The Chronicles of Narnia

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The Last Unicorn

The Last Unicorn : A Script

A Script

  2006.04.12. 01:22

...Angolul Köszönet -nak/nek

1. A forest in late afternoon

(Two huntsmen on horses ride in. The first has a black beard; the second is younger and has red hair and a feather in his cap.)

Elder Hunstman:
I mislike the feel of these woods. Creatures that live in a unicorn's forest learn a little magic of their own in time; mainly concerned with disappearing.

Younger Hunstman:
Unicorns? I thought they only existed in fairy tales. This is a forest, like any other - isn't it?

Elder Hunstman:
Then why do the leaves never fall here, or the snow? Why is it always spring here? I tell you there is one unicorn left in the world, and as long as it lives in this forest, we'll find no game to hunt here.

Younger Hunstman:
Let's turn around, hunt someplace else.

Elder Hunstman:
All right. (They turn and ride to the edge of the forest.)

Elder Hunstman:
(turns back and calls out)

Stay where you are, poor beast! This is no world for you. Stay in your forest and keep your trees green and your friends protected. And good luck to you, for you are the last.

(They ride away. Close-up of a white, female unicorn.)

Unicorn (voice only):
I am the only unicorn there is? The last?


When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain,
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain,
In the shadow of the forest, though she may be old and worn,
They will stare, unbelieving, at the last unicorn...

When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing,
And you look to the north, and a pale moon is rising,
And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn,
In the distance, hear the laughter of the last unicorn!

I'm Alive!
I'm Alive!

When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning,
And the future has passed without even a last desperate warning,
Then look into the stars, where through the clouds a path is torn,
Look and see her, how she sparkles, it's the last unicorn!

I'm Alive!
I'm Alive!

Unicorn (voice only):
That cannot be. Why would I be the last? ...What do men know? Because they have seen no unicorns for a while does not mean that we have all vanished! We do not vanish! ...There has never been a time without unicorns. We live forever. We are as old as the sky, old as the moon. We can be hunted, trapped; we can even be killed if we leave our forests, but we do not vanish! ...Am I truly the last?

(Enter a butterfly singing.)

Wave the flag for Hudson Highborn, show them how we stand! ...I am a roving gambler; how do you do?

Hello, butterfly, welcome! Have you traveled very far?

How far would I travel, yessir! - to be where you are? ...Clay lies still, but blood's a-rover. Red Rover, Red Rover, let Charlie come over! ...Won't you come home, Bill Bailey, won't you come home? ...My wild Irish rose.

(Embraces her horn.)

Be a little respectful, butterfly! Do you know who I am?

Excellent well, you're a fishmonger! You're my everything, you are my sunshine, you're old and grey and full of sleep, you're my pickle- faced, consumptive Mary Jane!

Say my name, then. If you know my name, tell it to me.

Your name is a golden bell hung in my heart. I would break my body to pieces to call you once by your name!

Say it, if you know.

Rumpelstilstkin! Gotcha!

I should know better than to expect a silly butterfly to know my name.

One, two, three o'lairy!

Butterfly, in all your wanderings, have you seen others like me? Have you seen even one?

Oh, have you seen the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man?

Butterfly, even one? Tell me that you saw only one?

One? One alone, to be my own... [Up goes downwind, up go down!] Go and catch a falling star...

It serves me right for even asking you. All butterflies know are songs and poetry and anything else they hear. I guess you mean well. Fly away, butterfly.

Oh, I must take the A train, oh, I am a cook and a captain bold and the mate of the Nancy brig. Has anybody here seen Kelly?

I hope you hear many more songs. I must find someone who knows me, who has seen others like me.

Butterfly (serious voice):
"Unicorn". Old French, "unicorne". Latin, "unicornis". Literally, one horned: "unus", one, and "cornu", a horn. A fabulous animal resembling a horse with one horn. Visible only to those who search and trust, and generally mistaken for a white mare. Unicorn.

Oh, you do know me! Please, all I want to know is if you've seen other unicorns like me, somewhere in the world.

See you later, alligator! Close cover before striking!

Butterfly, have you seen the others? Where have they gone? Tell me which way I must go to find them!

Butterfly (strange voice):
No, no, listen. Don't listen to me, listen. You can find the others if you are brave.

(Shows unicorns running down a path, and a great red mass chasing them.)

Butterfly (voice only:
They passed down all the roads long ago, and the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footsteps.

Red Bull? What is the Red Bull?

Hold tight. Hold tight. Hold tight, hold tight. ...(same strange voice)

His firstling bull has majesty, and his horns are the horns of a wild ox. With them, he shall push the unicorns, all of them, to the ends of the earth. Listen, listen, listen quickly!

I am listening! Where are the other unicorns, and what is the Red Bull?

Listen, listen!


The king is in the counting house, counting out, counting out, counting... It's you or me, moth! Hand to hand to hand to hand to hand to hand...

(He flies off.)

