Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

Kapcsolatok / Contacts
Slipknot (ENG)
Trivium (ENG)
SepticFlesh (ENG)
Behemoth (ENG)
Adam Lambert (ENG)
Teen Wolf / Sterek (ENG)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (ENG)
30 Seconds To Mars (ENG)
DM Fanfictions (ENG)
Bi/Lesbian/Gay stories (ENG)
S.M.A. & U-girl - The Sin and the Sentence
S.M.A. & U-girl - The Sin and the Sentence : Chapter 3

Chapter 3

  2018.03.04. 10:27

Chapter 3

The van was still under Matt the next time he opened his black eyes. For a moment he had no idea where he was, but then he remembered and also felt it a bit what they'd done with the demon.

"Corey...?" Matt sat up, the blanket falling off his clothed upper body as he did so. But he was alone.

He needed a few minutes to pull himself together. Meanwhile as his mind started to work, he began thinking about how to do this. Obviously the awkwardness was thick between him and Corey and probably will be for a while too. Or at least until Matt accepts the fact that they are bonded. Because yeah, the half-breed could feel that connection even in that moment. And it was kinda pulling him towards Corey to get more of his energies...

But was Matt going to be able to accept this and becoming so co-dependent in order not to fade away for what he'd done?

He made peace with dying, but now that the demon prince waltzed back into his life, things got more complicated than ever. But maybe Corey was right and Matt was overthinking and overanalyzing this. Maybe he should just... try to go with the flow for once and see how things would turn out. After all, Corey was a very strong demon who could keep him safe and sticking around him could give Matt protection and feel less burdened by what he's been dealing with in the last year.

With that thought and also reminding himself to be patient with himself too, Matt put on his hoodie too and left the van in search of the others.

Corey felt exactly when Matt called his name in the van. It made his heart throb hard and the edge of his lips pull into a small smile. He was already talking things over with the club's owner about the show they will play that night.

It was better to busy himself with practical things. The ever so nosy Paolo already gave him some of his usual dirty jokes and dirty glances… And humans think so highly of guardian angels... They surely never met the very one track minded half-breed...

So far the bald guy more or less spared him from his brilliant humor. Mostly because of who he was and also for usually keeping a cold distance. But Matt’s arrival and their mating messed that up also. Oh well… Corey guessed he also would change a bit anyway from the bond and how they were acting on it.

After the talk he decided to go look around in the club. It was better to give space to Matt and let him meet up and get to know the others he will now share his life with. Come to think of it, the angel suddenly did have a lot on his plate. Not just Corey, but the rest of the band and the touring life… Well, Paolo would surely help another angelic brother, Corey was sure…

With his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, Matt walked into backstage. But instead of following that pull he felt from the center of his chest and meant the bond to Corey, he rather decided to find the other guys. After all, he should get to know them a bit, because it looked like he was going to stay around for a while.

At least he looked less alarmingly sickly. Now he was just pale and quiet as he walked around a bit until he heard the others in a common room joking around and stuff. Heading that way he stopped in the door, the conversations and laughter dying down quickly. It made Matt feel a bit nervous as he felt the curious eyes on him. He felt out of place, of course.

"Hi... Can I join you? I don't really know what to do now," he said on his polite deep voice, sounding a bit lost too.

"Of course. Come in and have coffee with us. Our all-mighty leader always takes good care of us," Paolo stood up at once and invited Matt in with only a pinch of dirty undertone and giggle. "We should practice, though... Maybe you can join Joe on the guitar, you look way much better now after... the first night..." the bald guy giggled and the half-demon drummer, Brent joined in. The mentioned human, Joe only blushed and bit his lip to not laugh.

"Sorry about that, though. We are like silly stray puppies the king collected along the way. I promise that we all are harmless," he added and pulled out a chair for Matt next to the table.

"Coffee sounds heavenly..." he said then right away snorted on the irony, but moved to make himself a strong cup then sit down onto the offered chair. "Thanks..." Matt added. He appreciated it since the guys could have been absolute jerks about this new situation, but instead they were welcoming.

That didn't mean though that the black eyes of Matt didn't keep watching and sizing them up while sipping from his coffee. It was still strange for him how mixed this band was. But he guessed it was just one of the many things he'll have to get used to in his new... situation.

