Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

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Destiny - Tasha's & Dave's secret journal
Destiny - Tasha's & Dave's secret journal : Part 9

Part 9

  2008.08.29. 16:47

Excerpt from Tash's diary

28th August 2008

Finally today I got to spend more than a few snatched minutes with Dave. I'd kind of thought that with the guys working on the album here it would be easier than in SB, but it wasn't. Dave had told me that with the guys there it wasn't go to be so easy for him to keep leaving them for a couple of hours without one of them eventually realising what was going on, so for the last few weeks we've been surviving on phone sex and the odd moments here and there, not that I really mind I know how important it the new album is and he still needs to spend time with Rosie and Jimmy too especially before he has to go away again somehow today though Dave had wangled it so we got a few hours together.

So anyway he'd turned up and completely taken me by surprise whilst I was out in the far corner of the deck sorting out some of the stuff I'd been putting off doing for the last few weeks.

“That outfit should come with a government health warning” he'd growled against my neck as he'd snuck up behind me slipped his hands inside my bikini top and cupped my breasts.

“Dave you scared the life out of me. I wasn't expecting you today.”

“I couldn't keep away any longer, if I don't make love to you today I swear I'm going to go crazy.”

“Me too, I've been going mad not having you touching me, having to do with your voice.”

“I know, the guys thought I had something wrong with me the amount of times I made trips to the bathroom just to speak to you.” he'd run his hand down over my stomach heading towards the waistband of the cutoff shorts I was wearing, “You look so hot in this that I just want you now.”

“What out here?”

“Mmm yeah” his hand had undone the zipper and was already working my shorts down over my hips, “Mmm commando today are we?”

“Dave, we can't not here, what if someone sees us.”

“Tasha, no one will see us in this part it's really secluded, I had trouble seeing you at first”

He'd slipped his hand between my thighs “Mmm I see someones already wet despite her protests.” and I'd groaned as his his fingers had gone deep inside of me.

“That's it Tash moan for me”


“Oh God baby I've missed this,”

“Me too, Dave I need you in me, I need to feel you.”

“You will” he'd replied pushing me against the cool stone wall before grabbing my hips and pulling me hard to him and I'd screamed in pleasure as he'd rammed his hardness fully inside me in one swift movement.

“Not so loud Tasha” he'd chuckled “Just because we can't be seen doesn't mean we can't be heard, you don't want your neighbours hearing us.”

“Right now I don't care who hears, I just want you to fuck me and take me hard.”

“I'm going to Tasha, don't you worry about that.”

He'd pulled himself out of me and rammed back inside of me over and over going deeper with each thrust. “Oh God Tash you feel so good, so hot, so wet.”

“Deeper Dave go deeper, fuck me harder.”

“Like this?” he'd moaned changing his rhythm so he was repeatedly thrusting inside of me.

“Yes that's it, that's it..”

Sensing I was about to scream again as he went impossibly deep inside of me he'd placed his hand over my mouth and slowing his movements “Tash, you can't scream ok.”

“I can't help it” I'd moaned through his fingers “You're making me want to.”

“Well you can't, the last thing we need is the police turning up and finding me fucking you out here.”


“Good girl.” he'd taken his hand away and moved it down to my breasts and started squeezing them hard in turn the way I love.

“You're not going to make it easy for me are you,” I'd moaned

“I can't help it, these just make me wild.”

Starting to thrust hard inside me again he'd slid his other hand down until his fingers found my clit and he'd started rubbing me the way I love.

“God dave that feels so good” I'd moaned pressing my mouth against the top of my arm to stifle the scream I could feel building inside of me as my body began to shake.”

“That's it Tash come for me baby come for me.” he'd groaned against my neck as he'd felt my muscles tightening against his now huge cock and I had. My body had convulsed over and over as wave after wave had flowed through me and I'd coated his dick with my wetness.

“That's it Tash oh God I'm there” he'd thrusted hard and deep one last time and bit down on the side of my neck as I felt him explode inside of me filling me with his own fluids as his fingers carried on working my clit and I'd screamed against the skin of my arm as another orgasm had raged through me, I'd pushed myself against his hands urging him to work his fingers faster so that he could me further and further towards another whilst he was still buried deep inside of me and he had making me whimper over and over until we'd collapsed against each other.

“God Tash that was amazing” he'd moaned gently kissing the spot where he'd bitten me, “I've wanted to do that for so long”

“Me too Dave, it seems so long since I felt you inside of me.”

Slipping out of me he'd turned me round and let his eyes travel down over my body “Did I ever tell you how sexy you are?”