He said I could find the other unicorns. But where? Or was the story of the Red Bull just another of his songs? ...Oh, I could never leave this forest. But I must know if I am the only unicorn left in the world. Suppose they are hiding together, somewhere far away? What if they're waiting for me, in need of my help?

(A similar scene is shown.)

Butterfly (voice-over):
They passed down all the roads long ago, and the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints.

(The unicorn neighs in fear and begins running. She reaches the edge of the forest, where all the animals of the wood are looking at her. She stares at them for a second, then turns and runs down the road leading away.)

Unicorn (voice only):
I must go quickly, and come back as soon as I can.

(The unicorn runs down the road.)

Butterfly (voice-over):
You can find the others if you are brave.

(Shows unicorn running slower and slower through the seasons...)

2. On the Road

(A fat old man is hoeing in his field as the unicorn walks up the road towards him.)

Well, hello there, little one! Hello there, my dear! And just who might you belong to? A pretty little thing like you? Come on now, good girl! Good Bessie.

(Takes off his belt and makes it into a loop.)

Curry you up, clean you off, you'll be the prettiest old mare anywhere.

(The unicorn neighs loudly and eludes the belt.)

Unicorn (voice only):
Mare? Mare?! I, a horse? Is that what you take me for? Is that what you see?

So, so, easy, easy, good girl. What a pretty sight you are! Feed you up, take you to the fair. Come on, horse!

(voice only) A horse, am I? A horse, indeed!

(The unicorn hooks her horn through the belt, throws it to the ground, and runs off down the road, making the farmer lose his balance and fall.)

Now there's a horse! My foot must have slipped.

(Scene The unicorn is sitting by the side of the road. A man driving a carriage passes by and all he sees is a horse.)

Unicorn (voice only):
I had forgotten that men cannot see unicorns.

If men no longer know what they are looking at, there may well be other unicorns in the world yet, unknown and glad of it.

Horizon rising up to meet the purple dawn,
Dust demon screaming, bring an eagle to lead me on.
For in my heart, I carry such a heavy load.
Here I am, on man's road.
Walking man's road...
Walking man's road...

I'm hungry, weary, but I cannot lay me down.
The rain calls, dreary, but there's no shelter I have found.
It will be a long time till I find my abode,
Here I am, on man's road.
Walking man's road...
Walking man's road...

(Unicorn walking down the road, rain falling past a bridge.)

3. Mommy Fortuna's Midnight Carnival

(The unicorn is sleeping in the grass by the side of the road. A black caravan of wagons approaches. On the side of two of them, a black canvas is hung. In red letters, it says "Mommy Fortuna's Midnight Carnival". In smaller ones underneath, "Creatures Of Night, Brought To Light". We see a bent old woman driving the foremost wagon. She has a hat shaped like a tree branch, with a raven on it. She stops the wagon once she sees the unicorn.)

Old Woman:
Well. Well, bless my old husk of a heart. And here I thought I'd seen the last of them.

(Calls to the wagons) Here, you two! (We see two men get down from the second and third wagons. One is short and hunched, with an eye patch; the other is tall; we can't see his face yet.)

Mommy Fortuna:
If he knew... But I don't think I'll tell him. He'll think it's a horse for sure. Some wizard I hired.

Now just what in hell was that you stopped for?

Mommy Fortuna:
What do you think it is, Rukh? What do you see lying there?

Dead horse.

Mommy Fortuna:
You're a fool! But I knew that. What about you, wizard? What do you see with your sorcerer's sight?

(Rukh elbows the tall man and laughs. We see his face now; he has no beard, green eyes, and a pointed blue cap. He stares at the unicorn. The old woman grabs his collar and pulls his face down to her level.)

Mommy Fortuna:
Answer me, you juggler!

Tall Man:
I - I see a horse. Just - just a white mare.

Mommy Fortuna (chuckles):
I thought so. All right. It's a white mare. I want her for the carnival. The last cage is empty.

We'll need rope.

Mommy Fortuna:
The rope that could hold that mare has not been woven. We'll make do with cold iron bars.

Tall Man:
Oh, she's waking!

Mommy Fortuna:
I'll cast a sleep on her! [Skagribbitch! Kastamangya! Nitchai! Nitchaul!]

(Something emanates from the old woman's fingers. It materializes into a solid, curved, glowing blue horn in front of the unicorn's real one.)

Mommy Fortuna:
Now cage her. She'll sleep till sunrise.

(Scene Morning. The cages are arranged in formation. Rukh is showing a bunch of villagers around the creatures in the Midnight Carnival.)

This here is the manticore. Man's head, lion's body, tail of a scorpion.

(The villagers murmur.) Creatures of night, brought to light! Here is the dragon. Breathes fire now and then - mostly at people who poke it, little boy. Its inside is an inferno, but its skin is so cold it burns! Speaks seventeen languages badly, and is subject to gout. Creatures of night, brought to light! ...The satyr. Ladies, k

ep back! (The tall man sneaks up to the unicorn's cage.)

