Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

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Mau & U-girl - Everything you wanted to know...
Mau & U-girl - Everything you wanted to know... : Part 2

Part 2

  2007.10.27. 13:33

Everything you wanted to know about sex with Dave…


By: Mauka & Useless-girl




Part 2



         Cathy was really excited as her plane landed in Massachusetts in the early afternoon. She decided to come here after what had happened earlier among Dave and Elly per Internet. She never did such insane things! Leaving her home and work just to meet her old friend and her lover! But what a lover! She couldn't sleep well since that night! It was five days and 11 hours ago. She knew it exactly. She saved the whole conversation and after every reading, she wanted to feel Dave's hands on her body even more! She was out of her mind! So she booked a flight and now she was here. In secret. Cathy told Elly not to tell Dave that she'll come for a visit. Anyway it wasn't sure that Dave'll be at her, that he'll have time for them, cuz he was pretty busy recently. The promoting of Hourglass and stuff. As Catherine knew, he was now in New York. Two days ago there was a mini concert in the Apple store, after it a signing somewhere. Cathy knew him quite well from the media and always loved him a lot. She wasn't such a fanatic DM fan, but knew every album from them and knew the band members. Still she was shaking in anticipation as she stepped out from the terminal and started to search for Elly.


And Elly was waiting for her there, smiling. She wore an Hourglass T-shirt, promoting her lover's new album. She and Elly spent only a couple of weeks altogether together as they lived in separate parts of the Globe. She met her while on Holiday in New York. Elly was there too but because of business, she was a freelance writer. They happened to sit at the same table at Kentucky's Fried chicken in rush hour, that was how they met.

And then Cath asked Elly where she could find the Hotel Riverside in Jane str. Manhattan. She escorted her because by coincidence, if that is existing at all, she had a business lunch with his editor in the restaurant De Silva on the same street. They took a cab and drove there and had enough time to chat in the traffic jam, it took almost one hour and a half to reach their destination. Before they said goodbye to each other they changed e-mail addresses. This was how it started. It was in 2003 and no one knew what else would happen, neither of them was aware then that David is living on the very same street. Their destinies were meant to meet here.



The two women were smiling as they hugged each other at the airport.

- Long time, no see, right? - asked Cathy still smiling.

- Yeah, it was too long! Come on, I've got a surprise for ya in the car! - she grabbed her hand friendly and they walked out to Elly's emerald green Touareg.

-      It's here! - she gave a package to Cathy and waited for her reaction. There was a T-shirt in it, just like what Elly was wearing and some chocolate that she knew Cathy'll love. Elly knew that her friend is a choc addict like her lover, Dave.


In the car, after they talked about their works, Cath was a croupié in a Parisian casino, they were sitting in silence for a minute next to each other. Then Cath gave two small coughs and risked the question: - David? Is he okay?

Elly smiled at her friend and her smile grew even wilder when she detected desire in her eyes which she tried to hide in vain.

- He got u, u're on the hook! - she was laughing silently and shook her head: Dave, Dave! - BTW, u will meet him this evening, he is rather tired so he needs some fun and treats. Thought it would be a good idea if u would wait him in the bedroom wearing only sexy lingerie, hope you brought some with you!

- Jeeeez! You are insane! - Catherine smiled - And you two do things like these usually? - she asked with sparkles in her eyes.

- It occurs, it occurs - she smiled back as the engine awoke.

- Nah, I've got a better idea! Let's torture him. What do you think about some relaxing activities in the city? Some dinner or movie or stuff like that. You could bring him along and I can wait you two there as a surprise. Maybe he won't like me, and I don't want to face with that on your bed nearly naked!

- No, no, no. That is already settled. He would be too tired to go out and no, he likes u a lot. One night he looked up all those pics we did together. I know he wants u. I wanna see him happy. If he wants u he gets you, he will be satisfied and stays by my side, clear? She wants both of us at the same time, saying no to him is impossible, u would see it. But if u are weak and fell in love with him, he is not for you. He is a charming guy, a big boy, who needs his toys, understood Barbie?