Trying to fight the slight coloring of his cheeks and big ears, Matt didn't comment on the looking better part. He knew it was true and also probably everyone here was clear with what he and Corey did in order to look and feel better. Matt just hoped it would last for a while before they'll have to repeat it. Not that he didn't enjoy their fuck, but everything was changing around him fast again and he would need some time to adjust to that.

"How did you know that I play guitar too?" he lightly frowned at Paolo after finishing his coffee. He thought that he was more than careful to stay hidden. Was it possible that the guardian angel spied on him or something? Matt wouldn't be so surprised though as he knew Paolo's kind came with strong and many skills.

"Honey... It is written all over you!" Paolo laughed with a little wink. "I know things. And don't worry really. As I said we are just some strays Corey picked up and helped out. To be totally honest with you I was trying really hard to repay him.... But not all angels are his type as we both know…" he even nudged the side of Matt.

Paolo was a fun, loving and indeed very naughty guy. And wanted to make the best of the new situation with Matt finally around.

The others laughed and Brent added to it too. "Yeah, the king freed me from some human cultists. You see, they summoned my father and made him breed with one of them. And they kept me to show off that their faith was real and such creatures exist. I never knew my kind or lived outside a magic cage. I can say I'm his oldest puppy," Brent laughed. He was kinda short, like Paolo, with a round head and short dark hair and beard, and the tip of his horns were always showing. He never fully learned how to change his look. As if knowing that it was his weakness, he ran his palm through his clipped hair and horns. "He taught me a lot... How to hide my wings and appear more human to blend in. And Paolo just knows things. Only the king can somewhat hide from his senses."

Frankly, Matt was surprised by how Corey seemed to be a quite decent guy. Saving all these "strays" as they called themselves again instead of leaving them in their shitty situation was something Matt was struggling with to imagine. All his life he's been taught that demons are bad and ruthless and would kill him on sight. But now... now the more he was learning about Corey on his own and from these stories, he wasn't that sure about it anymore.

After all, the demon prince has been clearly looking for him for nearly a year and also helped him get better without hesitation. Clearly, Matt had to change his views on at least Corey if not all his kind...

"It was very... kind of him to help you all..." he added, only raising a brow to Paolo's implications. Focusing a bit more on the angel, Matt thought he felt something there, but he wasn't sure just yet.

"I'm sorry about your past, Brent. How about you two..." he looked first at Joe then at Paolo. "How did you two end up here?"

The guitarist got up to fetch a guitar for Matt while shrugging. "I was living an ordinary human life until one day a lower demon decided to wreak havoc in my body when I was on my way home from a party. I had no idea what was happening to me as I had no idea the supernatural world existed. The demon put his hooks in my soul and possessed me, turning me out of myself, so to say..." he said as he sat back and picked up his own guitar, starting to tune it. "The king was the one who separated it from me and sent it back to Hell. I've been sticking around ever since, trying to pay my dept. It wasn't long ago though. I've got here a few months before you, actually," Joe smirked up at Matt.

"Yeah we keep calling him kiddo," Paolo chimed in with his usual giggle too. " He is human, but we forgive that to him, as he keeps learning."

"Yes, and I am grateful for that. You see... while I was possessed and controlled by that demon, I've killed all my friends and family. So have no one really by now just these guys and the mixed world," Joe added. "But he leads a much more interesting life," he nodded his head back to Paolo.

"Yeah... You can say that... My mother fell in love with her human to be guarded. And leaped down for him. Even so, I turned out as I am, and my human father couldn't accept the truth. Or was just a scumbag... Anyway, he left my fallen mother who was blaming all on me. And missed being up there. So she sold me to a demon hooker house to get back her powers. It wasn't that bad as it sounds. With my skills of feeling into people I had an advantage in those situations and had many nicely paying guests. Also a guardian angel's hug sooths the soul, so I was a famous whore," Paolo laughed. "Then greed found me and I owned a net of drug trafficking between the worlds and of course got on the bad side of demon and human dealer clans. I was about to flee. But got followed and shot with silver bullets and collapsed right next to the highway where the king drove by with Brent. The rest is history."

Matt was listening in silence, glimpsing up time after time while tuning the sweet guitar he got from Joe. He had to admit that he did that with fascination as all their stories were intriguing and dark. It also felt good that they opened up this much, but it meant that they probably expected the same from him.

Swallowing hard, he hummed and nodded to the others. "Thanks for sharing your stories. I guess it's my turn now, huh?"