Tall Man:
I shouldn't be here. But quickly, tell me what you see. Don't be afraid. Look at your fellow legends and tell me what you see.

What he calls a manticore looks to be no more than a shabby, toothless lion. And she has them believing that poor old ape with a twisted foot is a satyr! Illusions! Deceptions! Mirages! Your Mommy Fortuna cannot truly change things!

Tall Man:
That's true; she can only disguise. And only for those eager to believe whatever comes easiest.

Rukh (to the villagers):
The Midgard Serpent. It's got the whole world in its coils.

Tall Man:
(to the unicorn) No, she can't turn cream into butter. But she can make a lion look like a manticore to eyes that want to see a manticore. Just as she'd put a false horn on a real unicorn to make them see the unicorn. ...I know you. If I were blind I would know who you are.

Who are you?

Tall Man:
I am called Schmendrick, the magician. You wouldn't have heard of me. ...I entertain the sightseers as they gather for the show. It's not much of a job for a real magician, but I've had worse.

Unicorn (looks at a cage nearby):
That one is real. That is the harpy Celaeno.

(The harpy caws out maliciously.)

Yes. The old woman caught her by chance, asleep, just as she took you. Oh, she should never have meddled with a real harpy, or a real unicorn for that matter, because the truth melts her magic, always.

(harpy caws some more)

She's going to free herself very soon now, and she must not catch you still caged.

Rukh (sees him):
Go on, get away from there! You know what she told you!

Schmendrick (bows clumsily to the unicorn):
Don't be afraid! Schmendrick is with you! Do nothing till you hear from me!

(runs away down past the cages)

Rukh (stops at the unicorn's cage):
The unicorn.

A unicorn! (murmuring)

(Scene Later in the day. Rukh is staring at the harpy; Mommy Fortuna is next to him.)

I don't care how many damn spells you've got on her. Get rid of that harpy! I thinks about it all the time - what she's going to do to us! Get rid of her, Mommy!

Mommy Fortuna:
Fool, be still! No other witch in the world holds a harpy captive, and none ever will. I choose to keep her! I can turn her into wind if she escapes, or snow! Or into seven notes of music!

(The harpy screams and begins beating her wings. The cage shakes.)

Rukh: (moans)
: She's breaking through! (runs away)

Mommy Fortuna (moves her fingers around; the same sort of essence flows out of them.):
No. Not yet. Not yet. You're mine. If you kill me, you're still mine.

(The harpy calms down and the cage stops shaking.)

Mommy Fortuna: (cackles and talks to the unicorn)
The harpy's as real as you are, and just as immortal. And she was just as easy to capture, if you want to know.

Do not boast, old woman. Your death sits in that cage and she hears you.

Mommy Fortuna:
Oh, she'll kill me one day or another, but she will remember forever that I caught her, that I held her prisoner. So there's my immortality, eh? (laughs) Now, you were out on the road hunting for your own death, and I know where it awaits you. I know him, that one.

Do you speak of the Red Bull? Tell me if you do, and where he is, if you know!

Mommy Fortuna:
The Red Bull of King Haggard. So you know of the Bull. Well, he'll not have you. You belong to me.

You know better. Keep your poor shadows if you will, but let me go. And - let her go. I cannot see her caged. She is real, like me. We are two sides of the same magic. Let her go.

Mommy Fortuna:
I'd quit show business first! Do you think I don't know what the true witchery is, just because I do what I do? There's not a witch in the world hasn't laughed at Mommy Fortuna and her homemade horrors - but there's not one of them who would have dared!

The harpy and me - we are not for you.

Mommy Fortuna:
Who are you for then? Do you think those fools knew you without any help from me? (laughs) No! I had to give you a horn they could see! These days it takes a cheap carnival trick to make folks recognize a real unicorn. But the Red Bull will know you when he sees you; so you are safer here. You should thank me for protecting you.

3. Escape

(That night. Schmendrick sneaks up to the unicorn's cage.)

Schmendrick is with you! I'm sorry, but I couldn't get away any sooner.

There has never been a spell on me before. There has never been a world in which I was not known.

Oh, I know exactly how you feel. It's a very rare person who is taken for what he truly is.

Will you help me?

If not you, no one. You're my last chance.

Can you truly set me free?

Mommy Fortuna doesn't think so. She sees me as a clumsy fraud, a trickster. But I am Schmendrick the Magician! - the last of the red-hot swamis! And I too am real, like you, like her. Yes, I will help you.

Where is the other man?

Rukh? Oh, don't worry about him. I asked him a riddle, and it always takes that lout all night to solve riddles. And now... [Shara sineverel morlin sudai! Suni numira eddi subai!]

(The unicorn sees a forest with green leaves, and her forest creatures looking at her. But the mirage soon disappears, leaving the cage behind.)