- Yes, Elly, I see it. And now I am beginning to understand why you do everything he wants for him. You've fallen for him, am I right?

- Yes, Cath, I love him, I love him with the purest love, but I have to be as dirty as he wishes it.

- This sounds a bit dictatorial for me... - she added, looking through the glass as she watched the wet streets from the previous rain.

- Nah, he's a kind guy, but has needs. And if there's something he wants, he wants it right then and there. I know, a bit egoistic, but charming... and... Nah, I'd better shut up. You'll see. There's no antidote against him.

-      An antidote? - Cath laughed a bit uneasy. On the past week she had time to think about it what David was meaning when he said Elly is addicted to sex. Sex with him. By the sheer thought of him caused hot flushes. She spent the last week hanging on the net and looking at his pics, watching his DVDs and she didn't understood what happened. Elly had him as her lover since months, since January, when he lived at her for a while when his wife thrown him out of his own apartment. Never occurred to her she could look  at him as a man. Until five days and thirteen hours ago.

- Oh yeah, he's like the sweetest and most dangerous drug. You can't live without him, cuz it brings great pain and longing. I know this side of the story too, when he's out somewhere in the world and he doesn't have the time to speak with me or something - she shrugged - But I get used to it during the months.

- I understand. Wow, you are lucky, indeed. I always wanted to ask how you two met. I know that he came to you after his wife thrown him out, but when was the first time?

- Well, he was the one who wanted to meet me, as a freelance writer I am writing to many magazines and he wanted a complete review about the concert in Kansas during the TTA tour, you know the one went awry and he was nervy because of it. I wrote it for the NME and he came to my office and wanted to see it.

- And? His charm started to work? - Catherine smiled at her.

- Something like that. But not in the classical way. There was no time for it. He was in a rush, just jumped in for some minutes, he told me his opinion about the article and smiled at me. He invited my poor self for dinner, because he wanted to speak about my work - she shrugged - It turned out that it was just a fake reason. He already had his answers, but didn't want only just speak. I was so silly.

- Why?

- Cuz I told him, I won't go with him to his hotel room. Ya know I had Simon at that time.

- And how did he react? - Cathy asked with a curious light in her deep blue eyes, and pushed her long brown hair behind her shoulder.

- Pfff... he was disappointed I think - she laughed - We remained just in a work relationship, but I think it bothered him that someone refused him - Elly shrugged again - We had some other interviews and he didn't give up. He had me after the fourth meet.

- And you cheated Simon.

- I did and there won't be teary regret here for a sec, I never turned back from that on. He possesses me since then, theoretically my heart and soul and literally my body. He comes and goes in my life as he likes, he has keys to my apartment and I never ask him where does he go and when will he come. He just appears and that's all. That, he will be at me tonight he told me when he called. He set the rules and we play according to them. I know it sounds terrible, but I don't care, he cares for me, wants me and longing for me, only this is what counts.

- Strange relationship, but I see that you're in love with him, and I guess you're happy in this way.

- Yes. I get everything from him what I need. Don't be afraid of him. He has got a different lifestyle, that's all.

- Understood my Dave-guide! - I smiled at her and this was our final-sentence, cuz we reached Elly's house.

- Cath, he could be here in any moment, so I think we should get ready. Place is clean, his clothes are ironed and in the wardrobe from the cleaner, food and drinks here in the fridge from the party service, all right. We should take a bath, what do u think?

- Okay, just show me the way! - she put her bag down and looked for some lingerie and a towel.


Elly had a nice flat, overlooking to the Catskills Mountains and the Potomac River, really nice place. Elly was a known journalist and writer so she always had enough job to do, and had more than enough money for herself. And she wore expensive, exclusive jewelry. Apparently the gifts of her generous lover. And beside all this, Elly was a beautiful woman in her early thirties. She had dark brown hair and as grey eyes as the soft ash in the fireplace or the fur of a noble cat. She had long, long neck, faultless white skin and long, slender legs. Not a big wonder she jokingly called herself, themselves as Dave's barbies.