"No pressure, but yeah," Brent chuckled with a playful look in his eyes, the others making agreeing sounds. Matt could even feel how Paolo was trying to take a deeper peek into his closed up self, but his guards were up.

"Very well then..." the half-angel sighed giving in, but there was a small smile in the corner of his cutely shaped lips that got back some of its healthy color. "My mother was human and Japanese. That I know for sure as I was raised by her until I was around ten. She then died from a heart failure one day. I already knew that I wasn't the average human kid and that I had angel blood in me as she tried to prepare me the best she could. That's why I wandered around in alleys of the clubs and places where half-breed angels liked to hang out. I have no idea who my father is, though. But luckily a few half-breeds took me in and raised and trained me as much as they could. I stuck with that group for a long while. Up until last year when they managed to capture Corey. Then I freed him and fell from His graces and been on the run from that group ever since," he shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. He wasn't the kind to complain about his life or situation.

"Oh..." Paolo said with a frown from what he felt from Matt. "You really don't know what you are and why things happen... I'm so sorry…" he patted Matt's back in a consoling manner.

Corey walked in just then, giving a deep look to the guardian. "It's okay that way, Goldie. All is set up for the show. We can use two rooms upstairs, so you prima donnas can wash up and sleep in a bed till nightfall. We are still in hiding," he said walking past them and helping himself to a cup of coffee. As the saying goes… black as some souls...

Brent was on his feet at once and hurried after Corey, talking some songs over with him as the high demon walked back. And rested a soft gaze on Matt's face. In contrast with the closed up and rather cold look on his face.

"Can you read music sheets, Matt? If you’re feeling better and up to it, you can play with us. Brent would like to teach you some songs…"

Matt was about to ask Paolo what he meant about him not knowing what he was when the question died on his tongue. He could already feel Corey getting close and yes, the next second he walked in. Rendering Matt silent not just because of his presence, but because he wanted to watch how the little group acted around the high demon. To see if he felt things right. He believed he will have time to ask his questions later.

Corey was completely different from what he saw from him last night. He was closed up, radiated power and calmness... and also dominance. The complete opposite from what Corey let Matt do to him... That was even more confusing for the newcomer.

Matt noticed how all of them looked at Corey admiringly and with respect. Paolo even more so. Like with... love or something. At least that's what the half-angel felt on his fellow "half-brother".

Turning his attention back to the now softer look on the handsome bearded face, Matt met Corey's searching look. "Yes, I can. I can also sing a bit if needed. Don't want to be a freeloader on your necks. I'd like to help and learn the songs," here he nodded to Brent and Joe gratefully.

"You're no bother to any of us. And we can always use more ideas from creative beings. I'm glad you’d like to play with us. Brent and Joe can tell you about our style and things like that. Brent has been by my side the longest and Joe is the best trained musician. And be careful with Paolo," he raised a warning brow at said bass player who faked that he was offended, and it actually made the rough-looking demon smile a little.

"Okay, ladies. Here are the keys. I go and take a shower and lay down, Brent you've been driving all night also. Please rest enough," he added talking on a low calm and rather nice sounding voice, giving a kind look to the half-demon and looked over them all as he handed them the keys.

He kept his guards up and distance and cool behavior. But was also caring towards his small family of people he cared for. "You will be in my room,” he said to Matt. “Have fun guys. Sound check at 20:00 tonight on stage," and with that he left.

Corey already could feel slight changes in him. Like... how he had to pay more attention to keep his cold surface. And how he was longing even more than before to become the angel spawn's. Frankly, it was much worse than before they found Matt…

But he was also tired, and after washing up and changing to his true self, he laid down as naked and wet as he was on his stomach and hugging the pillow dozed off fast.

"Thank you," Matt nodded when Corey was already on his way out of the room, not sure if he heard him or not, but probably did.

Then it was time for practicing. Matt had no idea that playing again would ground him so much. He also already knew the style of the band after hearing them play on stage the night before. Man, it felt like it's been a lifetime ago...

He also liked how Joe was teaching him the songs. Matt knew his abilities as a guitar player and was sure that in a week or so he'd be able to play with them on stage if they wanted him. They agreed that they would try him out the following day for the singing part to see if he would be a match for Corey's voice.