Schmendrick (embarassed):
I-I'm sorry, I would have like that to be the spell that freed you. That's, uh, that's okay. Next one. Well, let's - try this one. Okay. [Urchulis sulai esumina gaminajo!] - This is a super-spell. Tha bars are now as brittle as old cheese, which I crumble and scatter, so! Whoouch!

(Schmendrick grabs the bars and they burn his hands. The hands are red and bloody. He shakes them, trying to get the pain off.)

Whoa, I must have gotten the accent wrong. It comes and it goes.

Try again. Once more. There's very little time left. Hurry!

(Schmendrick whistles three notes, then sprinkles some powder over the cage, which begins to shrink.)

[low words]

Stop the bars!

No, no, [uh, serenin perenin] - ugh!

(the bars stop moving inwards.)

I dare no more. The next time, I might not be able to-

Try again. The spell was wrong, but there was true magic in it. Try again!

My dear, you deserve the services of a great wizard, but I'm afraid you'll have to be glad of the aid of a second-rate pickpocket.

(Schmendrick procures a key ring, which he tries on the lock, which is shaped like a lion's mouth. One key turns inside.)

Lock (in Mommy Fortuna's voice):
(laughs) Some magician! Some magician!

Ah, turn blue.


(The lock groans as Schmendrick opens it.)

Step down, lady! You are free!

(The spell on the unicorn disperses as she leaps out of the cage. Rukh enters.)

Okay, Schmendrick, I give up. Why is a raven like a writing desk?

(The unicorn leaps into the bushes; Rukh doesn't see her.)

The cage. You have taken my keys. Why, you thin thief. She'll string you on barbed wire to make a necklace for the harpy!

(Rukh starts walking back towards Mommy Fortuna's wagon.)

Run! (He runs at Rukh and jumps him. They struggle on the ground. The unicorn goes around to the cages and opens the doors with her horn, freeing the animals inside.)

Schmendrick (fighting with Rukh):
You pile of stones! I'll set all your toenails growing in when you mess with me!

Rukh (comes on top and starts choking Schmendrick):
(laughs) Some magician. You couldn't turn cream into cheese, you Schmendrick you!

(Schmendrick bashes the key ring into Rukh's head. Rukh lets go and falls off in a daze. The animals are free. Only the harpy remains as the unicorn faces her.)

No, she'll kill you! Run, she'll kill you if you set her free!

Harpy (voice only):
Set me free. We are sisters, you and I.

(The unicorn touches her horn to the lock. The harpy breaks the cage with her wings and goes free. She lunges at the unicorn and misses. She circles around and lunges again - behind the unicorn, at Mommy Fortuna.)

Mommy Fortuna:
(laughs) Not alone! You never could have freed yourselves alone! I held you!

(She opens her arms as if to embrace the harpy's death lunge. She is struck down and the harpy settles down to feed on her body.)

Run, run, run, run away from here, now!

No. Come with me. Come with me.

(We hear the harpy cawing and Rukh screaming for a short second. Schmendrick winces.)

Don't look back, and don't run. You must never run from anything immortal, it attracts their attention.

(The harpy circles again but doesn't see the two walking away.)

5. The misty forest

(Schmendrick is huddled at the foot of a tree, the unicorn is standing over him.)

Oh, that poor old woman - I didn't want her to - I didn't know -

She chose her death long ago. It was the fate she wanted.

And you, you have no regrets, as I do?

I can never regret. I can feel sorrow, but it's not the same thing.

Where will you go now?

I am looking for others like me. Have you seen them, magician?

No, I've never seen anyone like you. Not while I was awake, anyway.

A butterfly told me of a Red Bull, who pushed all the other unicorns to the ends of the earth. And Mommy Fortuna spoke of a King Haggard. So I'm going where they are, to learn whatever they know.

Take me with you, for lucks, for laughs, for the unknown.

You may come with me if you like, though I wish you'd asked for some other reward for having freed me.

Well, I thought about it, but you could never have granted my true wish.

No. I cannot turn you into something you are not. I cannot turn you into a true magician.

That's all right, don't worry about it.

I'm not. (Scene An open road.)

What do you know of King Haggard?

I have heard that he's an old man who rules over barren country by the sea. Some say that Haggard's land was green and soft once, before he came, but the minute he touched it, it became hard and grey.
(They are crossing a river by stepping on stones. The unicorn steps across first.)

Tell me about the Red Bull.

The Red Bull? I've heard too many tales, to tell you the truth. I've heard (stumbles) - I've heard that the Bull is real, that the Bull is a ghost -

(trips over a stone and stumbles on the unicorn, who moves away quickly at his touch.)


6. Jack Cully and Molly Grue

I've heard that the Red Bull protects Haggard or else that he keeps him a prisoner in his own castle - there are so many stories.

(The same scene is shown as with the Butterfly.)

Butterfly (voice-over):
They passed down all the roads long ago, and the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints.

(The unicorn neighs and shakes her head wildly.)

(juggling one orange, which turns into many, which then juggle by themselves. He picks one up and offers it to the unicorn.)