Although Catherine was pretty too, she never thought about herself as a sexbomb. She wasn't perfect, she felt herself a bit even like a grey mouse next to Elly, but never complained. She won men with her kindness and deep blue eyes, which showed full attention and intelligence. She had a nice figure, but she was shorter than Elly, especially when her friend had high heels, which Cathy never liked. She was a woman of comfort with elegance.


Elly had a quick shower and she ran like a rabbit, she was excited, waited for her man. Her man. Cath was musing on these two words. It seemed Elly doesn't mind sharing Dave, but deep down she knew she is doing it for Dave's shake. Because Dave wants her, Cath. “OMG, he wants me”, she sighed and still doubtful about her figure and beauty opened the tap and filled the tube with hot, steaming water.

The jetlag started to strike and she felt immense tiredness. She turned off the light, turned on her iPod and rinsed herself. She was totally unaware that after a time the door slowly opened and a slender figure appeared next to her.

She was crooning quietly and felt her muscles relaxing. The traveling was too long for her, she inhaled the nice vanilla scent of the water and the big bubbles, which were hiding her body out of sight, but started to vanish slowly. She was at the brink of sleep, as the soft music from Lamb went on in the earphones.

She were jumped a little, when someone stepped into the tube to her.

- David!!! - she sighed an unintentionally lustful and longing sigh.

- Personally my angel, at last u're here! You don't know how much I was thinking of u in the last five days.

She couldn't speak, just drank his sight in, as his naked chest sank deeper into the water and came closer to her, as its owner slid next to her, their body nearly touching under the warm water. Catherine pulled the earphones out and put her iPod away, then looked at him with her big blue eyes, which were darker from the half-light. She wiped some bubbles off of her face, which ended there after the little jump when Dave appeared.  Cath started to feel something... his presence was so hot like a sauna. She felt herself suddenly excited and embarrassed too! "How pity!" she thought as she felt herself blushing. She broke the eye-contact and reached out to put her iPod further from the water. She felt his gaze as he watched as the water ran down from her shoulder and arm.

- Uhh, ur even more beautiful than I imagined when I closed my eyes last time we spoke and you asked me to please u baby. Hey, lovely - and he caressed her face -, do u still want me?

Cath didn't understand herself why she suddenly started to shiver from his presence, why she felt danger. Maybe because of those things which were said by Elly in the car? She felt that her mouth was dry now as she gulped a big one. It was so different now! She was then the beast, a woman of destiny in front of the screen, but now he was right in front of him! Totally wet - and she felt that she IS already wet just from the sight of him! She was waiting for this moment for 5 days and 16 hours! And now when he asked this simple question, she couldn't tell a word, cuz her shyness appeared again! She couldn't tell how long ago was it when she was at a loss with a man!

- Yes... I think... - she whispered quietly, and looked down to his chest, still blushing.

- Oh, how cute u are! So shy? Do I scare u Sugar?

- Yes, I think. It is so different, so very different - but she raised her head suddenly with a force came from inside - But David, yes, I want you, God, yes - Now, she whispered and shut to her own mouth with her own hand -How could I say this? - she asked loudly.

- Luv, it is not different than last time. We already made love, remember? I know what you like - and he leaned forward cupping her breasts with both hands and started circling with his thumbs while he gave small love-bites onto her neck.

She sighed a big one and closed her eyes. She was there in the tube with this God, head bent back on the towel, eyes closed, mouth open from the sighs, arms holding Dave's hands. A hot wave of lust and wetness went through her body, she needed to moan from the feeling. She was waiting for this in the last few days and now she'll get it! Cath was shaking from the anticipation, and let Dave open her legs, as he came closer to her.

