Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

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S.M.A. & U-girl: A Tale Left Untold
S.M.A. & U-girl: A Tale Left Untold : Part 1

Part 1

  2019.02.17. 14:48

Note: This story’s idea popped up on the 30th birthday of Kerim, so… let’s say it’s a belated birthday present. Enjoy! ;)

Recommended song: “A Tale Left Untold” by Krimh

Fandoms: SepticFlesh

Characters: Spiros Seth Antoniou/Kerim Lechner, Sethi the cat, Leila the cat

Rating/category: R (explicit), slash, M/M, light BDSM, romance, some blood, roleplaying, rough sex, some (kinda manly) fluff

Summary: Kerim is getting used to being the official new drummer of SepticFlesh and during his visit to Athens, he gets closer to Seth… Much closer…

Facebook: Like our official FB page “Useless-girl and SMA's Art” to see updates first, comment on our stories and meet other readers too. ;)

Disclaimer: This is a product of our imagination and was written only for entertainment and fun. We don’t profit from this fanfiction and we mean no harm or disrespect against any real person, culture or custom that might appear in the story. All original pictures used in the story belong to their respective owners and credits go to them.


A Tale Left Untold
by S.M.A. & Useless-girl

 Part 1

Kerim was nervous and he tried to kinda hide that with even more goofy jokes than usual. But he was quite sure the others saw right through him. He was still the newbie drummer in SepticFlesh and the day that filled him equally with excitement and dread has finally come. They were going to start recording Codex Omega today.

It wasn't like... everything would be knew, because they've been recording and sending ideas via email for months and he met up with the band a few times during this time too, but this was different...

On his flight to Greece from Austria he had plenty of time to reflect on how much his life had changed since he started his YouTube channel with his drumming stuff. The bands to which he drummed eventually recognized his talent and hard work to become the drummer he's been dreaming of since he was a kid.

And all the hard work paid off more than he could've ever hoped for. He got to places he's never been before. Worked with amazing musicians both on his solo stuff and as a session drummer.

That's how he got involved with SepticFlesh too...

It was an unexpected call and he had like a week to learn the songs they were already touring with on the Titan tour. But he somehow pulled it off and they were satisfied with him. And Kerim felt humbled as he already had an enormous amount of respect towards the famous symphonic death metal band who's been around since 1990. He was barely one years old back then while the band was already in their early teen years.

It was funny what turns life could take at times...

Not to mention how quickly he seemed to fit into the band despite the difference in all kinds of experience he had compared to the Greeks. Still, they welcomed him, listened to him and his ideas and appreciated his creativeness, ability to adapt and wish to evolve to something better. All in all, they gave him a chance to fully become whom he was supposed to be.

It was a lot of work, but it was also already very worth it.

And with each idea of his being accepted and his opinion asked about the new songs and all, he felt more and more part of the band. Even if his admiration and respect stayed the same.

The respect was mutual, though. The band has been existing for a very long time, yes. But also stayed more in the underground scene. After many changes, the brothers, Seth and Christos, hoped now they have finally found that special person they needed to be fully in sync with and bring out the best possibilities from their art. The brothers were so young still, 13 and 16 when they have first recorded three songs and had a small label which produced them. It was just about creating with their friend Sotiris. The three of them were the backbone of the band throughout the years. Even after the long years of their break while the band went on a hiatus, mainly because they had to finish their studies in arts. Christos in classical music, Sotiris in poetry and theater, and Seth in fine art and painting. Their comeback was welcomed by the fans and their newly learned skills in their own areas helped them to make better music and visuals for the band. No matter how they each loved their own field, metal music always bonded them together ever since they were kids...

Such thoughts crossed Seth's mind as he was watching the new drummer playing his ideas through guitar riffs. Concentrating hard on the frets and playing as he wasn't that confident with a guitar. Kerim taught himself to play drums and probably practiced it harder than anyone else. The older guys who all could appreciate hard work and devotion respected the slim little drummer boy greatly for that.

Now Kerim had an extra reason to work harder. He wanted to prove himself and make sure that the band didn't make a mistake with asking him to stay as their drummer officially too. That meant working on the songs not just on drums but on the guitar too.

Chewing on his lip piercing, cheeks flushed a bit from the hard concentration, he kept playing and it took him some time to realize that he was being watched.

Looking up, he saw it was Seth and a huge warm smile spread on the drummer's face. "I think... we could use something like this in Trinity maybe?" he blinked up at the singer enthusiastic but still a bit unsure about it as the idea was very fresh and sudden.