Want one?

(shrugs and puts them all back into his bag.)

How much further is it?

This is the edge of Haggard's kingdom. It's very, very dangerous country. Mommy Fortuna never came within miles of here.

(The sound of hooves approaches.)

Listen! ...Oh, oh, I was afraid of that. Run, swiftly, hide yourself! We'll find each other later!

Why? Who are they?


(The unicorn hides in the bushes while Schmendrick climbs a tree. The outlaws approach. One very large man with stubble stops his horse as he nears Schmendrick's tree.)

Large Man:
Whoa! Well, what have we here?

(The tip of Schmendrick's hat protrudes from the tree.)

Hi, lads! Mind your heads now! It's raining ninnies!

(laughs racuously and pulls Schmendrick down from the tree and onto his horse. They ride off.)

(A campfire at night. Several very miserable-looking men are sitting around drinking something from mugs.)

One Man:
(spits out the liquid in his cup) Rat soup. Again rat soup.

Second Man:
At least she could use a different rat. The third night, anyway.

(The outlaws ride in. Schmendrick is draped over the large man's horse sideways.)

Put me down, you fool!

Large Man:
(dunks Schmendrick's head into the horse's back)

Aye, lad, quiet there. You're for Captain Cully himself, you are.

(A fat, red-haired man dressed in richer rags steps forward.)

Captain Cully:
Well, Jack Jingly! And who is it you bring us, comrade or captive?

Jack Jingly:
I dunno what he is maself. What happened, Cully? We were out looking for likely travelers, like always.

Captain Cully:
(calls over his shoulder) Add some more water to the soup, love! There's company!

(A thin, middle-ages woman with wild hair the color of dead weeds pushes through the ring of men.)

I'll not have it, Cully! Not another mouth to feed! The soup's no thicker than sweat as it is!

Captain Cully:
My love, where's your greenwood hospitality?

(looking at Schmendrick)

And who's this long lout? I don't like the look of him. Slit his wizard.

("She had meant to say either weasand or gizzard, and had said both...")

(getting off the horse)

I wouldn't do that, because I am Schmendrick the Magician! And you, sir, you must be the famous Captain Cully, boldest of the bold and freest of the free!

Captain Cully:
That I am.

He's guessing, Cully, gut him, before he does you the way the last one did!

Captain Cully:
Well, that's only Molly Grue's way. But she has a good heart, a good heart. (Puts his arm on her shoulder.)

Molly Grue (brushes him off):
Off with you.

And this lady, don't tell me, she must be your faithful and beautiful companion.

Molly Grue:
Maybe he does know.

Captain Cully:
(laughs) Yes, splendid woman. You are welcome here, sorceror. Come to the fire and tell me what you've heard of dashing Captain Cully and his band of freemen. (Sits him down) Have a taco.

(Later that night.)

Captain Cully:
You're a lucky guest this evening, magician. My minstrel, Willy Gentle, here, was just about to inspire us by singing one of the adventures of bold Captain Cully and his men.

(General groans and complaints from the men.)

Merry Man:
Nay, Willy! Not that thing again!

Molly Grue:
Willy! Sing us a true song! Sing us one about Robin Hood!

Captain Cully:
There is no Robin Hood! Robin Hood is a myth!

(gets up and begins murmuring over and over again)

Magic, do as you will. Magic, magic, do as you will.

(A wind starts up.)

Captain Cully:
And now, lads, with that out of the way -

Molly Grue:
Look! Oh, look there! (A tall figure dressed in green comes striding into the campsite, with an almost-as-tall maiden next to him.)

Captain Cully:
(rushes to greet them)

Sir, madam, I welcome you to my domain! My name is Captain Cully, of the greenwood!

(he bows, and they pass right through him.)

Molly Grue:
Oh, Robin! And Marian!

(Other figures come walking through the campsite.)

Friar Tuck! That's Friar Tuck there! Will Scarlett...

Captain Cully:
What is this? This is not happening! Robin Hood is a myth! We are the reality! ...Magic is magic, but the truth is us! Right?

Robin! Mr. Hood, sir! Little John! Will! Wait for me! (they all run after them) Robin! Marian!

Molly Grue:
Wait! Wait for me! Marian! (also runs after them)

(is laughing is head off on the floor) It worked! It worked! I said "Magic, do as you will", and it worked!

Captain Cully:
(holds a knife at Schmendrick's neck) That was a dangerous diversion, Sir Sorceror.

Jack Jingly:
He's no hedge wizard, Cully. I don't know what he is, ta tell you the truth. Tie him up, and do you guard him tanight, Cully.

(They tie him to a large tree, with his face in its trunk.) And in the morning, we'll see what's to be done with a wizard who can call up Robin Hood! Should be worth something, eh, Cully? (laughs)

Captain Cully:
Yes indeed! We'll sell him! We'll both be gentlemen of leisure in a month's time! (laughs)

7. Loving tree

(Slightly later. Schmendrick is tied to the tree.)