She took another shaking breath from his scent, and felt his lips waiting over hers as he examined her blushing face.

He simply closed her into his arms, pulling her toward him, so her head could rest on his shoulders. He put his head over hers and whispered in his deep voice soothingly into her ears. She was shackled by this sound, lulled by it and Dave felt as her tense muscles are relaxing in his hands. He went on whispering but started to give her a massage on the sensitive area at the back of her neck and shoulders. They sat face to face now, close to each other, her hardened nipples touching his chest and his hardness pushed to her inner thighs. She enjoyed and memorized every moment. His gleaming eyes, his strong body, his masculine scent…

At last Dave pulled her even closer and started kissing her breasts, then sucking her nipples and bite them. She was panting and moaning and grabbed David's hips, trying to pull Dave closer, driving him inside her pussy. And he was inside her now. Now, he was moaning and pushed his shaft inward in its whole length. He was so aroused he hardly could restrain himself from wild thrusts, but he wanted to be gentle with her. Cath started to cry in her pure joy of their lovemaking. Dave was smiling and kissed off her tears - Hey, we have just begun, I show u how can I please u if I try it very hard, baby, my lil Cath! Hear me? Don't cry! Feel me instead, feel me, it is intense, isn't it?

- Yeah... oh yes, it is! OH Dave... it is much better than I imagined! - she cried out with a moan. She looked at him with her dark blue eyes, which were burning now with desire in a dangerous way. He felt it. He knew that there's more in this girl, but now for the first time, he wanted it intense but gentle. Both of them were waiting too long for this moment. He needed to moan when she slowed the tempo just to torture him with the slowly circles of her hips!

But he didn't let her drive, he wanted to chase her into insanity, chase her until the point where she would be no more aware of her surroundings, when she will surrender to him completely, he wanted the feeling that says to him: Now, man, ur're having her, she is yours and belong to u. David felt an urge to do everything to help Cath to fell in love with him. He wanted not just her body, her soul, her mind, her whole being. He wanted her for himself.

She propped herself with one hand on his shoulder and with the other on the edge of the bath tube behind her, as they were moving deeper and deeper with more and more passion. The water made familiar sounds as it wimpled around their bodies, which were moving in a perfect harmony.

The end of Catherine's hair reached the water as she bent a bit backwards to push her groin closer to Dave. She panted heavily.

- Oh God! You're really huge! Show me more! Show... me!

- What more.. huh... do you...want? - panted David as he bang her more  and more hard. His whole lower back formed an arch, his strong arms held the whole weight of Cath and he lift her up and pulled her onto his shaft with increasing speed.

-      Oh, yeah! This is... it! Harder, Dave! Oh... God! Come... on! I'm... I'm nearly... there! Oh, yes... yes... - she moaned louder and louder with every push and let him penetrate into her with his full length. Oh how good it felt! Her breasts were bouncing with the rhythm of their lovemaking, the water was splashed  through the edge of the tube, but they didn't mind it. The soft touches and strokes of the warm liquid gave them more pleasure.


And cut! Cath was already over, just a bright flash of light and her body seemed to float on the water as David pulled her into him one more time to reach his own satisfaction. He howled a loud like a big, dark wolf and pushed himself back in the tube still strongly holding Catherine in his arms. He draw in a big breath and wrapped both arms around the neck of his beautiful lover. He saw her immensely beautiful in her pleasure, her eyes half closed, long, thick eyelashes sweeping over and over the area, her mouth open, making visible her perfect teeth and pink tongue, the full lips were swollen from their harsh kisses and her skin was blushed. Her long wet hair was dripping.

Dave's heart was churning from the feeling of this beauty.

She slowly regained herself, pulled her mind back to reality - oh such a wonderful reality, with this man under her, still holding her firm! She slowly sat up again and looked at him with half closed eyes. Her gaze showed satisfaction and surging emotions, which hadn't got any meanings or forms yet, but Dave knew that he moved something in her. Catherine touched his face with her wet fingers and stroked it as her lips came closer to his, but stopped not far from them.

