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Indulás: 2006-07-18




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Quotes by Natalie

[On being the only "kid" in the cast of Beautiful Girls] "The adults in this movie weren't really that adult. Have you interviewed Michael [Rapaport] yet?"

– Source Unknown

[Her new years resolution for 1997] "Just to be a good student and be a good kid."

– Source Unknown

"Sometimes I think people who are unattractive have it easier."

– Source Unknown

[Referring to her future career indecisiveness] "But I'm a Gemini, so I change my mind every day."

– Source Unknown

"I'm going to college. I don't care if it ruins my career. I'd rather be smart than a movie star."

– USA Today (USA) – Novemeber, 1994

[On getting out of tech class to be on the Late Show]
"I was about to drill a hole in my wood, and I was really scared, and I'm holding it, and they're like "Will Natalie Portman please come to the front office for early dismissal." And I went 'YES!!'"

– The Late Show (USA) – November, 1994

"Natalie: When I was in nursery school, the teachers asked me, y'know, 'what does your Dad do for a living?'
Dave Letterman: Yeah.
Natalie: So I said "he helps women get pregnant!" [Giggles] They called my Mom and they were like, 'what EXACTLY does your husband do?'" [Laughs]

– The Late Show (USA) – November, 1994

"The best part about being friends with your parents is that no matter what you do, they have to keep loving you."

– Interview Magazine (USA) – February, 1995

"And sometimes just watching a person doing the things they would only do at home lets you know who they really are—like picking their nose. That's when you know someone is really comfortable around you."

– Interview Magazine (USA) – February, 1995

"I was this really bossy five-year-old, and I would be like, "You stand here, and you stand here, and you sing," or, "I'll sing and you just lip it." [She throws her head back and laughs.] I was a really bossy kid, you know"

– Venice (USA) – July, 1995

[Talking about which scenes in Leon were hard to do]
"Well, some of the sexy scenes were hard because I'm not that kind of person. I'm not the kind of person that would say, "He's my lover." That was so hard for me, especially when everyone was standing around watching and my mom's there"

– Venice (USA) – July, 1995

"I think school is so much harder than real life. People are so much more accepting when they are adults."

– Premiere (UK) – July, 1995

"Danny [Aiello—co-star in The Professional] told me 'Don't do television'."

– Premiere (UK) – July, 1995

"After seeing Apollo 13, what I really want to be is an astronaut. I'm dying to go to space camp next summer!"

– Seventeen (USA) – November, 1995

"My father has a general rule. He says if I haven't done it in real life I shouldn't do it on-screen."

– Vanity Fair (USA) – 1996

"I love milk so much! I make a point of drinking a glass of milk every day. So now anyone who did those milk ads with the milk moustaches, they're my heroes."

– Detour (USA) – January, 1996

[Describing selecting a career] "You have to accept something that when you wake up in the morning, makes you feel good, just knowing you're gonna go into work and help someone."

– Detour (USA) – January, 1996

"I am more a teenager than anyone else I know. One minute I feel really adult and the next minute I say, 'Let's play hide-and-seek.'"

– Who Weekly (USA) – January, 1996

"So me and my friends we rented this movie called Threesome. And, you know, it's appropriately named and whatever, and there's this scene where they... get together. And her mom came in right as that scene came on. So my friend jumped up and she's like, this isn't Reality Bites! And she got it out, she's like, damn Blockbuster! God!"

– The Late Show (USA) – February, 1996

"I don't know if I could live with acting my whole life because there are such huge periods between films. I see these 20-year-old actors who do nothing but smoke cigarettes and go to clubs every night while they wait for their next part, and I couldn't stand living that way."

– LA Times (USA) – February, 1996

"Acting probably is making me grow up faster than I normally would because I'm around adults so much of the time. I'm friends with people much older than me, but they're all quite intent on maintaining my innocence. Yesterday Ted Demme [director of Beautiful Girls] told me that if anyone ever did anything bad to me, I'd have his 20 big brothers rush to my rescue."

– LA Times (USA) – February, 1996

"There's always pressure, from other people and yourself. If you're happy with the looks you're born with, then what are you going to do your whole life?. We keep thinking up new things and finding better ways of doing things because we're not happy with what we're given."