"Yes, yes. It would fit the more guitar-oriented theme we are trying to do on that song. Very good Kerim! You should sample it and show it to the others too," Seth smiled and turned back to the computer to open another tab to record the new idea into it. "You know, you play the guitar like my brother still does," he joked looking back at the drummer with a playful shining in his small black eyes.

Blushing a bit more from the praising, Kerim's smile now nearly split his face in two then he laughed too, catching that playful shining in Seth's eyes. "I actually came up with it on my way here, so it's fresh," he said and wiped his hands on his black skinny jeans before positioning his hands over the strings again.

"Well, I'm sure your brother is still better than me," he added then nodded and started playing the melody again with a bit more confidence.

On the inside he chuckled to himself from thinking just how often the brothers were teasing each other or even fought in their loud 'throwing stuff against each other' kind of Greek way. Just to in a few minute walk off, make some frappe and act as if nothing happened. The first time Kerim witnessed that, he was very surprised and maybe a bit intimidated too, not understanding a word from the argument as it was in Greek, of course. Thankfully the giggling Psy explained things to him to help him out and reassure that it wasn't anything serious. They were just like this.

"Very good. I already have some ideas where to put this," Seth hummed a little later when they listened the track back. "How about lunch? You’ve been here for two days now, time to get your cultural introduction too. We are planning to have you here a lot for many more years," the singer smirked. It felt like getting to know each other for real now. They had Kerim drumming to them for years. And touring life is the hardest to get along with the others. But still this young man adjusted to them and their routine and habits with ease and sneaked into everyone's heart a little bit.

Satisfied with the result and that his idea was useful, Kerim stood up, putting his arms above his head to stretch them along with his back then looked at the still sitting Seth.

"I. Am. Starving!" he grinned too, patting his flat stomach for emphasis. "And always hungry to explore new cultures too. Part of the musician life I love is that traveling gives you the opportunity to see lots of places. And I'm very curious about your culture and some sightseeing and fooood!" he added, talking faster as his enthusiasm was getting the best of him a bit. "Plus I appreciate. I really do. I was so nervous coming here," he admitted then his smile returned and softened even more when Sethi, Seth's hairless Sphinx cat rubbed himself against Kerim's leg.

The drummer leaned down and carefully picked him up into his arms to caress and kiss the cat's head. "Look, the boss is here to check on us."

"Better look busy. He is a strict boss," Seth smirked watching his cat with Kerim. "I think so far you got the culture shock from living on a bus with us. Now it's time for a more pleasant one. I know a good place nearby," he stood and walked to Kerim to scratch the ear of Sethi.


To that Sethi meowed quietly and purred, closing his eyes. Kerim was quite literally melting from the picture. "I don't doubt that. Quality music needs a strict boss..." he smirked, looking into the small dark eyes of the singer a tad bit longer before Kerim stroked the cat once more and gently put him down.

"I'm actually happy that Sethi and Leila are around. I already miss my big plant killer bundle of joy!" Kerim sighed dramatically as he clearly meant his Maine coon cat, Smaug. "So... this already beats the tour bus circumstances. And if you take me out for lunch, even better!" he grinned wide again. It seemed that was the theme around Seth nowadays. And well... for a while it was going to be just Kerim and Seth anyway.

"You either have cats or plants. No in-between in that," Seth chuckled and nodded. "Lunch date then? We might as well make the best of it while it's so nice and quiet here... without Chris," he winked laughing and got his keys.

They now had a week just for them to work and get Kerim into the Greek life. Christos and their tour guitars and composition partner Psychon were away in Prague to record the orchestral parts. Sotiris was busy with his theater while writing lyrics to the ideas they sent over to him. "How do you like Athens so far? I know it wasn't much yet you saw from it," the singer asked as they went outside and walked down on the stairs to the road.

"That's very true! But either way we keep trying the cat-plant combo for some reason. I guess hope dies last. Lunch date it is!" he said while walking next to Seth. They had a nice weather. Sunny, but not too hot, a light warm breeze occasionally blowing through the land.

"The little I saw was majestic! I love how the old and the modern find a way to live together. Like in many cities in Austria or other European states too," he mused. "Butttt what I would love to do some time when we are not working that much is going to a real Greek beach. Could we do that while I'm here?" he asked looking at Seth with big puppy eyes.

The other man had to laugh on that. Kerim was so... cute and talented. And eager and energetic... Like a cute puppy... 