I don't even care! [Gotonius basni varsinisn basti gumtina crosti stormily hasti!]

(Weird lights; the tree comes alive.)

Oh. Oh. Oh, I love you. I love you. Love love love love love love love love love.

Oh, what have I done?

Always, always. Faithfulness beyond any man's deserving. I will keep the color in your eyes when no other in the world remembers your name. (She smushes Schmendrick's face in her trunk.) There is no immortality but a tree's love.

Oh, no, I'm engaged to a Douglas fir. (yells) Help, unicorn, where are you?!

(Lightning; the unicorn is illuminated and she begins walking toward the tree.)

Ooh, galls and fireblight! She shall never have you, the hussy! We will perish together!

(The unicorn cuts Schmendrick's rope with her horn. The tree goes dead again. Schmendrick follows her bashfully.)

8. Molly Grue meets the Unicorn

(Another part of the forest.)

Did you see me? Were you watching, did - did you see what I made?

Yes. It was true magic.

Yeah. It's gone now, but I-I had it. It had me, but it's gone. I-I couldn't hold it.

(Molly Grue is in wait ahead of them.)

Molly Grue:
Leaving us so early, magician?

(The unicorn jumps into the bushes by the side of the road; too late.)

Molly Grue:
(gasps) No. Can it truly be? Where have you been? Where have you been? (yells) Damn you, where have you been?!

Don't you talk to her that way!

I am here now.

Molly Grue:
(laughs bitterly) Oh? And where were you twenty years ago, ten years ago? Where were you when I was new? When I was one of those innocent, young maidens you always come to? How dare you, how dare you come to me now, when I am this?

(She begins crying. The unicorn puts her head in Molly's lap, and she caresses it.)

Can you really see her? Do you really know what she is?

Molly Grue:
If you had been waiting to see a unicorn as long as I have...

She's the last unicorn in the world.

Molly Grue:
It would be the last unicorn in the wourld that came to Molly Grue. (She sniffs.) It's all right. I forgive you.

Well, it's time for us to go now.

Molly Grue:
(gets up) I'm ready.

You can't come with us! We're on a quest!

Molly Grue:
Can't I? Ask her.

Never! I, Schmendrick the Magician, forbid it! And be wary of wousing a wizard's wrath - rousing a rizard's - rou - Be wary of making a-a magician angry! If I chose I could turn you into a frog -

Molly Grue:
(laughs) I should laugh myself sick. Have sense, man. What were you going to do with the last unicorn in the world - keep her in a cage?

Oh, you don't even know where we're going!

Molly Grue:
Do you think it matters to me?

We are journeying to King Haggard's country to find the Red Bull!

Molly Grue:
Well, you're going the wrong way. (Begins walking in a different direction.)

(A brown valley.)

Molly Grue:
I'm sorry, but you were going the wrong way, magician.

Well, it was a shortcut.

9. Haggard's borderlands and the Red Bull

(A cliff overlooking a decrepit, evil-looking castle.)

Haggard's fortress. We'll be there tomorrow if we walk all night.

Where does King Haggard keep the Red Bull?

I have heard that he roams at night and lies up by day in a great cavern beneath the castle - but we'll know soon enough.

Moon rising, disguising
Lonely streets in gay display
The stars fade, the nightshade
Closing makes the world afraid.
It waits in silence for the sky to explode.
Here I am, on man's road.
Walking man's road...

(Song Scenes: The party is lying down against trees. The moon gives off a fiery red light which reflects on their sleeping faces. Molly wakes.)

Molly Grue:
Schmendrick, the light!

(The Red Bull comes. The unicorn runs away in fear. He chases her across the forest, never losing ground.)

Molly Grue:
Do something!

He's driving her! He can't want to kill her or-or he would have done it by now!

(more chase scenes...)

He's driving her the way he drove the others - to the castle, to King Haggard.

Molly Grue:
Please! Please do something!

What can I do? Do you think the Red Bull likes card tricks?

(chasing... The Red Bull is winning.)

If I could I'd change her into some other creature, some beast too humble for the Bull to be concerned with. But that would take a real magician, with real magic - and I can't pretend any more.

Molly Grue:
But you do. You have magic. Maybe you can't find it, but it's there. You called Robin Hood, and there is no Robin Hood. You have all the power you need, if you dare to look for it.

(The unicorn submits to the Red Bull. She walks slowly before him.)

Molly Grue:
Please! It's not fair!

Run! Run, now! Run!

(The unicorn doesn't listen to him; she plods on, depressed.)

(Schmendrick tries to run in front of the Red Bull; he is thrown aside.)

Molly Grue:

(gets up.) Magic, magic, do as you will

(repeats in a low voice. Lines of power stream from his fingers towards the unicorn. He slowly falls onto his knees and then his face. The Red Bull noses a white shape on the ground and then walks off. Molly rushes to the side of what used to be the unicorn.)

Molly Grue (to Schmendrick):
What have you done?