– Interview Magazine (USA) – March, 1996

"Cute is when your personality shines through your looks. Like, when you see someone's personality in the way they walk and you just feel like hugging them every time you see them."

– Interview Magazine (USA) – March, 1996

[Commenting on The Professional] "I didn't feel exploited at all. I understood everything I was doing. It wasn't like some dirty old man was tricking me into something."

– Interview Magazine (USA) – March, 1996

"I don't love studying. I hate studying. I like learning. Learning is beautiful."

– Interview Magazine (USA) – March, 1996

"Where I live, nobody who's fourteen is having sex and doing major drugs. And I think if you see it in the movies, you may be influenced by it. I think it's so important to preserve your innocence."

– Interview Magazine (USA) – March, 1996

"My school is like the 'Clueless' pop-culture school."

- Interview Magazine (USA) – March, 1996

"You can't the word enema around my mom because she had to have one when she was pregnant with me in Israel. The word coconut makes me uncomfortable. There are some beautiful words, though. For exmaple, I just love the way clutter sounds."

– Interview Magazine (USA) – March, 1996

"When I was 7 years old, I put on shows for everyone at my grandpa's funeral. I was always the little entertainer."

– Sassy (USA) – March, 1996

"My best friend Rachael is totally my soul mate. She's so amazing and so cool. We're always saying the exact same thing at the same time, we read each other's minds and feel each other's feelings. We can have really deep intellectual discussions, and then the next second be beating each other up and laughing about stupid things."

– Sassy (USA) – March, 1996

[Explaining her vegitarianism] "My dad's a doctor, and when I was 8, I went to one of his medical conferences where they were demonstrating laser surgery on a chicken. I was so mad that a chicken had to die, I never ate meat again."

– Sassy (USA) – March, 1996

"I don't think I've ever been in love, I'm sure I will be some day. I've had enormous crushes, although I've never been into the Brad Pitt thing."

– Harpers & Queen (USA) – October, 1996

"It's always strange being a kid on the set, because you're treated like an equal when you're working. But then when you break, the other actors go back to their trailers to take naps and drink beer, and I have to, like, go do school."

– Vanity Fair (USA) – October, 1996

[In reference to her mother making vegetarian meals for her on Thanksgiving] "...she makes vegetarian stuffing because generally, y'know stuffing, they like, stuff it up the turkey's butt and, like, let the juices all flow in."

– The Late Show with david Letterman (USA) – November, 1996

[Talking about her Everyone Says I Love you audition] "He asked me three questions like, 'Where do you live? How old are you? Are you free for the fall?'"

– Neon (USA) – February, 1997

[Talking about her Romeo and Juliet audition] "They said it looked like Leonardo was molesting me when we kissed. It was really disappointing, but I wouldn't have wanted to be in the movie and have it look wrong. If I was in the film, I would have wanted it to be perfect."

– Neon (USA) – February, 1997

"I'd do a kids' movie if it was realistic, but those hunky-dory tales are stupid sometimes.They make kids with real lives feel they are not as happy."

– Movie Magazine (USA) – February, 1997

[On playing in Ruthless]"I kept laughing on stage because I was having so much fun with this other girl: She would cross her eyes at me on stage, and I'd start laughing, and people would be like, Natalie, you're not supposed to laugh on stage."

– Boston Magazine (USA) – October, 1997

"I speak fluent Hebrew and even dream in Hebrew when we visit there, once or twice a year"

– W (USA) – November, 1997

"When a guy tells me I'm cute, it's not something desirable. Cute is more like what you want your pet to be"

– Beyond Beauty (USA) – November, 1997

"I don't want to sound superficial, but when I go see a movie myself, I'd rather look at Tom Cruise than some shmo with a beer belly"

– Time Out New York (USA) – November, 1997

[Talking about her Star Wars action figure] "In the year 2000, someone is going to get me as a Christmas present"

– Time Out New York (USA) – November, 1997

[Talking about getting a 100 score for a school government paper] "I'm a little obsessive-compulsive"