From the looks Matt got from Paolo, he had a feeling that they would probably fit in that regard too. And speaking of the guardian angel... Once the practice was over and Joe and Brent already left, Matt helped Paolo pack up a bit.

"I see Corey is well-respected and loved by all of you. It's something I didn't expect, to be honest..." he started then after putting his guitar back on its stand with a nice tired tingling in his fingers, he looked up at the bald man. "You seem to love him even more... So... can I ask what's up with that? I just... want to see clearly..." he decided not to beat around the bush but be straightforward with the other half-angel.

Paolo looked at Matt long and gave in with a sigh.

"Yes, I actually do love him, with the meaning of that human ‘romantic love’ term. You see... I want to be honest with you too. He saved me and yes, I kinda fell for him. Tried to get close to him... And even been messing around a bit with him... Never like... actually mated or fucked. But the making out drunk and other things let me feel under his cold surface and I’ve learned he has a bond and was longing for you. And I respect that. I really do even if it hurts a little. After that never even shared a kiss with him, I swear Matt. I wanted to stay under his protection and close to him. So I told him I’ll help to find you. You haven’t been taught how you should be… The king and you are not that much different. Just remember who his father is… Even supernatural genes work strangely," Paolo said and smiled reassuringly at Matt. "Nothing happens without a reason."

Well, that certainly gave Matt more to think about. "Yeah, I agree. And... I guess I'm sorry?" he chuckled a bit although they both knew it wasn't Corey's or Matt's fault that the bond was there. Still, Matt felt a bit bad for causing pain to someone without him even knowing... Well... he was probably doing the same to Corey too with fighting that bond of which he now had hard proof of. He should really start to try and accept it, it seems...

Frankly, Matt couldn't decide how to feel about what was revealed to him about Corey and Paolo messing around. It was... both an intriguing thing to picture – kinda hot too – and it also made him feel a bit... jealous? What the fuck...? He should really make up his mind, right?

"I believe you... That you respected the bond and all... I'm sure it isn't easy with the way you... feel for him..." Matt eyed the short bald guy a bit longer than necessary. "It shows to me that you're noble, so to say," he smiled a bit more relaxed. "Sorry, frankly I'm a mess on the inside with all these new feelings and whatnot..." he blushed a bit. Yeah, he could definitely picture Paolo with Corey. The guardian angel was handsome and had a nice presence.

"Yeah... And your imagination goes to places… Hmm… Nice..." Paolo giggled. "Not to worry, honey. It's all good. Thanks for your kind words. I suggest you go rest a little and maybe talk with the King too. He is just... protective over himself and don't want anyone to sense his powers easily. I go doze off a bit too," he smiled reassuring at Matt and walked out from the dressing room with him to head upstairs to the rooms.

Needless to say, even the tips of his big ears were burning from the blush that was caused being caught on what he was thinking. "Please, don't look into me like that..." he murmured on their way upstairs, trying to ignore the heartfelt laugh he got for that.

And yes, Corey's protectiveness over himself was just as clear as the way he seemed to be in control of the group whenever he was with them. It was something Matt should probably address once he stopped being a coward and actually enters the room and stops just standing in front of the door after saying goodbye to Paolo.


"You're an idiot..." he mumbled to himself and entered the half-lit room as quietly as he could. That resulted in Matt freezing to the spot once he locked the door behind him. Not because of any danger... Okay, maybe there was some danger in it, because the sight was... just hot as fuck...

The completely naked demon was still sleeping on his tummy, exposing a strong line of back with demon wings stretched out on the bed, a mouthwatering ass and strong thighs and Matt also noticed Corey's horns were visible too.

Matt should've been feeling completely different feelings, not... lust which slammed into his guts as if he was punched in the stomach. The slight grumbling huffing somehow making this scene cute too.

I'm so fucked up, Matt thought to himself and forced himself to finally move closer quietly, ignoring how he was growing half-hard and hungry. Instead he tried not to fight that pull for a change as he sat down on the edge of the bed. He couldn't stop himself from running the tips of his bony fingers gently along the soft leather of the wing next to him. It was so warm.

A low purr-like grumble was the reward to Matt for touching the sleeping demon. Corey even smiled and turned his head, still half-asleep and with closed eyes. His smile was showing his fangs even more. The upper ones were peeking out onto the top of his full sensual bottom lip just a tiny bit. His black horns were curved and about two inches long or so...