- Thank you, David... - she whispered and kissed him with all of her tenderness.

- And let me thank you, Cath! You're a wonderful lover. I almost burnt in my desire for you since that night. You are awesome. Please stay as you are! Stay like this! Okay? Stay near me. For me. I need company and need you tonight. And on other nights. Promise, ay?

- I gladly go with you or stay with you wherever you want to be - she stroked his shoulders and sighed with closed eyes, as Dave pulled himself out of her body - I love your scent... - she whispered and knew from that she wasn't really on the ground as she buried her face into Dave's neck and embraced him tight.

      David was smiling, this was what he wanted. The feeling of power rushed over him and satisfied him just as much as his sexual desire was satisfied some minutes ago.


Cathy wanted to stay like that, but instead, she moved away slowly. She didn't smile, she didn't look at him, just stood up, the water ran down on her naked body and was dripping from her long hair. She felt herself in a higher state of mind, but at once she felt she was empty and suddenly she felt herself somehow sad. What was she doing here? What had she done? She was having sex with a - she knew it well - stranger. He wasn't that Dave who lived in her mind. No, he was passionate with her, but somehow she felt something cold in him, in his moves, in his eyes. She saw something in his eyes what pulled her back from melting into his arms. She stepped out of the tube and reached for her soft towel, showing her back to Dave.

Dave noticed it and sighed, while he stepped out of the tube. He suspected what was bugging Cath's mind. He stepped to her.

- Cathy! Look at me! I am not able to love, I can't love u the way I should love a woman to be right for her. No woman, not one. But, I give to u, to Elly and other girls what I can offer, I give all I have, okay? Don't be sad, I am not the one to marry, I am the one to have fun with, hmmm? I love u in my way, I do. But u don't need this, do u?

- It's not about love. It's about only me. I thought I know myself, but it seems that I was wrong - she answered calmly and stepped to the mirror after she left her towel on a chair. She started to comb her hair and knew that Dave was watching her.

- Ur beauty is awesome Cath, ur one of the most attractive woman I ever met - he said and stepped to her and went on his knees placing his wet head into her naked lap. I am ur lover Cath, love me!

She let the hair brush slide in her hair for a few times, then she slowly put it down. She ran her fingers in his wet hair and pulled it back a bit stronger, and a little smile appeared in the corner of her lips, but her eyes remained cold and closed. - You don't have to lie, David... - her thumb slowly stroked his cheek, his nose and went around his lips before it reached his chin and went upwards to slid through his lower lip - I know that I'm not so attractive like Elly - she slowly pushed her thumb against his lips and teeth till Dave moaned and let it into his mouth.

- I am not lying, I am honestly thinking it this way. Why, girl? C'mon how many taller, smarter, more handsome guys are out there and u still choose me for a reason. Please tell me now then, why not Brad Pitt, why me?

- Because Brat Pitt wasn't the one who gave me those important things, which counts in my life - she replied and pulled her wet finger back from Dave's mouth and let it slid down between her breasts.

- Which important things? – he asked.

- I won't say them, Dave... not yet. We have other things to do. Anyway, don't you miss Elly? She's probably waiting for you. Or you want to stay with me for a while? - she asked back and stepped really close to the kneeling Dave, so his chin touched her flat tummy by her belly button.

- I want u both. I love Elly, with the remnants of the things other people call emotions, I love her. And I know she loves me. I am way too bad and she is way too good for this world. True, I should go and give her some love, make her happy. I go.

And he went out from the bathroom, right to Elly and he closed her into his arms to her surprise. He really and truly wanted to make his women happy. But he knew too well he overestimated his ability to giving love. U can't love everyone, u should make your choices and stick to them.

„If my skin looks tired

and old from living,

I'll turn right back and

live it again....

You better pray when the music stops

And you're left alone in your mind....” - he was humming this song in himself, he liked it a lot.


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