– Vanity Fair (USA) – May, 1999

"I would never say someone else is bad because they do something, but for myself, I'm kind of conservative. I've never tried smoking, I don't drink, I've never tried any drugs. I don't condemn people who do; I've just never wanted to. I don't really like high-school parties. My closest friends are very straight, compared with a lot of other kids. It's definitely odd"

– Vanity Fair (USA) – May, 1999

"People think the film industry is going to corrupt me, but I feel like it's kept me more innocent, in a way. I wasn't really home when my friends were trying pot for the first time. I was always around adults who wouldn't smoke or curse or do anything like that around me. I don't do things that are dangerous to myself. I don't want to hurt myself"

– Vanity Fair (USA) – May, 1999

"Cutting out gelatin was hard for me—giving up Gummy Worms and Jell-O. I hated that!"

– Vanity Fair (USA) – May, 1999

"I'm not going to my senior prom. Boys want to go to the prom with someone that they can fool around with"

– Vanity Fair (USA) – May, 1999

"The only annoying thing is when people stare at me. I know it's part of the thing, so I'm trying to get over it, but it's the weirdest feeling. I just feel like it's a really rude thing to do. I'm not a person who's ever trying to attract attention. Usually, I'm OK because I'm short and I'm brown-haired and I kind of blend in, but it's very weird"

– Star Wars Insider (USA) – May, 1999

"Now if you ask me to get up in front of people and do anything like that I get so embarrassed. I'm humiliated if I have to speak in front of the class"

– Star Wars Insider (USA) – May, 1999

"I'm so obsessed with magazines. You don't understand—I love magazines. We go to the book store and I am like a magnet. I'm drawn to them. We go to Borders and my friends are straight to the music, but I go straight to the magazines, and I can stay there for an hour just reading everything"

– Star Wars Insider (USA) – May, 1999

"I can sleep a whole day. If no one woke me up, I would sleep for 24 hours. I think it's a combination of my age and my appreciation for sleep. Sleep is so wonderful. Sometimes you can oversleep and feel like you've waster your time, but I think it's one of the bestways to spend your time."

– Star Wars Insider (USA) – May, 1999

[Talking about appearing in the gossip columns] "I'm just as bad as anyone else, I love reading that stuff. And if it makes someone's day a little happier? I really couldn't care less"

– Premiere (UK) – May, 1999

[On her Star Wars Action figure] "It’s very strange to know that little kids somewhere will be playing with me"

– TV Guide (USA) – May, 1999

[On being accepted by Harvard & Yale] "I kind of had the feeling that whether I did well or not, I would have gotten in, it was kind of disappointing, because I worked so hard in school. I don’t feel like I got in just by being an actor. I don’t feel like I stole a space away from someone who really deserved it. I feel like I’ll be able to live up to the level of the school"

– TV Guide (USA) – May, 1999

"It would be very strange to be, like, a lawyer or a doctor, after you've been in Star Wars"

– TV Guide Online (USA) – May, 1999

[About the Star Wars big hair pieces] "You'd have to go to the bathroom and you could get, you know, out of your clothes really easily so... you know, sitting in my underwear, I'd go to the bathroom, and there's this huge headpiece, and I'd be sitting there, like holding it hoping it doesn't get... involved, you know?"

– The Rosie O'Donnell Show (USA) – May, 1999

[On delaying driver ed due to Anne Frank] "I was like the grandma in the car sitting knitting in the corner"

– The Rosie O'Donnell Show (USA) – May, 1999

"I was practicing with my dad like two days before, and, it took me like, an hour and a half to parallel park. I was going back and forth, and I hit, you know those big stone potted plant type things? It was literally, like, tilting over. I was like... my dad was like "No no no no no!" And umm, the people in the car next to you, you know, when they see that you're, you know, a young driver, they just find it so amusing and they just kind of sit and stare and smile at you, and.. that makes you feel better—you already feel like stupid enough that you're, you know, taking an hour to park and it's kind of like 'Aww, isn't that cute!' and you're just like 'Shut up!'"