“Maybe one or twice” I'd blushed reaching down to pick up my shorts

“What are you doing?”

“Getting dressed I can't stand outside naked.”

“I don't think so, I need you again Tash.”

I'd quickly straightened my bikini top back into place and stepped back into my shorts pulling them over my thighs and zipping them up.”

“Where are you going?” he'd growled making a grab at me, “I haven't finished with you yet.”

“I'm going to take a shower, I'm pretty grubby after working in the garden.”

“Mmm nice idea , I'll join you.”

“No I need to get clean first, maybe after you've gotten me dirty again though you can.”

“Spoilsport,” he'd chuckled “go on don't be too long though because I don't know how long I can wait before I need you again.”

“I'll be 5 minutes.”

“Good because any longer than that I'm gonna come looking for you.”

I took the quickest shower of my life and within 5 minutes I was dressed and looking for him, I'd found him out on the deck swinging lazily in the hammock that had been delivered a few days earlier.

“So what's with all this then?” he'd asked gesturing to the small walled yard “I never had you down as being so domesticated.”

“I'm not but this was part of the agreement when I moved in, I promised I'd get this sorted out in return for my friend letting me live here at less than the usual rental price.”

“This place isn't yours then” he'd asked surprised

“I wish, do you really think I could afford to rent somewhere like this on my own?”

“I don't know” he'd admitted “I guess I'd never thought about it before.”

“No it belongs to a friend, I needed somewhere to move into and he needed a tenant quickly as he'd been offered a job abroad, I said I'd sort the deck out for him and he agreed to drop the rent so it suited us both.”

“Oh so it's a male friend then?”


“Ex boyfriend?” he'd asked suddenly pulling me into the hammock with him

“No nothing like that,” I'd answered blushing slightly

“Tash?” Dave had looked at me and then gave that low chuckle of his “But the two of you have fucked though haven't you?”

“Dave” I'd looked at him shocked

“You have, you've fucked him haven't you?”

“Maybe once or twice?” It's spooky but now we've been seeing each other for a while somehow he always knows what I'm thinking.

“Once or twice “ he'd raised his eyebrow skeptically

“Well maybe more.”

“Mmm interesting tell.”

“Theres not that much to say really, we've just had a couple of periods in our lives when we've been, well shall we say best friends with benefits.”

“You bad girl fancy shagging your best friend.”

“Isn't that what you love about me though?”

“That you're bad? Yeah I love that” He'd looked at me slyly “So do you sleep with all your friends?”

“Dave you can't ask me that, it's not polite.”

“Oh so that's a yes then?”


“You do though don't you.!”

“Only the good looking ones”

“So there's been more than one?”

“Maybe that would be telling”

“So tell me” he'd said his hand traveling down my front and disappearing into the neck of my dress.”

“You're really getting off on this aren't you?” I'd smiled as I'd felt his cock getting hard against my thigh.


“Oh my God yes you are, you love the idea of him fucking me don't you?”

“Who fucking you?”


“Is that his name the guy who lives here.”

I'd nodded in reply

“So tell me where did he fuck you, out here?”


“Where out here?”

“The deck, and over there.”

“What about where we did it just?”

“Oh yeah that's where he fucked me the hardest.” I'd glanced up at Dave “You're loving this aren't you?”

He'd just raised an eyebrow and grinned and I'd felt his already hard dick pressing harder into my thighs.

“He fucked me so hard against that wall that I couldn't stop screaming, we did it for hours there.”

“You're such a slut Natasha Destiny”

“But you love the fact I am don't you Dave”

“So any other friends you sleep with?”

“Mm I have this other guy I'm friends with, he's got the amazing body, so toned and his arms and fingers well, I couldn't begin to tell you what those fingers do to me, just him touching me wants to scream.”

I'd watched Dave's expression as I'd continued “And his tattoos well I can spend hours tracing and licking the one on his arm, I don't get to see him much, he's away a lot always working somewhere.”

“Oh yeah so what does your friend do.”

“He's a musician, very very talented and not just musically if you know what I mean, the things he did to me last time I was with him you wouldn't believe, the way he touched me as he fucked me at the same time was amazing, I loved it I couldn't get enough of him doing that.”

“Is he big?”

“Oh yeah he's got a huge dick, I loved having him in me making me come over and over.”

“I'd given him a evil grin and brushed my hand against his erection “He works a lot with my other friend.”

“Oh and have you fucked that friend too?” Dave had asked totally turned on

“Oh yeah I've fucked them both, they both had me together once and it was amazing, I felt so dirty and bad, my friend loved that, he loved seeing his mate screwing me on his desk, making me scream and moan as he fucked me hard, mind you I love that other friend fucking me too, you should have heard me scream last time he had me.”