"Yes it's very modern compared to the countryside and the islands. And all the old ruins set the mood for the city. I love that also. Always try to mix those two in my art too. We got very lost in history and mythology, my brother and I," he spoke and guided Kerim through a little gazebo and all of a sudden they were in the garden part of a restaurant with nice small tables and a big outside grill. Only a few locals were at the tables and the chef grinned and waved to Seth at once when he spotted the singer. "It is a good place. Good food made fresh. You like seafood? But on the contrary to tourist information, we eat chicken and pig too," Seth smirked taking a seat by a table. "Athens is more on the mainland. And there’s no directly connected beach to it. But we all say on the few places we go to that its Athens' beach. So... of course. Tomorrow we can go swimming."

"I love your art too, not just the music," Kerim blurted out, feeling more and more at ease around Seth. He could already feel it that they were getting to know each other better and it was to his liking. "I wish I could do things like you and my brother who paints too, but then I cannot complain as I can make music and do back flips," he shrugged as they sat down and his big brown eyes kept moving, looking around with a small smile.

"This place is cozy and cute. Very date-ish," Kerim chuckled both on that and Seth's small joke. "I can try some sea food, yes. Is there something you recommend? Oh and some wine too. I like Greek wine, that I already know. By the way, we have lots of such small places in Austria too. I love those and their food and beer too," he babbled, trying to voice all his thoughts before the waiter would get there with the drink menu. "And yay, can't wait for tomorrow then!" the younger man beamed at Seth, clearly already excited about the beach too. "Though... won't you like... get hurt on the sun? I mean... you are the spitting image of Vlad... I'm suddenly very suspicious of you..." he narrowed his eyes and stroked his own smooth chin a few times.

Seth felt mesmerized from all the yapping of Kerim. If he didn't know it better, he would have thought the boy was getting a crush on him…

"Hmm... Be careful then. You're on a date with a Greek Dracula," he laughed. "I take it as a compliment," he nodded his head a bit. "And no I like the sea and the sun very much. I think you will feel at home here. There are also many mountains. Not as high though as you're used to, but this place is more sunny and there are a lot of cats," the singer pointed to the bushes where a few strays were lying like they owned the tavern.

"Try octopus and swordfish. They are the best here in all Athens," Seth said in English to Kerim then seeing him nod to his suggestion, he placed the orders to the waiter who already brought a flask of sweet white wine. "They know me here," Seth winked as he poured Kerim's glass full.

Kerim had a pleased expression on his face as he watched Seth fill his glass. As he raised it, he looked into the small dark eyes of the singer. "Oh yes, I already love it and feel a bit like at home. And what I especially love is that there are so many strays. They are everyone's and no one's. It shows just how much everyone loves them," he said while clinking his glass to Seth's.

"To a bright future for the band!" Kerim toasted then took a sip. "Delicious! So... I heard in the past older Greek men loved younger boys. What's your take on that? And is this a real date then?" he asked, thinking that he could like... try his luck. In the past two years he has noticed... things and gestures around Seth. Besides, he had nothing to lose, right?

"Yammas!" Seth nodded with a smile too as they clinked their glasses. "Leila is such a stray. She decided one day that she will live in my garden. And she seems to love you so much that she came into the house now too. The small gods have respect from most people here," he added still amused about how the garden cat went after Kerim into the kitchen the other day.

"That old myth? Hmm…" the small black eyes glinted up at the drummer boy in a naughty shine. "Regarding to that myth, we are both a little young for those titles. And don't have that much of an age gap. I personally prefer adult men around my age. But I’m always open to new experiences. And yes, you're my guest and it can be a real date if you want…" the Greek Dracula tilted his head a little and looked over Kerim's smiling big dark eyes and cute button nose and pierced lip. He was a playful boy... And they already had some mutual understanding and attraction forming on tour... Now it's going to be tested to find out what really those sparks meant between them.

"Leila is a sweetheart. I'm sure my girlfriend would love her too. I didn't know Leila was a stray too. I just love her. She probably feels it," Kerim admitted, feeling kinda proud that the cat chose to like him that much.

Then he felt his cheeks warming up a bit from Seth’s deeper analyzing look of him and also his words. It seemed the singer was interested and Kerim had a chance. It filled him with excitement and he kept the eye-contact with a small smile while chewing on his piercing. "To be honest, I would love it if it was a real date," he shrugged a bit. "I always liked older, more experienced men. And for a while I liked you a lot. Just wasn't sure if you'd be like... interested. I mean... there were moments and signs on tour but I could never be sure-sure, you know..."