– The Rosie O'Donnell Show (USA) – May, 1999

"I'm, I'm a bi, tri-daily tweezer"

– The Rosie O'Donnell Show (USA) – May, 1999

"I used to butcher my Barbies. I would draw hearts on their cheeks. I would give them haircuts and I would keep going because it would be uneven and they would be left bald"

– USA Today (USA) – May, 1999

"There's so much else to do in the world. To just be interested in doing films would limit my life."

– Teen Tribute Magazine (USA) – June, 1999

[Commenting on Anne Frank] "Dying without leaving a mark and never finding love or happiness became more normal, but also more trivial for me because I had the privilege of life."

– Time (USA) – June, 1999

"I'm a technological moron. I have, I have problems with like.. the television"

– Flicks (USA) – June, 1999

"Ninety per cent of how you learn is watching great people. When you are surrounded by good actors it lifts your performance"

– Vogue (Australia) – July, 1999

"I was really into dancing, taking six classes a week, and my real dream was to be in a Broadway show"

– Vogue (Australia) – July, 1999

[About her Star Wars audition] "I've seen my audition tape and I was HIDEOUS"

– The Movie Chart Show (UK) – July, 1999

"I've always tried to separate my looks from all the other aspects of myself. I think girls are taught so much to focus on their looks that they tend to have their personality and intelligence develop slower than boys"

– The Daily Telegraph (UK) – July, 1999

"I was really popular up until 13, really outgoing and bossy, and never worried about seeming it"

– The Daily Telegraph (UK) – July, 1999

"I came back from shooting Leon, and no one would talk to me. Everyone kept saying, 'Oh you think you're such a hot-shot.' I had no friends. It was the worst year of my life"

– The Daily Telegraph (UK) – July, 1999

"I make an extra point of not seeming arrogant. I used to be the first one to get on stage at school and sing, and now... you couldn't pay me to do that."

– The Daily Telegraph (UK) – July, 1999

"Oh God, I was so awful in that. My agents said, 'Well, you just don't turn down Woody Allen.' But I was so wrong because there was so much improvisation and I just couldn't do it."

– The Daily Telegraph (UK) – July, 1999

"My parents have been very good at separating that. They don't let me use any of my earnings. They pay for everything in my life. They'll pay for college for me. They want to feel like they're still taking care of me"

– The Daily Telegraph (UK) – July, 1999

"I can totally imagine myself not being an actress, but it's a little stranger now that I've started to get more recognition. If I want to be a doctor, it will be weird for my patients to think, 'Oh, my doctor's the mother of Princess Leia.'"

– Vogue (UK) – August, 1999

[On Patrick Swayze] "I think I became an actress just so there would be a possibility I might meet him one day — because he's just, like, so amazing!"

– Dolly (Australia) – August, 1999

"I really hate being self-conscious—and being conscious of being self-conscious"

– Dolly (Australia) – August, 1999

"Being an 'old soul' means that you have knowledge that you wouldn't necessarily have at your age. And knowing that, I guess that means that I am one"

– Dolly (Australia) – August, 1999

"I don't feel like being naked in a movie; there are so many weirdos out there that might think of something"

– Aftonbladet (Sweden) – August, 1999

[On believing God] "Well... I'm more spiritual than religious. I believe there is a power and the instinct and intuition that runs our life. I think one should be like a Jedi and follow one's instinct"

– Aftonbladet (Sweden) – August, 1999

[What Natalie looks for in a boyfriend] "Someone who I can talk to, and, obviously who is going to treat me well. So smart, funny, and a good person are the main qualifications"

– You (UK) – September, 1999

"I couldn't be anorexic because I like food too much, and I couldn't be bulimic because I hate throwing up too much"

– You (UK) – September, 1999

[Why she is so mature] "I'm really an 85-year-old midget"

– You (UK) – September, 1999

[About reading articles about herself] "I read everything. I'm too interested in what people think. It's like, if you don't know people are talking about you, it's fine, but if you know that they're talking about you, you want to know what they're saying"

– Jane (USA) – September, 1999

"I am not a shy person. But I'm very self-conscious and very worried about what other people are thinking"

– Interview Magazine (USA) – October, 1999

[Refering to Anywhere But Here] "In the original script there was a sex scene, and I want to emphasize that I don't have any problems with sex scenes on film, I'm not into censorship, but I just wasn't prepared to do the scene at that point in my life"

– Ottawa Citizen (Canada) – October, 1999

"Someone told me that they saw me on a pair of little boys underwear, but I haven't seen them yet"

– Univercity Magazine (USA) – November, 1999

"I came home feeling stressed out thinking 'I've got too much work to do,' so instead of sitting down and doing it I said, 'I'm gonna bake.' [laughs] So I made a pie."