He kept purring low as he slowly opened his red irises and locked his gaze with the golden glow that started to be visible in Matt's eyes from his power.

"You okay?" Corey asked the angel and the coldness was nowhere in him now that Matt was close and touching him and thinking about... those things...

"You will make me blush…" he added and really, some color flushed his cheeks as he felt Matt admiring him. He caressed his long hair out of his face and stroked along the slim arm. "You're hungry…"

Drinking in the sight with the red glowing eyes and cute fangs and all... Matt could already feel it. A surge of Corey's powers rushed towards him and his hungry being devoured it sucking it inside him as if he didn't eat for months...

And the more those dark energies filled him, the hungrier and hornier he got. No pun intended as he had no horns, but instead his eyes began glowing even more and his wings wanted to appear too.

A variety of pictures flashed in front of Matt's eyes of what he wished to do with Corey, but for now he held back a little bit as his curiosity was just as strong in him.

"I am..." he nodded since denying it would have been futile. "But I have a few questions too... Like... as a Prince of Hell why do they call you 'the king'? The boys I mean... They all adore and love you, you know... It's so different than from what I expected..." he began and licked his suddenly dry lips as that purring got more under his skin than he thought it would. So Matt wasn't even surprised that his hand started stroking up on Corey's strong arm then shoulder, just drinking in the warmth of his skin and his even hotter energy that was running up and down on Matt's arm too.

Corey just smiled wide, showing his lower fangs a bit more with that and kneeled up to stretch his back... Yes, like that… head down, ass up and he moved his wings a little too. After that he moved to sit close to Matt, facing him and just looking into the angel's face with that adoring smile.

"I can't help it... You know that? As much as you feel helpless to the bond and how you feel... it's the same for me too," he said and while he spoke somehow he didn't stop purring... And let Matt's hand roam on him as he wished…

"King is what my father named me. I am his oldest, and more like him," he added and looked Matt in the eye as he should know very well the true stories...

"Holy fucking shit..." Matt mumbled to himself on his deep voice as Corey stretched like that and got closer to him, only making thinking clearly so much harder.

Matt had to touch the naked chest and thick neck as if he was discovering the purring demon opposite him for the first time. Last night was... rushed and about keeping Matt from dying. This now... was something different. As if under a trance, he nodded because what Corey said about the bond affecting him the same way made sense.

As Matt's fingers slid lower to trace the skin on Corey's stomach and sides, he nearly returned that smile as he looked into the hypnotizing red eyes. He used to hate red demon eyes from the bottom of his heart but as many other things, it seemed to be changing too for him.

"I see..." Matt swallowed hard as his hand slid onto a muscular thigh, letting it draw circles up on its inside. He wasn't an expert in Corey's family tree though, as until now it seemed enough for him to know only who his father was and how powerful the being in front of him is.

"They love you... Especially Paolo. Did you know? He confessed to me... But what's been bugging me is how... how different you are with me when they aren't around... With them I can see the demon of your position in you. Leading and protecting them... keeping them in line..." he said as his nails lightly scratched the sensitive skin high on Corey's thigh, close to the hot groin. "But last night... and even now... I can't find that dominance in you... Why is that?"

The purring stopped and it turned into heavy breathing and soft sighs as Matt was teasing Corey. Even if unintentionally... He even had to close his eyes as a delighted shiver ran through his hot body.

"I know he does... The boys all know that, or figured it out. We’ve been... Yeah he tried to seduce me a few times when I was weaker and drunk. He fed me with his powers... As I am able to soak it in and he is very powerful on his own also. He helped me then... and helped me find you when he found out about the bond. Nothing happened between us since that," Corey said low and clearly under the effects of Matt's touches. Not just his adoring hazy red eyes, but his awakening body and very eager cock were jumping for Matt's attention.

"I… I can't hold my guards up when you are close to me. I want to please you and be yours… I would do anything you want from me... I can't help it... It's like... it has to be that way…"

"I believe you too... Told the same to Paolo as well... and... truth be told, I... I want... I can't help it... I want you too... You're intoxicating. Even more with your powers coursing through my being..." Matt confessed barely audible and leaned in to Corey's neck maybe to hide a bit from that blasphemous confession.

As he kissed along the thick neck, inhaling the manly scent of the demon, his slender fingers closed around the hard meat, smearing some pre-cum along it to make the slide easier. Damn, he liked how thick Corey was and he even blushed into his neck remembering how he was riding it the night before. Though now Matt had something else in mind.