“Jesus Tash, you're really a bad girl aren't you.”

I'd nodded knowing that it wasn't going to be long before he had me. “Yeah I'm just a slut.”

“Mmmm yes and I do love the fact that you're such a slut.” he'd breathed sliding his hand down my body and slipping it under the skirt of the dress I was wearing “And I hope you're the kind of slut who's not wearing any underwear and is completely wet right now.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah” he'd replied making me groan as he'd pushed his fingers deep inside of me “because it's going to make it so much easier for me to fuck you.”

“Now? Here?”

“Yeah right here, so these friends have they ever fucked you in one of these things?”

“No” I'd moaned wanting him desperately now

“Good. Because I want to be the one who does it to you first” he'd unzipped his jeans and pulled out his throbbing cock “Are you ready for me Tash?”

“God yes Dave” I'd moaned again “although I don't quite know how we're going to do this, I don't particularly fancy falling out of it.”

“Oh I don't know that could be fun, just imagine how hard I could have you down there.” Swiftly he'd turned me over so I was facing away from him and pulled my dress up “Mm from behind I think baby.” Holding my hips he'd achingly slowly slid his full length inside of me making me groan in pleasure and then he'd moved slowly in and out of me his thrusts matching the swaying of the hammock “Ok baby” he whispered gently against my ear.

“Mmm yeah “ I'd moaned with the pleasure each of his thrusts had given me.

“Does that feel good?”


I totally lost track of how long we lay there, both of us savouring the delicious feeling of him moving slowly and deeply inside me. This time it was so different from the way we usually have sex, none of the frantic thrusting and screaming of each other names, but much more gentle and somehow...well I don't know if it was the fact we hadn't been able to be together for a while or we'd both been so turned on by each other but both of our orgasms seemed so much more intense than usual, this time we clung to each other moaning out loud as they'd hit and our bodies had somehow moved as if they were one .

“Ok baby?” Dave had asked me afterwards as he gently brushed my hair away from the back of my neck and kissed it softly.

“Yes Dave. You?”

“Yes I think it was what we both needed”

We'd lain together both of us loving the feeling of Dave still buried deeply inside me until we'd drifted off.

It was so great seeing Dave for more than a few minutes especially when we don't when we're going to see each other again and as usual the sex was out of this world but so completely different from usual.

Excerpt from Dave's diary

28th August 2008

Finally I found time to get away for a few hours today and no prizes for guessing where I spent them. I'd explained to Tash how it was going to be difficult to see her when the guys were around . I couldn't just keep nipping out to see her when I wanted to because one of them was going to suss it out eventually. I know Christian knows about us for obvious reasons and I know he sees Tash from time to time but I've never asked him if he's sleeping with her and Tasha never mentions the fact she sees him, The last thing I want is for the others to get wind of it, for now I'm more than happy for everyone to think it's only Martin who's sleeping around with younger women.

It's been hard though not being able to spend more than a few snatched minutes with her, we've been consigned to a few quickies in restrooms and the odd couple of sessions in her car, now they were another thing, a couple of times she'd phoned me from downstairs in the parking area to see if I could get away for a few minutes and we'd had the best sex then, so much better than the quickies we'd been having to make do with in restrooms when I'd been able to nip out on the pretense of going to the deli.

When we were in her car the feeling of her moving astride me and me slipping deeply inside of her whilst I sucked on her breasts was enough to make me come over and over, we hadn't been able to get enough of each other, other times we'd taken it to the back seat where I'd been able to fuck her hard from behind how she loves it. they were no where near long enough but at least we didn't have to worry about being overheard .

I'm sure the guys thought I had something wrong with me when they were here the amount of times I spent going to the bathroom,. the ribbing I'd had to take over as Andy called it “my weak bladder.” was untrue Mart was eying me suspiciously though a couple of times when I left the room, it's ok for him though he can have his harem parading his through his suite on tap wherever he stays..

Anyway today I'd managed to get a few hours to myself and shot over to Tasha's, I'd let myself into the quiet apartment and presumed she was out, wandering into her lounge I'd noticed that the french doors out into the yard were open and headed over to look outside for her. It'd had taken her a few moments to spot her in the far corner and I couldn't help but just stand and watch her for a few minutes as she'd worked away singing softly to herself, she'd looked so hot in the tiny denim shorts skimpy bikini top she was wearing, but there was something about her and as much as I just wanted to go over and take her right then part of me just wanted to watch her and see the real Tash.