(holds up the head of a human girl with a white face and white hair. A brown mark that looks like a star is on her forehead.)

Molly Grue:
What have you done? What have you done?!

(Schmendrick joins her.)

(excited) What do you mean, what have I done? Only saved her from the Red Bull by magic, that's all I've done! By magic! By my own true magic! Doubtless you are wondering how I plan to return her to her proper shape. Wonder not. The power will come to me whenever I need it. And one day, one day it will come to me when I call! You were right! You were right.

Molly Grue:
I didn't know you meant to turn her into a human girl!

The Red Bull came for a unicorn, so she had to become something else. The magic chose the shape, not I. I am a bearer! I am a dwelling! I am a messenger!

Molly Grue:
You are an idiot! Do you hear me? You lost her! You trapped her in a human body! She'll go mad!

(The girl begins to stir. She wakes up, and tries to stand.)

I can change her back. Don't worry about it. I-I can change her back.

(The girl falls, and goes on all fours.)

What have you done to me?

Molly Grue:
(begins crying) Oh, no. Oh, please, no!

(to the girl) You see, I couldn't think of anything else I could do to save you.

What have you done to me?

(She hugs herself, and her voice sounds like a neigh.)

I'm a unicorn! I'm a unicorn!

Molly Grue:
(grabs her arm) Don't! Don't you hurt yourself!

(She drapes Schmendrick's cloak around the girl's shoulders.)

Be still! The magic knew what it was doing. In this shape alone you have some hope of reaching King Haggard and finding out what has become of the other unicorns.

Girl (sad voice):
I wish you had let the Red Bull take me. I wish you had left me to the harpy! I can feel this body dying all around me!

But - but it's only for a little while, I promise you! Soon you'll have your true shape again, forever!

Molly Grue:
Why not now? Schmendrick, you can't let her stay like this, you can't possibly!

Why not? Unless you think you could defeat the Bull if you met him again.


(She takes the cloak herself and holds it in place.)

And I'm afraid of this human body - more than I was of the Red Bull - afraid!

10. Haggard's Castle

(A battlement atop King Haggard's tower. Two sentries are on guard. The first is slower and older than the second.)

First Sentinel:
A man, and two women, coming here?

Second Sentinel:
The young girl - she looks so strange. She has a newness to her.

(The front gate of the castle. The two sentinels await the three travelers. The pale girl has Schmendrick's cloak around her shoulders.)

First Sentinel:
(bars their way) Give your names.

I am Schmendrick, the Magician. This is Molly Grue, my helper, and this, this is - this is... the Lady Amalthea. We seek audience with King Haggard.

First Sentinel:
State your business with King Haggard.

I will, but to King Haggard himself.

(The first sentinel leads them into the castle and through a dark stairway down. The floor shakes abruptly and a roar is heard. The Lady Amalthea cries out.)

Second Sentinel:
No, no, it's all right, don't be afraid. It's just the Bull.

11. Haggard's Throne

(A dark room with one window and an old, stone seat at one end.)

First Sentinel:
This is King Haggard's throne room.

Throne room? This is a cell. This is a tomb. Take us to King Haggard!

(The first sentinel unlaces his helmet and takes it off. He has a grey face and a thin beard.)

I am King Haggard. This is Prince Lir, my son.

(The second sentinel takes off his helmet to reveal a friendly, red-headed face.)

Hi. Glad to meet you.

Haggard (sits down on the chair):
What is your concern with me?

We seek, Sire, to enter your service.

King Haggard:
I need no servants.

Oh, but surely, Sire, a magician, a fine cook, a -

King Haggard:
You are losing my interest, and that is very dangerous. My "court" consists of four men-at-arms.

Four? But the pleasures of the court, Sire, the music, the talk, the hunts and the balls and the great feasts -

King Haggard:
They are nothing to me. I have known them all, and they have not made me happy. I will keep nothing near me that does not make me happy! ...I also keep one magician.

Schmendrick (taken aback):
Oh, a magician, huh? What's his name?

King Haggard:
He is called Mabruk. He is known in his trade as "the magician's magician". I can see no reason at all to replace him with some vagrant, nameless, clownish -

Molly Grue:
I can. He doesn't, this marvelous Mabruk, doesn't make you happy.

Molly, be still.

King Haggard:
And how would you know?

Molly Grue:
Well, just look at you!

Molly! (grabs her to quiet her)

King Haggard:
Did you hear that, Mabruk?

(In a haze of smoke, an old man with harsh eyes appears. He wears a crown and a spangled robe.)

What does your majesty wish of me? Schmendrick, my dear boy, how nice to see you! (walks over to Schmendrick)

King Haggard:
He has come to take your place. He is now my royal magician.

Molly Grue (whispers to Schmendrick):

Schmendrick (whispers to Molly):

The legendary Schmendrick? "The Runeless Wonder?" I realize your majesty is a great collector of - oddities, but-

King Haggard:
The woman is right. A master magician has not made me happy. I will see what an incompetent one can do. You may go, Mabruk.

