The air got so hot around them from the yet slow-ish but passionate and very intense mating. Sweat was glistening on the pale tattooed skin now as Matt kept panting and crying out both from the chewing of his nape and the sudden attacks on his spot. But something was still missing. He knew it in his soul. Corey was still keeping himself back.

"Not enough. More! Give me more!" Matt groaned in need like some kind of animal in heat, but he didn't care. He wanted... all. "Fuck me properly already!" he growled, his patience starting to wear thin as his instincts were taking over his rational mind, leaving a hungry and turned on beast in Corey's arms and on his cock.

"I love you so fucking much," Corey moaned and pulled back from Matt's nape. "I created a hungry monster," he chuckled and thrust back hard into the needy body.

Pushing Matt on his belly fully with his left leg still pulled up, the shaman pushed his other leg up too and kneeled up a bit. Hovering over the long back he dug his sharp nails flesh-deep into the narrow hips and pulled his mate onto his cock. Not playing anymore. He started to hammer hard and fast into the shaking body, huffing and growling his mind-blowing pleasure while his fangs attacked the tattooed skin.

The loud "yes!" was an answer to both Corey's comments and the hard stabs of that wonderful cock in Matt. Needless to say, the warrior moved as Corey wanted and groaned loud when he was finally pulled back on the hard meat, his body sucking it in eagerly. Then what came afterwards was just... perfect.

The deep long strokes in his ass, rubbing against all the sensitive spots imaginable, the nails in his hips, the fangs tearing at his skin... Corey's grunting, the sounds of their skin slapping together. It was... unbelievable to Matt and all he could do was letting every feeling wash through him, bringing out his demon features and releasing more of his reddish power as this part of the forest was loud from the sounds of his pleasure.

The way their powers merged into one flame-like burning mist was just like the fire the burning and urging Corey felt more as his instincts took over him.

Lying on top of the longer body, his aim changed and all the mindlessly hard stabs were now hitting Matt's love-spot. Making his walls tremble with joy and tighten around Corey's leaking cock each time he rammed back into his mate's body.

Corey pulled Matt's arms back and held them at the middle of his back, pushing his weight on it, immobilizing the warrior while he practically fucked him so fast and hard that Matt's erect shaft rubbed a hole into the moss bed. It was perfect. Corey could taste Matt's blood on his lips, he was under his mercy to orgasm as hard as possible. He was the shaman's.

"You are mine... All mine..." he panted between possessive groans as the peak of their mating took over his whole being and he bit hard into the crook of the long neck. Drinking the blood while letting their united powers wash and burn through both of them. Making his claim for Matt clear as he let his fangs go all the way into the tasty flesh.

This was even better than the time when Matt took Corey and he was such a fool for feeling nervous about it. This was beautiful. All pure instincts and taking and giving and belonging. Not to mention that being so much at Corey's mercy only made the warrior surrender and lose himself more in their mating.

This shaman beast. This is what Matt wanted all along and he just realized that as he was fucked so hard and fast that he could barely breathe or move in the firm grip of his mate. And Matt loved it. Loved how Corey completely took control over and he just had to lay there and take and enjoy the pleasure and the pain – a circle he didn't want to break, ever.

But he had no choice. As Corey staked his claim with that bloody bite and their united powers burning them as their souls melted together too, Matt came with a guttural demon roar, his ass clamping down hard on the wet cock, pulling it deeper, the intense pleasure wiping everything else out as he pulled his mate with him.

The cry that left the shaman's lips was out of their world too. He had no choice but to follow Matt into the blind bliss and release his seeds deep inside him, claiming yet another way his warrior for life as the pair and part of his soul.

"You're mine…" he mumbled, fangs still in Matt's flesh as they slowly rode out their orgasms moaning and panting.

Knowing that Corey was filling him full was something that seemed to caress Matt's whole being, making him grunt and growl approvingly. He had no idea he could make such sounds or act like this, but as his conscience was slowly coming back to him, he felt absolute no regrets. This was the most intense feeling in all his life and he knew he was going to rile Corey up to get more of this in the future. Maybe after a nap that would give time for Matt's body to heal the messed up tattooed skin of his back and all. Probably his ass too, but he didn't feel that yet since luckily Corey was still buried in him, making Matt as satisfied as he could be.

Okay, the repeated claiming words only made things better. Matt answered Corey only through their bond first, because it was more important to get air into his lungs. But then a soft smile curled the edges of his mouth upwards as he closed his eyes, still unable to move an inch. "I am. Until our last breath and beyond, my wild shaman. And you are mine too. I can fully feel and see that now. You are... perfect."

Corey, still high on the emotions hummed and grunted. Slowly he pulled back from the bite and licked the wound purring and nuzzling his forehead to Matt's nape. "You are more than perfect. We are one and nothing can tear that up. Ever," he whispered before gently releasing Matt's arms and moved out of his body to drop next to his mate, panting for air.

Matt smiled wider and made an agreeing grunt as he stayed like he was, letting the life come back into his released arms, his face still sweaty and flushed, but a light breeze was cooling them down nicely, the vibes of the special little space caressing them too.

"I love the sound of that and you know..." Matt pushed himself up on his elbows, licking his dry bottom lip. "I loved this more than anything we'd done so far... I mean... whoa," he murmured, looking cute as hell with that shy yet dirty expression on his face.

Corey still tried to breathe and looked at Matt wiping his wet hair out of his face and laughed. "You are so adorable. You have no idea how happy you're making me with that statement," he said moving closer to kiss those dried lips of that amazing cute man that was his.

Matt only needed that to slide closer and practically wrap himself around the wider body. "I actually have an idea of that. And I will want that kinky beast shaman to visit again. Soon," he purred, caressing Corey's tummy and side then Matt leaned in for another – this time softer and deeper – kiss.

That kiss was the perfect ending of that mating that finally fully merged their souls and beings into one for life.

"You only need to ask for him. You know that," Corey said after the kiss as they were just lying there slowly caressing each other and enjoying their united power keeping them warm.

Next chapter


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