– Univercity Magazine (USA) – November, 1999

"I'm trying to grow into a complete, well-rounded person, and I really am interested in learning and I'd feel really stupid [laughs] if I stopped after high school"

– Seventeen (USA) – November, 1999

"Going to a party, for me, is as much a learning experience as, you know, sitting in a lecture"

– Seventeen (USA) – November, 1999

"Just sitting in a room until 4 a.m. and listening to some other kids talk about what they have done in their lives is just the greatest learning experience I have ever had."

– Seventeen (USA) – November, 1999

[On set at Where the Heart is] "I'm not waif-thin but I'm small, so they make me wear fake boobs. Otherwise they say I look boyish"

– Mademoiselle (USA) – November, 1999

"When I was a kid, I was a ridiculous reader—a book every day or two. Kids' books, not classics"

– Mademoiselle (USA) – November, 1999

"It's hard for me to raise my voice. When I'm angry, I cry. But I can't do that in front of someone. I go to the bathroom and cry privately. The only hint that I'm dramatic is that I cry at movies. 'My Girl' kills me. I cried at 'The Sixth Sense'. Who cries at that?"

– Mademoiselle (USA) – November, 1999

"I get embarrassed when my parents dance. I'm always telling them, 'Lower your voice.'"

– Mademoiselle (USA) – November, 1999

"After the Star Wars premiere, my dad was so smitten by Natasha Richardson, I was like, 'Dad, stop. You're embarrassing me. Mommy's here. Liam is next to you. And he's like five times your size"

– Mademoiselle (USA) – November, 1999

"I'm always on the phone because I'm usually not with the people I want to be with."

– Mademoiselle (USA) – November, 1999

"Use Starbucks mints for every occasion—they're the strongest"

– Mademoiselle (USA) – November, 1999

"Being smart and studying is so dorky and is seen as being nerdy in this country, so I think it is kind of cool for girls to see someone like me, who is really interested in school. It's okay to be a studying dork, you don't have to be out partying all the time"

– Brntwd (USA) – November, 1999

"Awards are so unnecessary, because I think we get so much out of our work just by doing it. The work is a reward in itself"

– Brntwd (USA) – November, 1999

"It scares me to think that one day I'm not going to be in school anymore."

– Your Time (USA) – November, 1999

[On her Father throwing a surprise party] "He took my phone book and called everyone in it. Some were people I hadn't seen in ages, but everyone came or called. I was mortified"

– Calgary Sun (Canada) – November, 1999

"I'm just trying to be true to who I am and not let anyone define me except for myself, I'm not trying to have a magazine call me the 'It Girl.'"

– CNN.com (USA) – November, 1999

"I think probably people view me as a goody-goody, which isn't necessarily true. I mean, I'm a human being. I'm not an angel"

– CNN.com (USA) – November, 1999

"I don't really know if acting would have ultimately become my passion as an adult, or if there's something else I would have found had I not been in the pizza shop. That's what college is helping me investigate"

– CNN.com (USA) – November, 1999

"Dave Letterman: Now, what kind of stuff do you do in first year Chemistry?
Natalie: Umm, you know... [laughs] I dunno! We'll do you know, basic chemistry things, we blow things up and you know... [Reacting to the "blow things up comment," Dave gives a perplexed look towards the audience, who react by laughing] Umm... My professors are gonna like, kill me when I get back."