Mabruk (very angry look):
I am not packed off as easily as that!

(A wind rises in the room. Lir steps in front of Amalthea, hand on his sword hilt. Amalthea walks past him. The mark on her forehead begins to glow. The wind dies down, and the only sound left is Mabruk's laughing.)

Lir (puts his hand on Mabruk's shoulder):
Come on, old man. I'll write you a reference.

(laughs) Haggard, I would not be you for all the world! You have let your doom in by the front door, but it will not depart that way! Farewell, poor Haggard! Farewell...

(He laughs and disappears the same way he appeared.)

(The Lady Amalthea is looking out the window. Haggard comes toward her.)

(turns at Haggard's approach) Don't!

King Haggard:
I will not touch you. What are you looking at?

Lady Amalthea:
The sea.

King Haggard:
Ah, yes. The sea is always good. There is nothing that I can look at for very long, except the sea.

(He stares into her eyes and sees in them her forest, with woodland animals in it.)

King Haggard:
(shouts suddenly) What is the matter with your eyes? Why can I not see myself in your eyes?

(The Lady Amalthea does not answer.)

King Haggard (to Schmendrick):
Who is she?!

Oh, your majesty, the Lady Amalthea is my niece -

King Haggard:
I want to know who she is!

Father, what difference does it make? She's here!

King Haggard (looks at Lir):
For once, you are right. She is here. They are all here. And whether they mean my doom or not, I will look at them for a while. (To Amalthea) You may come and go as you please. My secrets guard themselves. Will yours do the same? (Walks off)

Lir (to Amalthea):
Say, I know where there's some cloth, fine satin. We could make a dress.

Please, lady, let me help you. What can I do for you? Trust me!

In the sea,
The fish have learned to fly,
On a moonlit night,
On wings of silver,
As the enchanted stars
Sail serenely by.
Do they know
Where do unicorns go?
Where winged horses fly?
Narwhals lost at sea
And never seen again.
Go, go and ask the magpie,
"Where do unicorns go?"

In the trees,
The birds have learned to speak,
They keep their secrets
In a parade of clouds
Playing hide and seek.
Do they know,
Where do unicorns go?
Where winged horses fly?
Narwhals lost at sea,
And never seen again.
Does myth and mystery lie
Where the unicorns go?

(Song Scenes: Amalthea looking at the sea; Molly working as a kitchen maid, washing dishes; Prince Lir going out to battle a dragon, and offering the head to Amalthea, who is not impressed by it; a copper-and-ashes cat with an eye patch knocks Schmendrick's juggling balls out of the ring and chases it to the kitchen.)

12. Lir is in love

(Lir and Molly are in the kitchen. Lir is peeling potatoes and Molly is helping him.)

Ow. Mm. And then, she looked at me, and I was sorry I had killed the thing. Sorry for killing a dragon. Imagine - (Nicks himself with the knife) Ow!

Molly Grue:
Cut away from yourself, not toward. You know, your highness, I really think you should try something else.

But what's left on earth that I haven't tried? Giants, ogres, black knights, terrible tasks, fatal riddles! Molly, for her sake I've become a hero, but my great deeds mean nothing to her!

Molly Grue:
Then perhaps the Lady Amalthea is not to be won by great deeds!

Who is she, Molly? Where does she come from? I don't know any more about her than I did the first day she came here.

Molly Grue:
Your highness- &

El ne felejtsd


Legyen ez a kezdõlapom!

Narnia hívei
Indulás: 2005-12-05
Ne Lopj!
Ami neked egy-két pillanat, lehet nekem több óra volt!!...tehát mi a megoldás?? Használd a billenytyűzetet és kérj!! Kösz!
A Zene

A film hihetetlen zenéjét  Harry Gregson-Williams szerezte, hallgass bele!

Szavazás III.
Olvastad már a Narnia-t?

Persze, mindet!!
Elolvastam az első részt.
A másodikig olvastam.
A harmadikig olvastam.
A Caspian Hercegig olvastam.
Az ötödikig olvastam.
Az Ezüst Trónig olvastam.
Nem sorrendben olvasom.
Még nem olvastam, de elfogom.
Nem olvastam és nem is fogom.
Szavazás állása
Lezárt szavazások
Szavazás IV.
Mit választanál: Elmehetsz Narniaba vagy elmehetsz a Jedikhez

Természetesen Narniát választanám!
Naná, hogy a Star Wars világába mennék!
Én inkább Willy Wonka csokigyárába mennék!
Hahó.. és mi van Csodaországgal??(tudjátok Alíz)
Ha már itt tartunk: Sohaország!
És mi lesz a Gyűrűk Úrával?
Na és a Labirintussal??
Én megyek inkább a Mesék Birodalmába!
Én meg a DisneyLandbe... Ott találkozunk!
Tovább is van mondjam még?
Szavazás állása
Lezárt szavazások

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