After watching her for a few minutes I couldn't wait any longer so I'd made my way silently over to her, I'd sidled up behind her and slipped my hands inside her bikini top and made some comment about her outfit being dangerous as I'd caressed her breasts. Just the feeling of being able to touch her again made me want her right there. Slipping my down over her stomach I'd found the waistband of her shorts and undid the zipper and button before carrying on downwards and slipping my fingers inside of her, she'd been so hot and wet and I'd gotten even more turned on by the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear, I love it when she goes commando there just something so sexy about knowing that Tasha is naked underneath her clothes.

I couldn't help but take her right then, I'd unbuttoned my jeans and pushed her against the wall before ramming my hard cock into her, it had felt so good to be inside her and I'd thrusted myself into her over and over again, sensing she was going to scream again I'd managed to get my hand over her mouth and slow my movements.

“Tasha you can't scream ok ”

“I can't help it....You're making me want to.”

“Well you can't, the last thing we need is the police turning up and finding me fucking you out here.”

“Ok.” she'd answered but I knew how she'd felt it was taking everything I had to control my own groans. Letting go of her mouth I'd moved my hand down over her body and started caressing her breasts, making her moan even more, I love the way her breasts feel, they just make me feel so horny. Thrusting deeply into her again I'd moved my hand down and found her clit and started rubbing it the way she loves, wanting to make her come whilst I was thrusting hard inside her, I love it when she comes over me like that, the way her muscles grip me so hard drives me mad. I'd felt her body stiffen as her orgasm hit and had carried on caressing her as she'd ridden out wave after wave gripping me hard and coating my now rock hard cock with her juices. I'd known I wasn't going to be able to last much longer and I'd thrusted so hard and deep inside her biting down on her neck to stifle my screams as I'd spurted my own juices inside of her all the time still working her clit with my fingers wanting her to reach her own release time and time again and she had until eventually she had gently brushed my fingers away and had collapsed against me. I'd just held her kissing the spot on her neck I'd bitten down so hard on as we'd let our breathing get back to normal.

Slipping out of her and turning her to face me I was struck once again by how beautiful Tasha is, she nothing like the type of woman I usually go for, as well as being obviously so very very sexy and hot she's intelligent witty and so warm and caring, I'd smiled as she blushed as I'd told her how attractive she was, she hates it when I tell her she is, she never considers herself to be like that. Reluctantly I'd let her go and take a shower alone and I'd lain in the hammock that had been installed since I'd last been here replaying in my mind the session we'd just had and already aroused again with the thoughts that were playing in my mind.

A few minutes later I'd opened my eyes to find her standing in front of me smiling “”No prizes for guessing what's going on in your mind” she'd laughed bending down to kiss me

“Actually you're wrong” I'd laughed I've already had those thoughts I was just wondering what it was with all this “I'd gestured to the yard “I never had you down as being so domesticated.”

Quickly she'd explained about it being her friends place as I'd pulled her into the hammock with me and I'd teased her about him being an ex boyfriend, as she denied it could see by the look on her face that he was more than that and I somehow knew she'd slept with him, It strange but the closer I get to Tash the more I begin to be able to guess what she's thinking, well apparently they had quite a thing going at one point, you know friends with benefits as she calls it. It's really strange but although I hate the thought of her being in a relationship with someone else, which is totally unfair of me I know, perversely the thought of her being fucked by someone else gets me incredibly horny.

She'd sensed this and could see how much I liked the thought and started telling me about her other friend she'd fucked, At first I'd thought it was me and then I'd realised she was talking about Christian, just remembering the look on her face and her moans as I'd watched the two of them in the studio, made me want her right then.

I'd slipped my hand up under the hem of the dress she was wearing me, and once again she was naked underneath and I'd pushed my fingers deeply inside of her wanting to feel her wetness on them, I couldn't wait any longer so I'd turned her over and slid ever so slowly and deeply inside of me filling her with the whole of my hard cock straightaway making her groan with pleasure, slowly I'd thrusted inside of her each thrust carefully matched to the swinging of the hammock. It had felt so good making love to her like this, so so different to how it usually is with me fucking her so hard that she screams, this time it was almost gentle and somehow when we'd came it was so much more than the usual feeling of satisfying our lust. We'd lain together afterwards me holding her and inhaling the smell of her skin whilst I was still buried deeply inside of her.

I love being with Tasha and we always have the most amazing sex, I'll have to find some more time with her before we go back into the studio again as Andy wants to record in London next time unless I can convince him and Martin to come back to New York.

to be continued...

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