– David Letterman (USA) – November, 1999

[On her first love scene] "I almost felt whorish, being told what to do in a sexual way"

– Los Angeles Daily News (USA) – November, 1999

"I'm a human being. I'm not an angel"

– MSNBC.com (USA) – November, 1999

"I'm not trying to have a split life here. In no way am I trying to be two different people. I'm not Superman - I'm the same person. I don't act differently when I'm in my different worlds"

– MSNBC.com (USA) – November, 1999

"I think it's kind of comforting to people to see that I have a complete life outside of acting."

– MSNBC.com (USA) – November, 1999

"I didn't have this undying need to be an actress. I didn't have that fire within me ever - at any point. And still, I don't think I have that within me"

– MSNBC.com (USA) – November, 1999

"Acting is very emotional and you really kind of have to forget your intellect sometimes just to become part of the character. You have to become just completely unconscious of yourself, to move into some other state"

– Lifestyles (USA) – December, 1999

"When you stay out all night, you realize the next day—when you're dead tired—why your parents had curfews for you"

– drdrew.com (USA) – December, 1999

"I'm more interested in being a complete person and learning a lot more. I want to get to the point where I'm happy with myself and have made the most of myself as a human being"

– Ottawa Citizen (Canada) – December, 1999

"I want to fall in love. I'm waiting for it all to happen"

– Popcorn (UK) – December, 1999

"I'm not very shy. And people think I'm serious. I come off as very serious, but I'm not. I know how to have a good time. I know how to party"

– Popcorn (UK) – December, 1999

[Refering to Anywhere But Here] "In retrospect, seeing how great it is, I'd probably do the nude scene, now"

– Biography (USA) – January, 2000

[Asked about securing a love life] "A personal life is something I would really like to have at college, right now," she answers with a devilish grin. "I keep saying to myself, 'If I didn't have all this work, college would be paradise"

– Biography (USA) – January, 2000

"I've just started college and my mum cried everyday this summer"

– J17 (UK) – January, 2000

"I was walking out and someone shouted: 'Oh, my God, it's Winona Ryder!' I was like: 'I don't look like her!'"

– J17 (UK) – January, 2000

"I've wanted to be an astronaut, a doctor, a vet - these are things I've said in interviews. Before that, I wanted to be a mermaid and a fairy"

– J17 (UK) – January, 2000

"I was like a two-headed little circus freak"

– Pavement (New Zealand) – February, 2000

"I'm fulfilling my dream now by getting an education and learning all these amazing things and finding new areas that fascinate me"

– Pavement (New Zealand) – February, 2000

"I've never had anything traumatic happen to me in my life, yet I feel like I've experienced the same depth of pain that someone that might have lost a parent has"

– Pavement (New Zealand) – February, 2000

"I am not someone who sacrifice all for the cinema, my life will be always more important"

– La Libre Belgique (Belgium) – February, 2000

"Star Wars hasn't changed my life at all"

– Entertainment Weekly (USA) – April, 2000

"I value my private life and security way more than getting parts by flashing my boobs on some magazine or being a sex symbol in films"

– Entertainment Weekly (USA) – April, 2000

"I think it's really difficult to be in a relationship when pretty much every role for females has to do with some sort of love scene, especially as you get older"

– Entertainment Weekly (USA) – April, 2000

"I don't know if I want my kids to be, like, the kids of someone famous, because I know people like that and I think it's much harder for them to deal with defining themselves"

– Entertainment Weekly (USA) – April, 2000

[On wearing the pregnancy pad] "It was fun! It certainly freaked my mom out the first time she saw it"

– Entertainment Weekly (USA) – April, 2000

"I really hadn't had experience with children 'cause I'm an only child and really didn't baby-sit very much growing up"

– Hollywood.com (USA) – April, 2000

"Most of my friends, as soon as we get around babies we're like, 'We want one!' And it just seems so much easier when you get to hold it and it's all cute and cuddly, and not crying in the middle of the night and need to be diapered and all of that"

– Hollywood.com (USA) – April, 2000

"The way we dealt with the heat was just putting ice packs wherever we could hide them. We would put them in our clothes, inside our boobs, we would freeze our boobs, you know, 'cause you could take them out."