Frankly, knowing how much power he already had over a demon of such a position and ancestry blew Matt's mind even more than anything else. He was just a weak half-breed angel, after all. Yet as his hand began pumping the hard meat and he sucked up a mark on the warm neck, he could feel how Corey shook to the core from his attention.

"You want me to... fuck you? Take you as mine then?" Matt asked, although even without that he knew the answer he was going to get. But he wanted to hear Corey say it out loud. No one ever wanted him this much. "Will you let me fuck you and fill you up with my angelic seed?" he asked turned on too and so very hungry by then not just for Corey's energies which he was sucking up like a dry sponge, but for his hot body too.

"Yes... Yes please… Do what you wish with me… Make me yours…" Corey breathed in a trance and more pre-cum oozed onto Matt's long fingers from just the thinking of all that.

He turned his head and with his wing held Matt close to him as an encouragement to bite his neck harder. He could feel the wild fantasies the angel had in his mind, and in the demon's there was one that started to overwrite everything else… And that was to have Matt suck on his dark blood and make him belong to him.

"Please, feed on me…" he whined as his own hands hesitantly reached to touch the cooler pale skin and hoped it was allowed.

The urging need Matt felt from Corey was messing him up and tempting him so damn much he could barely form a coherent thought by then. But that feeling and sinful picture that flashed in front of his closed eyes of him feeding on the demon blood made his own hard cock throb under his jeans.

There would probably be consequences and Matt didn't know what kind, but the day before he was ready to die and now everything was just even more messed up... Maybe he should just give in...

As he felt Corey's warm hands touch him, he groaned into the tasty neck and bit harder. He didn't have fangs like Corey did, but knew how to break someone's skin and that's exactly what he did, drawing that sweet, sweet dark blood. It was nearly black as some ran down on Corey's neck, but Matt didn't care just held the other side of the thick neck to keep the demon in place. He groaned as the rich taste flooded his mouth until he had to swallow. It was like drinking liquid fire, blurring the world around him. All Matt could feel and think of was Corey... and how he was taking him as his.

Corey felt like melting from the sensation of Matt breaking his skin and sucking on his blood. His body got so overwhelmed by the fact that it was finally happening that long jets of his thick seeds squirted onto the boney fingers. The cry shaking his body was low and grumbling and the demon felt such bliss he could never imagine before. He was sure most of that was felt by Matt as well as they were connected more than ever before by the dark blood.

Panting loud, Corey laid back, still hugging the hungry angel to him and opening his strong legs wide for his pair.

Corey coming was a bit unexpected for Matt, although he could clearly feel how overwhelmed he got from the bite so he wasn't that surprised about it in the end. As Matt was basking in and eating up those amazing feelings along with the demon's energies and feeding on his blood, he felt like a drug addict getting his long awaited fix.

He stopped thinking and worrying and was just enjoying this all. He could feel both the dark energies and blood coursing through his being and veins, changing him even more than he already was, but for now Matt didn't mind.

He simply rolled along with Corey, getting on top of him while smearing his cum along the pulsing shaft and sucked on the neck harder a few more times.

Then he finally let the wound go just to look down at the blissed out demon's face. Corey managed to fan that hungry fire in him even more and Matt had to lean down overwhelmed by the power they had over each other and stole an all teeth and tongue bloody kiss.

After that before Corey could comprehend what was happening to him, the angel got rid of his clothes and was already licking the sensitive cock clean before moving onto Corey's balls.

"By the time I'm finished with you here..." Matt licked the exposed opening "you're gonna be hard again and begging for it," he said, half-ordering the other man and half-stating it. Then he began his quest of rimming and opening up Corey with his tongue and cum-covered fingers.

It was an order. Loud and clear and even if Matt didn't realize that yet, it rang in Corey's blissed out brain loud.

He was at the mercy of the angel, and as the soft tongue started to work on him, the winged back arched from the bed and his whining returned again as the new longing fire started to burn him. He wanted Matt to take his body and make them one. And for a reason the wild demon nature was totally gone from his every pore. As if he existed only to serve Matt and feed him…

Matt knew he was getting impatient fast both from waiting for so long and from the needy hunger he felt from Corey stronger with every second. That fire was something they shared too, but in Matt's case he longed to give Corey what he needed so badly. To please Matt and feed him with his whole being.