Seth laughed. "The hand moves, right? They keep telling on me," he leaned back in his seat and thought over the younger man's words. "Let's make it a real date then. As if we would meet the first time here in this little tavern," he smiled. "So... older men... How about that... Tell me about this interest of yours please," he acted as if they really just met, and in a way that was true for the situation.

"The hand moves, yes, among other things..." he giggled a bit. "And deal!" Kerim said fidgeting a bit on his seat then he took a bigger sip from his wine before placing the glass down on the table, leaning on his forearms on the edge of the table (and his seat), like an eager puppy who was really interested in what was unfolding. Which was very true.

"Wellll... I always liked guys too. And I'm very pleased that you guys have no problems with such things. I always very much enjoyed all the time there were jokes flying around about Greeks and orgies and bisexuality..." he let his thoughts derail a bit, but then focused again. "Anyways, as I said, I always liked guys... especially older ones who can handle me. As you might've noticed, I'm often... eager and silly and all over the place, especially when I feel at ease with the people around me. It can get... I guess annoying after a while. So... yes, sometimes I have to be put into my place. I love it when a man can do that with words and gestures and... in bed too," he wiggled his brows, sure that Seth knew what he meant. "What about you?"

"I see. That explains a lot of things that happened on the tour too," Seth nodded thinking back how he was who always said the last word to the hyped up Kerim to stop with his foolery. "So you like the strong-willed daddy type... or just the regular dominant ones? Me, I always liked people I guess. Not going into genders much. But it narrowed down to males as they don't want to get married and start a family… At least around here not," he looked up as the waiter brought their food and thanked him in Greek.

"I do like a relationship kind of thing, though. Getting to know the other and going on dates and the whole blooming new feelings and discovering them part. Thing is... that you're fifteen years younger and very much different from me, or the people around me. But it still doesn't feel weird. On the contrary. I feel very intrigued and amazed," Seth finished his words with raising his glass again. "To our first date."

"To our first date!" Kerim nodded and drank some more over his plate. "Hmmm... I think I'm not picky about those categories. Either works for me and I've noticed that you can be very... dominant," he fanned himself a bit with his free hand half-jokingly. "Like... both on tour and in the studio you very much was the boss and that was... hot to watch and experience, to be honest," Kerim confessed.

"I agree with you on the relationship thing too. Not that I haven't had a few one night stands, but those can get old quite quickly. There are so many hectic things in the way we as musicians live and being in a steady kind of relationship can ground you too," he mused, showing his side that was capable of wiser thinking too, but in the next moment he kinda 'ruined' it. "And age is just a number, baby!" he exclaimed, picking up his fork and knife for emphasis. "Food looks yummy!" he said and cut off a piece of swordfish to taste it experimentally, soon humming in appreciation. "Very good indeed... But back to the topic... I'm very happy that you're intrigued, but... amazed? Why would you be amazed by me?" the drummer frowned lightly with curiosity. Kerim thought that him being amazed by a singer like Seth was no surprise. He's been in the business for more than twenty years and was a wonderful artist too and all the rest... Compared to that he was just a kid who had to learn so much more still, even if Kerim was proud of his own achievements too.

"We started to learn to make music by ourselves too when we were just children. We can respect how you trained yourself to be a good drummer and musician. But I'm mostly amazed by how wise you can be, then all silly again and have a great balance in that. Most of the time," Seth smirked eating too.

So far he just enjoyed the yapping and excitement of the other man. Kerim was hot and talented and sweet. Thinking about making this something more was still new ground for Seth. "I guess I should... charm you then... Or have any expectations?"

"Thank you for that respect and compliment about my craft. I appreciate as always," Kerim nodded with a sweet smile before trying the octopus too, humming his appreciation while thinking for a moment. "Hm... never thought of it this way. I mean this 'balance' thing," he admitted.

"And charming me is a thing that works very well for me. This dating thing I like too. Frankly, I like the romance side of a relationship too just as much as the fun part. I just... dunno... want to have a good time with you. See where things take us?" he asked a bit unsure. "I just... really want to try this, you know. Just like you, I like trying out new things too."

"I see," the older man nodded and hummed. "Maybe I'm getting old," he added low to himself. What to do with such an eager puppy like Kerim, who was seemingly so much into him? "Let's try this then," he smiled making plans for when they would get back to his house...

Part 2

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