– Access Hollywood (USA) – April, 2000

"There's a point in your life where you're disillusioned and where you go from being a naive person who will trust basically anyone... to the realization that not everyone is good and not everyone is well-intentioned. Then it becomes your decision how to deal with that—whether to become bitter and cynical right off or whether to become a good person and just be more cautious in seeing who's trustworthy and who isn't. I think that's the real maturation that everyone goes through—and that I went through recently—and I think it's the turning point in everyone's life"

– Ottawa Citizen (Canada) – April, 2000

"I think you can be smart without going to college. I just think that I couldn't be"

– National Post (USA) – April, 2000

"I loved school so much that most of my classmates considered me a dork"

– Calgary Sun (Canada) – April, 2000

"I had never been to a Wal-Mart, and I fell in love with it. It's the greatest place because you could certainly live there."

– Chicago Sun Times (USA) – April, 2000

"I don't want to walk around embarrassed, thinking, `Oh, that boy I like from algebra class can now watch me have sex on screen.' I don't want strangers leering at me like they know something"

– Chicago Sun Times (USA) – April, 2000

"Hanging out on the `Star Wars' set will make a great essay when I go back to school"

– Chicago Sun Times (USA) – April, 2000

"I love working in my room when everyone's asleep. No one calls or emails when you're up at 2 in the morning"

– E Online (USA) – April, 2000

[On allegedly having a fake ID to enter a Moby concert] "Why would I be stupid and have a fake ID? That's just outrageous"

– E Online (USA) – April, 2000

"There are moments when I think, Everyone is evil!"

– E Online (USA) – April, 2000

"I just felt so weird being told to kiss someone I didn't want to kiss. I almost felt whorish, being told what to do in a sexual way"

– E Online (USA) – April, 2000

"Giving birth is such a miracle. You can learn about it, you can hear about it, you can understand it, but when you see it, it's so amazing"

– E Online (USA) – April, 2000

"It would probably be difficult, because of my current occupation, to become a clinical psychologist, but I could certainly do research"

– E Online (USA) – April, 2000

"It's so limiting to say that acting is 'it' in my life when there are so many other opportunities"

– Toronto Sun (Canada) – April, 2000

"I started out the year, you know, I'm going to clean once a week, I'm going to do my laundry, I'm going to go grocery shopping, and like two weeks later... No way, I've got like, dustballs the size of my head floating around... I've got like piles of laundry"

– David Letterman (USA) – April, 2000

"My wildest recent day was, I had a 25-page paper due, and I was actively, you know, typing away, and it's due in about five minutes, I go to print it out, and when it prints out there's no margins on the paper. So, I check my margins and they were 0.3 inches, which is not very much. So I changed it to one inch, and it turned out to be 35 pages. So this is like, the craziest, wackiest thing I've done in recent times. So I'm like 'Oh no, I've got ten pages extra', so I, you know, decreased font size and spacing and..."

– David Letterman (USA) – April, 2000

"I don't really know what I'm gonna do past next week"

– David Letterman (USA) – April, 2000

[on why she is studying Psychology] "I think that psychology certainly helps in understanding people's motivations -- why people do what they do"

– Icast.com (USA) – May, 2000

"Being Queen Amidala is like the stupidest accomplishment"

– See (USA) – June, 2000

[On selecting her roles] "I just pick what I like best. I get opinions from my manager and my parents, but often it's just that I feel it. I don't have a map that I'm trying to follow to get to the gold"

– IMDB.com (USA) – August, 2000

"If you're an actress or a musician, everyone thinks you're hot"

– IMDB.com (USA) – August, 2000

"I think that perhaps no one would think I was ever cute if I weren't an actress. If we were going to a place, they would say the 'plain girl with brown hair is going to come over'"

– IMDB.com (USA) – August, 2000

"When people stare at me, I stare back at them, and I know it's not the nicest thing to do. It's just that I want them to understand how uncomfortable it is to be stared at. It's like you don't exist, you lose your whole life as a private person, and you're supposed to be OK with it. It gets me really upset and people don't realise you have a life, you are a human being outside"

– IMDB.com (USA) – August, 2000

"Someone asked to take a picture and I said no so they got mad at me! I'm not a Mickey Mouse... "

– IMDB.com (USA) – August, 2000

"I know how to make myself

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