And soon Matt found himself climbing back on top of the submissive demon, panting amazed by how he looked and felt for the angel and he rammed in with one long thrust, groaning loud from the hot tightness that enveloped his aching and by then very slick long cock. He paused only for a couple of seconds before he had to move to ease that fire that made his body sweaty and burning to become one with his pair.

"Let me hear it..." he fisted his hands in the damp long hair at the back of Corey's head and he slowly licked one of the black horns, waiting, the sharp and slow stabs of his hips emphasizing his order.

It was a huge thing to ask from Corey considering he lost his speech and even the air from his lungs and was only able to groan and whine. His strong legs and wings wrapped around the lean figure and he moved with him by instinct.

"Please... Please... My warrior angel... Take what you want from me... I'm begging you... Please…" he moaned and mumbled once the order cleared up his mind enough to obey. He kept begging over and over, only a few growls or short cries cut into his speech.

Finding the perfect angle, Matt let Corey meet his thrusts and soaked in the begging just as much as everything else. Those pleas were playing on his heartstrings more than Matt expected and he found himself unable to deny what Corey wanted so much.

Pulling his head back enough to be able to look down with his brightly glowing eyes at the sweaty face, he sped up, making his thrusts faster and harder, the muscles under his pale skin jumping from the effort to fuck Corey through the mattress, his fingers pulling on his long hair and Matt's balls slapping against that amazing ass.

Then nothing else was left just sucking even the breath out from between the plump lips as Matt kissed Corey, his dark angel wings spreading over Corey's leather ones as Matt was greedily taking everything that was offered to him.

And Corey let him take everything. His own will was long gone and his soul found the ultimate euphoria in letting the angel warrior feed on his very being. Sucking him dry in all meaning. And it strangely melted the dark soul of the demon prince.

From all that he was feeling, he slightly opened his eyes and saw the gorgeous dark feathers around him. He felt the permission to come again when he needed to take his angel with him and finally get filled up with Matt's seeds.

It only took a few more synchronized moves and the being from Hell roared and whined with his body cramping and pulling Matt even deeper inside his flaming up fire. Dragging his pair deep into the endless bliss of their orgasm.

It was nothing like anything Matt has ever felt before. Corey was burning him up with his Hell Fire and whole being and he let himself be pulled down even deeper into their shared ecstasy as he got filled with the demon's energies to the tip of his last feather too. Crying out loud he felt Corey messing up their tummies as his ass was squeezing out every single drop of his angelic seed which he shot deep into the fallen apart creature under him.

It was... literally out of this world as they got closer than ever and Matt let himself get lost in the wonderful feelings without regret. Until they were just kissing and panting for air in turns.


Corey found himself slowly. Very, very slowly. And when he was starting to be able to form thoughts again, he could feel it just how much Matt truly sucked him dry… He felt exhausted and weak, but so, so... happy and whole at the same time.

The kisses slowly ebbed down as they could breathe normal again. And Corey opened his dark brown eyes, which already had some dark circles under them, and looked at Matt with... love. Just watching how much the angel breed changed for the better. He looked and felt strong, his feathers shiny and black again... The sight and feeling made Corey even more pleased. And he hugged Matt close, nuzzling his horned forehead to the warmer body, purring.

It took a minute or two for Matt to notice the changes in Corey as it was hard for Matt too to come down from his high. Caressing the damp hair, he let the purring demon nuzzle his head to him. The changes confused Matt even more. He felt amazing. Filled to the brim with the demon power and Corey's really fucking strong blood, which made Matt feel like being drunk on it.

It was difficult for him to form coherent thoughts and connect the dots, but after he slid out of the buff body and he took Corey's face into his hands, he felt how much cooler his skin got and not just on his face but his whole body that was still touching Matt's all the way.

The red glowing was gone from Corey's brown eyes and he noticed the dark circles too. It was clear that he did that to him... Even if he felt Corey pleased and happy about it all... it left a sinking cold feeling in the pit of Matt's stomach.

"I'm sorry... I clean us up and we can rest together until we have to get ready for sound check..." he said quietly and a bit hoarse from all the moaning. He pressed a gentle kiss against the plump lips and quickly wiped them off with some wet wipes before lying down and pulling Corey closer to him and the cover over their naked bodies.

He felt awful.

Next chapter

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